thermal balance

[ˈθɚməl ˈbæləns][ˈθə:məl ˈbæləns]


  • Study on Coal Combustion Characteristics with Thermal Balance

    陕西主要动力煤种燃烧特性的 天平研究

  • Several kinds of sulfur fixation agent of briquette have been studied by TG & 151 thermal balance .

    利用TG&151 天平对不同类型的型煤固硫剂进行了研究。

  • The model of combustion fraction for dense phase in circulating fluidized bed combustor has been built up based on thermal balance gas analysis and total gas amount .

    建立了基于 平衡法、烟气分析法和烟气量法的循环流化床锅炉燃烧室密相区燃烧份额计算数学模型,并分析比较了各种模型的特点。

  • Then the optimal operating current formula is derived by considering the thermal balance of EAF and the influence of operating reactance .

    最后,从炼钢电弧炉的 平衡出发,综合考虑运行电抗的影响,推导出了更具一般性的最佳工作电流表达式。

  • Design of Data Acquisition System for Thermal Balance Test of Space Cameras

    空间相机 平衡试验数据采集系统设计

  • Research for Thermal Balance on Swing Type Gear Transmission Box of Electrical Haulage Shearer

    电牵引采煤机摆动式齿轮传动箱 平衡研究

  • According to thermal balance test energy and exergy analysis has been conducted to investigate the thermodynamic characteristics of iron ore pellets induration in grate-kiln-cooler plant .

    在对铁矿氧化球团链-回-环系统做 平衡测试的基础上,对其进行了能和的分析。

  • Based on theory of hydrodynamic lubrication and principle of thermal balance a theoretical model was set up in the paper for tire friction on icing road with fully melting contact patch .

    依据流体动力润渐理论和 平衡原理,提出了接地面全熔化条件下冰面轮胎摩擦力的预测模型。

  • Thermal balance of hydraulic system of a 50 type wheel loader

    50型轮式装载机液压系统的 平衡

  • A mathematic model for the influence of extraction steam pressure loss on thermal economy of the unit was established based on the matrix thermal balance equation of the thermodynamic system .

    基于 热力系统 结构矩阵,通过严密的数学推导,给出了定流量条件下抽汽压损对机组热经济性影响的计算模型。

  • Problems and Solutions for Thermal Balance of Vertical Ground Heat Exchanger in Ground Source Heat Pump

    地源热泵竖直地埋管换热器的 平衡问题及解决方案

  • Calculating method to reasonably solve the thermal balance of the pile-main thermal system can also be found ;

    找到了一种合理解决母管制热力系统 平衡的计算方法;

  • Thermal balance and finite element analysis of temperature field for hot runner plate

    热流道板的 平衡及温度场的有限元分析

  • The thermal balance and thermal efficiency of domestic gas water heater are analyzed .

    对家用燃气热水器的 平衡及热效率进行分析。

  • The Research of Combustion Characteristic of Natural Gas under Normal Temperature Air Flameless Combustion Study on the Relation between Combustion of Coal in the Fluidized Bed and Combustion Kinetics of Coal in the Thermal Balance

    天然气在无焰燃烧下的燃烧化学反应特性分析煤炭流化床燃烧与 天平燃烧动力学关系研究

  • In order to improve the thermal balance of molds conformal cooling technology is developed .

    为了改善模具 平衡问题,便产生了异型水路这项技术。

  • The effect of thermal balance on keyhole formation is preliminarily researched .

    初步展示了 平衡条件在小孔形成过程中的作用。

  • The Simulation Method for Heat Flux in the Thermal Balance Test of Space Suit

    舱外航天服 平衡试验的外热流模拟方法

  • Application and Study on Optimal Control of Air-fuel Ratio Based on Furnace Thermal Balance

    基于加热炉 平衡的空燃比优化控制研究与应用

  • This article analyzed the domestic flat glass industry energy management describes glass furnace thermal balance test and analyzes the test results .

    该文浅析了我国平板玻璃工业能源管理,概述了玻璃熔窑的 平衡测试,并对测试结果作了解析。

  • The model of combustion chamber is established on the basis of material balance thermal balance and pressure balance .

    燃烧室的数学模型根据燃烧室内的物质平衡、 平衡和压力平衡来建立。

  • Study and Application of Thermal Balance Problem on Ground-source Heat Pump

    地源热泵 平衡问题的研究及工程应用

  • Study on the Relation between Combustion of Coal in the Fluidized Bed and Combustion Kinetics of Coal in the Thermal Balance

    煤泥浆流化床燃烧的沸腾层燃烧份额煤炭流化床燃烧与 天平燃烧动力学关系研究

  • Discussion on the influence of boiler heat loss on the boiler thermal balance efficiency

    锅炉各种热损失对 锅炉效率的影响程度分析

  • Thermal balance test and energy saving measures research for bottom blown furnace of SKS

    SKS炼铅底吹炉 平衡测试与节能措施研究

  • In a thermal balance reactor the process of carbon nanofibers growth was investigated .


  • Based on the practice the concept and methods logy of selecting the regimes for thermal balance blasting slag-making and charging are given .

    在实践总结的基础上,给出强化后高炉 制度、送风制度、 造渣制度和装料制度的选择理念与方法。

  • Thermal balance of molds has always been the priority consideration of plastic injection molding because it is involved with melt flow shrinkage cycle time and surface quality .

    模具 平衡问题一直以来是塑料射出成型的一项重点考虑因素,因为其牵涉到熔胶的流动性、收缩率、冷却周期和产品表面质量。

  • Several groups of thermal balance equations for a helicopter gear transmission system are built up by thermal network method .

    以某直升机齿轮传动系统为研究对象,用热网络法建立了该传动系统的 平衡方程组;

  • The entropy of the non-stationary and slowly changing spherically symmetric Schwarzschild space-time is calculated under local thermal balance .

    研究了在视界附近局部 平衡下缓变动态球对称时空的熵。