


  • The Calculation of Oxygen Flux During the Study of Pulverized Coal Combustion Characteristics with the Help of a Thermobalance

    采用 天平研究煤粉燃烧特性时氧通量的计算

  • Mass transfer phenomena during coal char gasification reaction in thermobalance setup

    传质对 天平 坩埚内煤焦气化反应的影响

  • Bacing on the thermobalance principle and against the wide used monocanal and up-right regenerator the author has built up a mathematical mould of temperature field within regenerator .

    作者根据 平衡原理针对广泛使用的立式单通道蓄热室建立了蓄热室内温度场的数学模型。

  • Thermobalance was employed to study the drying characteristic and desulfurization of Ca ( OH ) _2 slurry at low temperature ( 80 ° C ) .

    采用 天平研究了低温(80°C)条件下Ca(OH)2浆液在一定水钙 质量 、SO2浓度范围内的脱硫特性及干燥特性。

  • The Development of Thermobalance


  • The effect of coal property preparation temperature of coal char and gasification temperature on the reaction of coal char with CO_2 and water vapour is analyzed by the study of gasification reaction kinetics of coal char samples on the thermobalance unit .


  • An Improvement of the DTA-Part of Model 4.1 Precision Differential Thermobalance

    4-1型示差精密 天平部分的改进

  • 3rd Link to the special details of kiln stove burning we ascertained the mixes project of mixing the mixed coal burning in cement kiln stove and analysised the mixed coal combustion characteristic through the thermobalance .

    结合窑炉燃烧的具体情况,确定了混煤在水泥窑炉燃烧中的掺混方案,并对混煤的燃烧特性,通过 天平 做出分析

  • The denitrification reaction of iron-loaded polyacrylonitrile ( PAN ) has been studied by using a thermobalance .

    应用 天平研究了载铁聚丙烯腈(PAN)的脱氮碳化行为。

  • In this paper some factors influencing bark pyrolysis properties are analyzed with thermobalance which included temperature heating rate sample layer thickness and sample particle diameter . The correlation of terminal volatile yield is obtained .

    采用 天平分析了热解温度、升温速率、试样层厚度和试样粒径对树皮热解特性的影响,得到树皮生物质的最终挥发分产量计算公式。

  • Experimental Investigation of Oil Shale Combustion Characteristics by the Use of a Thermobalance

    油页岩燃烧特性的 天平试验研究

  • The establishment of the pure coal ignition temperature index under the condition of thermobalance

    单煤 天平着火温度指数的建立

  • Study of the thermal decomposition reaction of ammonium uranyl tricarbonate with thermobalance

    利用 天平研究 三碳酸铀酰铵的热分解反应

  • The thermogravimetric characteristics of typical hazardous wastes were studied using thermobalance .

    首先对典型危险废物进行了热重特性的试验研究,分析典型危险废物在升温过程中的基本失重变化规律,以及其各试验 参数 升温 速率和热解气氛对 热解特性的 影响

  • The thermogravimetric characteristics of Shenmu coal and its macerals were systematically investigated using TG-151 thermobalance and the evolved pyrolysis gases were on-line analyzed using mass spectroscopy .

    TG-151 天平上考察了神木煤显微组分的热重特性,并用质谱对热解气体进行了在线检测分析。

  • It has been found that there are some factors which seriously affect the measurement accuracy of the thermobalance .

    本文发现在 以上 动态研究中,有几种效应严重地影响 天平的测量准确性,并 提出了进行 校正 计算方法。

  • Reaction Kinetics of gasification of char in carbon dioxide at atmospheric pressure was investigated in a thermobalance reactor using six kinds of Chinese char .

    本文应用 动态 重法研究几种中国煤焦在常压下与二氧化碳的 气化反应动力学。

  • In this paper the fundamental principle and specification of thermobalance are introduced and the problems dealing with the stability of WRT-1 balance are explained in detail .

    本文介绍了 WRT&1型微量 天平的工作原理和指标,重点讨论了天平的稳定性问题。

  • The mercury-releasing behavior of Ti-Hg ang Zr-Al one-side coated strip has been measured by weight-loss method in the quartz spring thermobalance and its phase structure has been examined by X-ray diffractometry before and after mercury-releasing test .

    用失重法在石英弹簧 天秤装置上测定钛汞锆铝复合单面压结带的释汞性能,并用X光衍射仪对释汞前后的钛汞锆铝复合单面压结带的相结构进行分析。

  • The reaction kinetics and gas components as well as the effect of inorganic salts or coal mineral on them in the coal char gasification process with H2O / CO2 mixture have been investigated by means of the thermobalance and the small scale fixed bed reactor .


  • By the use of a thermobalance sedimentation furnace and a one-dimensional combustion boiler the combustion characteristics of mixed coal were determined .

    采用 天平、沉降炉和一维燃烧炉对混煤的燃烧特性进行了测定。

  • Based on the Model 4.1 Precision differential thermobalance a micro - differential thermal analytical device was equipped by substituting a plate type thermocouple for the original junction Model .

    用平板式热电偶代替 点状热电偶,在4.1型示差精密 天平上安装了一个微量差热装置,与原仪器的 温控仪,差 放大器记录器 组成微量差热仪。

  • The kinetics curves of hot corrosion were obtained by using a thermobalance . Corrosion products were examined with metallography SEM electronic microprobe X-rays diffraction and ~ ( 36 ) S tracer .

    天平 测量了热腐蚀动力学曲线,用金相、SEM、电子探针、X射线衍射和~(3δ)S示踪法观察和分析了腐蚀产物。

  • Study on oxidation characteristics of steels under high temperature by differential thermobalance

    利用差 天平研究钢在高温下的氧化特性

  • The anti-oxidizing properties of low alloy gray irons ( contains a little amount of Ti and Re ) and vermicular cast irons at temperatures of 600 and 700 ℃ are studied with the electrically-heated annealing orons furnace and a simple thermobalance .

    本文利用箱式电炉及简易 天平研究了低合金灰铸铁(添加少量钛和稀土)和蠕墨铸铁在600℃、700℃时的抗氧化性能。

  • The char partial gasification and combustion is studied on the thermobalance .


  • Fast pyrolysis and combustion properties of RDF ( Refuse derived fuel ) in thermobalance and tubular furnace at isothermal condition were investigated .

    利用 天平和管式炉对RDF(RefuseDerivedFuel)等温快速热解和燃烧反应特性进行了研究。

  • Study on Humidification and Desulfurization of High-CaO Coal Ash with A Thermobalance

    高钙煤灰增湿脱硫的 天平模拟实验