thermal switch

[ˈθɚməl swɪtʃ][ˈθə:məl switʃ]


  • Therefore spin crossover complexes are an ideal molecular system in which a single molecule or molecular aggregation acts as an element of thermal switch optical switch or information memory .

    因此,自旋交叉配合物是开发新型的 开关、光开关和信息存储元件材料的理想分子体系。

  • Enhance the connecting and breaking capability and fine moving and thermal stability suitable for frequent operation It is the new generation instead of FB-6 HV load switch .

    提高了接通和分断能力,动 稳定性好,适于频繁操作,是FB-6高压负荷 开关的更新换代产品。

  • To solve the problem of well fluid overflow in heavy oil thermal recovery wells a novel downhole switch valve is developed .

    针对稠油注 采井中,压井液、洗井液进入地层使井下温度降低,造成 抽后开井困难;

  • The high temperature solid-liquid phase change thermal energy storage container can combine with alkali metal thermal-electricity direct switch technology and form regenerative alkali metal thermal-electricity direct switch device it can be used in the diving device under water and serves as motive force source on the spacecraft .

    高温固液相变 蓄热器可以与碱金属热电直接 转换技术相结合构成蓄热式热电直接转换装置,它可用于水下潜器和航天器上作为动力源使用。

  • IMPROVEMENT OF THE PROTECTIVE MODE OF PLANT BUS AND PLANT TRANSFORMER FOR SMALL THERMAL POWER PLANT Application auto-reclosing switch based on the non-valtage bus to the electricity transmission network

    检母线无压重 合闸方式在小电源并网通道上的应用

  • Thermal runaway of the GaAs photoconductive switch

    GaAs光导 开关 击穿实验研究

  • In order to achieve the ratio of air-fuel burner calculation mixed burning thermal switch the article introduces the concept of the standard fuel quantity .

    为了实现燃油燃气燃烧器的配比计算、掺烧、 切换,文章引入标准燃料量的概念。

  • Development of the thermal superconducting switch and Research on its closing process

    超导 开关的研制及其闭环过程的研究

  • The principle and application of the thermal diffusion liquid level switch in water disposal system are introduced ; moreover its virtues are analyzed .

    介绍了水处理系统中 扩散式液位 开关的原理及应用,分析了热扩散式液位 开关的优点。

  • A microprocessor-based thermal expansion displacement controller is building using laser sensor and periphery circuit and using screen circuit for switch current-constant and thermal expansion displacement control rule each other .

    利用激光位移传感器及其外围电路,建立了 膨胀的微机点焊控制系统,并使用屏蔽电路实现恒流控制与热膨胀控制的相互 切换

  • It should satisfy dynamic stability thermal stability switched-current and switch up-down selectivity in a short circuit while selecting the pumping station using electricity system equipments .

    选用站用电系统设备时应满足短路时的动、 稳定,开断电流, 开关上、下级的选择性等要求。

  • Coupled meander lines and thermal driven lateral MEMS switch were designed based on the analysis of composite left / right handed transmission line ( CRLH TL ) structure and Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems ( MEMS ) technology .

    在分析左右手复合传输线结构特性和微机电系统(Micro-Electro-MechanicalSystems,MEMS)技术基础上,设计分析了耦合蛇形线结构和横向 驱动MEMS 开关

  • Thermal time delay switch Generic specification of

    GB/T14280-1993 时间延迟 开关总规范

  • While as a laser medium has excellent characteristics of high thermal conductivity larger emission cross-section and higher absorption coefficient moderate upper state lifetime and polarized laser output Nd : GdVO_4 crystals are more suitable for Q switch laser with high repetition rate and peak power output .

    而Nd:GdVO4晶体具有 高热导率、大的发射截面和吸收截面、适中的寿命和偏振激光输出等优点,更适合作为高重频、高峰值功率 DPSSL的激光介质。

  • Copper and copper alloy because of excellent electric and thermal conductivity are widely applied in electronic seal material silicon chip substrate electrical pick-off contact support and contact materials contact switch electrode material used in welding and so on .

    铜及铜合金由于其优良的导电 导热性广泛应用于电子封装材料、硅芯片衬底、.电接触器触头支撑体和触头材料、触头 开关、电焊用电极材料等领域。

  • The development of a cryogenic gas-gap type thermal switch

    低温气隙式 开关的研制

  • In this paper we summarize the method of thermal design and life expectancy for the high power PIN diode switch make the computation program to realize the optimization design thermal design and life expectancy all together .

    本文总结了对PIN二极管 开关进行 设计和寿命估计的方法,编写软件使 开关的热设计、寿命设计与优化设计结合在一起。

  • Study of All-Light Thermal Imaging Chip and System Based on MEMS Technology MEMS switch of AON

    基于MEMS技术的全光 成像芯片与系统的研制全光网络中的MEMS光 开关

  • In this paper the fundamental of the working process of a cryogenic gas-gap type thermal switch its construction principle and the method to design it arc in-traduced .

    本文介绍了一种新型的低温气隙式 开关的工作原理、结构和设计方法。

  • Do not forget to link up the phase indicator ( undercurrent relay ) and maximum relay when allocate the power switch . Inside is installed AC contactor thermal replay self-settable conversion switch .

    风机安置电源开关时,必须安置电源缺相保护或热继电器。内装交流接触器、 继电器、自复位万能转换 开关或按钮等。

  • Influences of thermal load rotary inertia and nonlinear deformation on wave propagation in piezoelectric laminated cylindrical shells multi-layer switch

    波在考虑 载荷和转动惯量效应的非线性大变形多层压电层合壳内的传播研究多层 交换技术