three-stage network

[计] 三级网络

  • Three-stage model helps small businesses make better use of internet marketing and we apply this model for a real small business analyze its network marketing tactic and present a total solution for its online marketing tactic .

    阶段模型有助于小型企业更好的运用网络营销工具。我们采用此模型针对现实中一个小型企业 网络营销案例进行分析,针对其情况提出了一个网络营销解决方案。

  • The first section introduces the multirate model in detail while the second section presents some known results about three-stage Clos network .

    本章第一节详细介绍了多速模型,第二节则主要介绍 Clos 网络在多速模型下的一些已知结果。

  • In the third section of this chapter we investigate the wide-sense nonblocking property of three-stage Clos network in two most simple multirate multicast model : 1-rate multicast and 2-rate multicast environment .

    本章第三节研究 Clos 网络在两种最简单的多速多点传送模型,即一速多点传送和两速多点传送模型下的广义不阻塞性质。

  • The three-stage selective leakage protection system for mine low voltage electrical network

    矿井低压 电网 选择性漏电保护系统

  • The project designs three-stage program structure including speech feature extraction network training and network recognition then designs structures of dual-core program and DSP task for each part .

    设计了特征提取、 网络训练、网络识别 的识别程序结构,对每一部分都给出了双核程序及DSP任务的设计框架。

  • Simulation results indicate that the interconnecting three-stage MG-OXC outperforms the serial three-stage architecture in terms of blocking performance for dynamic requests due to its integrity and flexibility which translates into the lower network cost .

    仿真结果表明:对于动态到达的业务请求,和串联型 MG-OXC相比,互联型MG-OXC结构上的完整性和灵活性帮助它取得了较好的阻塞性能,从而大大降低了整个 网络的实现成本。

  • The new topology 9 w_297 for the three-stage GaAs FET amplifier based on matching network synthesis theory and computer optimized network element values are presented .

    文中给出基于匹配 网络综合理论分析得到的 GaAsFET放大器新的拓扑类型及网络元件的计算机优化值。

  • Three-Stage Method for Airline Network Design

    航空公司航线 网络设计的一种 阶段方法