



  • Move with a thrashing motion .

    随着 鞭打的动作移动。

  • When a group of us caught the man who had been peeping into our bedroom windows we took the law into our own hands and gave him a good thrashing .

    当我们一群人抓到了朝我们卧室窗口偷看的那个人时,我们把他 自治罪,狠揍了一

  • I just can 't stand thrashing through these weeds to get to the clothesline .

    到凉衣绳那儿 还要从乱草中走来走去,那么 费事,简直让人受不了。

  • If there is a lot of paging and thrashing going on you will find it here .

    可以通过它发现是否存在许多分页活动以及 是否发生了 抖动

  • As I sat down on that hot and humid evening there seemed to be no solutions to the problems thrashing around in my brain .

    当我在那个炎热潮湿的夜晚里坐下来,似乎在我 脑里 出现的问题似乎没有了解决办法。

  • The Mattel boss was hauled before a Senate committee last week for the customary public thrashing .

    美泰这位老板上周被拉到一个参议院委员会面前,依照惯例 接受公开 指责

  • Give him a good thrashing and he won 't do it again .

    好好打他一 ,他就不会再于了。

  • A stroke that keeps the head above water by thrashing the legs and arms .

    一种利用胳膊和腿 拍打水面保持头 上面的方式。

  • Jimmy collapsed on the floor thrashing his legs about like an injured racehorse .

    吉米瘫倒在地板上,像匹受伤的赛马一样拼命 踢蹬着双腿。

  • It spent most of its time waiting for the swap disk thrashing like Emacs on a VAX .

    大多数时间都花在等待交换磁盘上,就像VAX上的 Emacs一样。

  • This is not good and you should do everything you can to prevent swapping from occurring which can cause another condition called thrashing ( I 'll get into this more later ) .

    出现这样的情况并不是很好,您应该尽量防止交换的发生,交换可能会导致另一种称为 颠簸的情况(稍后将介绍这个内容)发生。

  • Mike was thrashing about in bed with a high fever .

    迈克发高烧,在床上 翻来覆去 安稳

  • Stop thrashing the donkey you cruel boy .

    不要 鞭打那头驴,你这个残忍的孩子。

  • Hey pig have you forgotten last time 's thrashing ?

    嗨,猪头,你忘了上次的 打架吗?

  • In tuning vmo parameters you can help set the thresholds when thrashing starts .

    在优化vmo参数的过程中,您可以帮助设置 颠簸开始时的阈值。

  • Her lawyers have been ruthless in thrashing out a divorce settlement

    她的律师在 讨论离婚协议的 过程 表现得非常坚决。

  • If Sarah caught her she would get a thrashing .

    萨拉要是捉住她,会狠狠 她一 的。

  • Even a good thrashing of the scoundrel will not assuage our anger .

    这坏蛋打他一 也不 解恨

  • When this occurs it usually signifies that thrashing is going on in your system .

    当出现这种情况时,通常表示系统中发生了 颠簸 现象

  • Can the New Zealand bowlers fight back after their thrashing at Christchurch ?

    在克赖斯特彻奇遭遇 惨败后,新西兰的投球手们还有还手之力吗?

  • It is quite straightforward in concept but there are several issues to watch for when implementing and using one such as deadlock resource thrashing and the complexities of wait () and notify () .

    它在概念上十分简单,但在实现和使用一个 时,却需要注意几个问题,例如死锁、资源 不足和wait()及notify()的复杂性。

  • Before thrashing machines farmers thrashed their wheat by hand .

    在有 脱粒机之前,农民用手 打麦脱粒。

  • They are thrashing out a new economic policy .

    他们正在 研究制定一个新的经济政策。

  • Thrashing to break free he was jabbed savagely with sharp sticks .

    他拼命 挣扎着要 脱身时,有人用尖利的木棒凶狠地戳他。

  • Wolfsburg spark the club 's first championship celebrations with a final-day thrashing of Werder Bremen .

    图为沃尔夫斯堡在决战日 大胜不来梅后疯狂庆祝其俱乐部史上的第一个冠军。

  • The farmer nearly caught me . I was given a thrashing .


  • A heavy thrashing was bad enough without Ronaldo rubbing their noses in it .

    即便没有罗纳尔多对着鼻子 的一 这一 也够糟糕的了。

  • Otherwise if one wants to see David thrashing Goliath one has to take refuge in reality television .

    如果有人想看到大卫 大败歌利亚的故事,那就只能到真人秀节目中寻求慰藉了。

  • How else can you explain Nixon 's thrashing of George McGovern say ?

    要不,你怎么解释尼克松 当年对乔治。麦戈文的诽谤之辞呢?

  • When I began bolting my food and thrashing in my bed at night Lucile tried to calm me .

    当我开始狼吞虎咽地赶着吃东西并且 床上辗转睡不着的时候,露西尔设法使我平静下来。