thin market

[θɪn ˈmɑrkɪt][θin ˈmɑ:kit]


  • This section describes several types of thin clients on the market today .

    本小节将介绍目前 市场上出现的几种类型的 客户机。

  • The move was attributed in part to thin trading but dealers warned that fears about Greece 's ability to borrow risked becoming self-fulfilling should the market volatility continue .

    这一波动部分原因在于市场交投 清淡,但交易员警告说,如果 市场波动继续下去,对希腊借款能力的担忧可能会自行应验。

  • While the green shoots may be thin on the ground in developed markets the recovery in emerging market economies especially the Brics is more readily visible says Julian Thompson head of global emerging market equities at Threadneedle .

    Threadneedle全球新兴市场股市主管 朱利安汤普森(JulianThompson)表示:发达市场的复苏萌芽可能寥寥无几,而新兴 市场经济体(尤其是金砖四国)的复苏则更容易让人觉察到。

  • But that rug has been pulled out says Win Thin global head of emerging market currency strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman . I 'm pretty nervous for emerging markets this year .

    但是,这些好处都消失了,布朗兄弟 哈尔曼公司的新兴 市场货币策略总裁温胜说,我非常担忧新兴市场的今年。

  • The Yanbian area traveling industry background thin the beginning is low in addition in recent years the market demand situation change and market competition intensifying caused its development traveling industry the lag to highlight day by day .

    延边地区旅游产业底子 、起点低,加上近年来 市场需求形势的变化和市场竞争的加剧,使其发展旅游产业的滞后性日益凸显。

  • A further look is given at the size and make-up of the market for thin film thermoset decorative powder coatings emphasizing growth and applications in the North American market .

    又进而观察了涂复装饰性 薄膜的热固性粉料市场的规模与构成,着重分析了北美 市场的增长与应用;

  • In the past decade organic thin film transistor has become a focus because of broad market prospect and high application potential .

    有机 薄膜晶体管具有广阔的应用领域和 市场前景,近年来已经成为一个热点的研究问题。

  • HIT ( Heterojunction with Intrinsic Thin Layer ) solar cell has advantages of high efficiency stability and low costs . It combines low-temperature deposition process of amorphous silicon films with high mobility of crystal silicon and quickly seizes the international PV market .

    HIT(HeterojunctionwithIntrinsic ThinLayer)太阳电池具有高效、稳定和低价等优点,它结合了非晶硅薄膜的低温沉积工艺和晶体硅的高迁移率优势,迅速抢占了国际光伏 市场

  • While the very thin interbank market slows down the rate at which domestic and foreign financial institutions can short the Latvian currency and put pressure on the central bank reserves the country is bleeding forex reserves at an alarming rate .

    尽管由于银行间 市场交投极为 清淡,国内外金融机构放慢了做空拉特、并对该国央行储备施加压力的速度,但拉脱维亚的外汇储备仍以惊人的速度流失。

  • Small vehicles produce relatively thin margins making it hard to make money in Europe 's high-cost labor market .

    小轿车的利润率相对较 ,使其在欧洲高成本的劳动力 市场上难以赢利。

  • Amorphous silicon thin film solar cells get big promotion in the market because of its ' high light absorption and can be depositing on the cheap or flexible substrate in large scale in the low temperature to decrease the cost greatly .

    非晶硅 薄膜电池由于其高的光吸收系数,低温,能够在廉价衬底或柔性衬底上大面积的沉积,极大地降低了成本,因而得到了较大的 推广

  • Another reason for thin liquidity is that the supply of Renminbi in the offshore market is limited .

    点心债券流动性不强的另一个原因在于离岸 市场上人民币的供给量有限。

  • She says non-traditional Oreo shapes long and thin or rectangular wafers are only a small percentage of the China market with the bulk still taken by round Oreos .

    戴乐娜表示,在奥利奥的中国 销售额中,非传统的 细长条或长方形威化饼干只占了很小的比例,圆形奥利奥仍然占了绝大部分。

  • At present China needs perfect its neutral notary system . Five liquidity risk is the greatest risk of secondary market of credit asset-backed securities thin trading led to a lack of market efficiency .

    目前中国在建立簿记建档发行方式需要完善中立的公证人制度。5、信贷资产支持证券二级市场最大风险是流动性风险, 稀薄交易导致 市场缺乏效率。

  • Develop ultra thin product varieties to replace cold rolled products by hot rolled one and create new market for these hot rolled coils ;

    开发以热代冷的 超薄板品种,开拓热轧钢卷的 新市场

  • Presently with a low interest rate and a very thin transaction volume in the securities market many investors are looking for other investment opportunities .

    现时存款利率偏低, 股市交投 淡静,很多投资者都希望寻求其他的投资机会。

  • This paper describes that our sinicized thin wall seamless steel tubes has entered into the market which has remarkable advantages but exists the pressing questions to be solved such as high price different connecting manner .

    我国 薄壁不锈钢管已经进入 市场导入期, 薄壁不锈钢管的优势十分明显,但 薄壁不锈钢管也存在亟待解决的问题,比如价格 高,连接方式不统一等,本文对此进行了充分的论述。

  • It is no fun to house-hunt in a thin market where the meagre crop of houses is unlikely to offer up the dream home .

    在“ 稀薄”的 市场上找房子毫无乐趣,稀疏的房源不太可能会给你提供一个梦想的家。

  • Recent years with the rapid development of civilian equipment such as mobile telephone digital camera and thin TV the market of FPC ( Flexible Printed Circuit ) which meets high density small and flexible grows apace .

    随着便携电话、数字摄像和 薄型TV等民用设备的迅猛发展,满足高密度 、小型化、灵活组装要求的柔性电路板(FPC,FlexiblePrintedCircuit)的 市场需求急剧增长。