thin-film technology

[计] 薄膜技术

  • Optical system plays an important role in space optical communication optical thin-film has become the key technology of the optical components .

    在空间光通信中,光学系统起着非常重要的作用,光学 薄膜已成为光学元件的关键 技术

  • Oxygen sensors fabricated by thick-film thin-film and lamination technology decreased total impedance leading to the decreases of working temperature and reducing response time .

    用厚膜、 薄膜和叠片 工艺制作的氧传感器,降低了总阻抗,从而降低了工作温度和缩短了响应时间。

  • By use of thin-film technology and microprocessing technique Ni-Fe or Ni-Co alloy is evaporated or sputtered in vacuum onto glass or quartz substrate . Reluctive sensors made in such way have wide application .

    利用 薄膜 工艺和微细加工技术,将NiFe合金或NiCo合金真空蒸镀或溅射在玻璃或石英基片上,制作的磁阻传感器具有广泛的用途。

  • The application of thin-film sputtering technology in downhole TOR & WOB measurement

    溅射 薄膜 技术在井下扭矩/钻压测量中的应用

  • By using thin-film depositing technology a thermal-resistant miniature thinfilm transient heat flux sensor is developed by the authors .

    为满足燃料电池内微小空间内瞬变大热流的测量要求,利用 薄膜 技术,制作了热阻式微型薄膜瞬态热流计测头。

  • Micro machining technology is different from etching technology thin-film technology and LIGA technology and it can create a complicated three-dimensional small part of different materials quickly with higher precision at lower cost then micro cutting has a promising application prospect .

    不同于刻蚀技术、 薄膜 技术和LIGA技术,微切削加工技术可以快速高精度低成本地制造复杂三维微小零件,有着广阔的应用前景。

  • New manufacturing processes and production machinery for silicon and thin-film technology were showcased on the65 sqm exhibition area .

    硅和 薄膜 技术设备上新的制造工艺和生产设备展台展览面积达65000平方米。

  • Upon comprehensive reviews of the predecessors ' results and using thin-film depositing technology the author developed a thermal-resistant miniature thin-film transient heat flux sensor .

    在分析总结国内外众多瞬态热流计测量原理的基础上,本文利用 薄膜 技术,制作出了热阻式微型薄膜瞬态热流计测头。

  • M thin-film fully-depleted SOI CMOS devices with elevated source / drain structure are fabricated by a novel technology .

    采用新的 工艺 技术,成功研制了具有抬高源漏结构的 薄膜全耗尽SOICMOS器件。

  • Active-matrix displays sometimes are called TFT displays named after the thin-film transistor ( TFT ) technology they use .

    有源显示器有时称为TFT显示,是依据其所采用的 薄片晶体管(TFT) 技术而命名的。

  • High Performance Metal-induced Unilaterally Crystallized Polycrystalline Silicon Thin-film Transistors : Technology and Applications

    高性能金属诱导单向横向晶化多晶硅 薄膜晶体管 技术和应用

  • In reference to the achievements domestic and abroad about the micro-fabricated thermoelectric models the integrated micro-fabricated PCR-chip can be made with help of thin-film technology and MEMS technology .

    综合国内外在微结构热电模型方面的研究成果,并结合 薄膜 技术与MEMS技术,实现了集成型微结构PCR芯片。

  • Applications of Polyethylene & Polyvinyl Chloride Thin-Film in Stretch Technology

    聚乙烯、聚氯乙烯 薄膜 冲压拉深 工艺中的应用

  • High Integration Thin-film Pressure Transducer Design and Technology

    高性能 薄膜压力传感器设计与 工艺

  • Absorption coefficient of thin-film material affection optical coating wideband monitoring technology

    料吸收系数对光学膜厚宽带 监控的影响

  • It is concluded that thin-film SOI technology is an effective way to design and fabricate novel submicron devices and circuits in the future .

    最后指出, 薄膜SOI器件 技术是今后设计制造新型亚微米器件及电路的一种有效的方法。

  • A novel microwave ferrite thin-film transformer based on Si IC technology was presented .

    实现了一种新型的基于硅IC 工艺的微波铁氧体集成 薄膜变压器。

  • Similarly the electronic zone a UK-based specialist online retailer sells a 30 solar Headphone Radio made using ultra-light thin-film solar technology .

    类似地,英国专业在线零售商theelectronic zone出售一款价格30英镑的双耳 收音机,使用了超轻型太阳能 科技

  • This module of distributed parameters used in the lower microwave band is skillfully combined with an ultra-fine thin-film technology .

    本文介绍一种将微波低频段分布参数电路与超微细 薄膜 工艺结合的 微型化、低噪声、高 选择性 放大模组。

  • This paper analyses magnetic integration technology and thin-film technology then brings out an idea of making integrated magnetics of switch power supply based on thin-film technology .

    本文通过对磁集成技术与 薄膜 技术的分析,详尽介绍了 薄膜电感器和 薄膜 变压器的设计以及 损耗分析,提出了基于薄膜技术设计开关电源中的集成磁件。

  • Advances in Thick-and Thin-Film Technology

    厚膜与 薄膜 技术的进展