think all the world of

[θɪŋk ɔl ði wɜrld ʌv][θiŋk ɔ:l ðə wɜː(r)ld ɔv]

极其看重。。。, 极其渴望。。。, 极其热爱。。。

  • Just think if this world all of a sudden the book missing then the spiritual world of humanity will be deserted what sort of look like !

    试想,如果这个世界上 书一下子 全都不翼而飞,那么,人类的精神 世界将会荒芜成什么样子!

  • But I 've always been fascinated by the subject and think its as relevant today as it ever was with young men all over the world still sacrificing their lives in the name of war .

    但是,我总是已经被主题令人入神并且 它的同样地有关的今天当它曾经在 世界和年轻的男人在 一起仍然牺牲战争的名字他们的生命。

  • People think a great deal of killers and destroyers so much so that on all the highest pillars in the great cities of the world you will find the figure of a conqueror or a general or a soldier .

    他们在人们的 心目中地位如此高大,以至于在 世界 各国的大城市里 所有最高的柱形纪念碑上,你都能找到征服者、将军或军人的塑像。

  • You would think that an international bank like HSBC with its corporate presence all over the world and its influence – that they can withstand this sort of pressure .

    你会 认为,像汇丰这样的国际银行,以其遍布 世界 各地的业务和影响力&它们理应能够承受这样的压力。

  • As I think of her I think of all the children in the world in Asia in Africa in Europe in the Americas most of whom were born since the date of the foundation of the People 's Republic of China .

    当我想到她的时候,我就 想到 世界 儿童, 想到亚洲、非洲、欧洲以及美洲的儿童,他们大多数都是在中华人民共和国成立以后出生的。

  • I think the accumulation of it all together is why he 's No.1 in the world and he would be a brilliant selection as the BBC Sports Personality of the Year .

    认为焦点是他为什么会 世界第一,他将作为英国广播公司年度体育名人的黄金候选人。