thin shell

[θɪn ʃɛl][θin ʃel]


  • Early fruit walnut variety of Daifeng showed excellent characters with bigger fruit high yield thin shell and good quality It is highly resistant to the adverse growing conditions .

    岱丰’为核桃品种‘丰辉’的实生后代优株,果实中大型,丰产,优质, 光滑,外观美,抗逆性强。

  • For the shear part the assumed natural strain method is employed to construct the shear strains to obtain pertinent stiffness matrix and overcome shear locking for thin shell problems .

    而剪切部分则采用假设自然应变的方法来获得能克服 薄壳下剪切自锁的新剪应变并用于计算此部分的刚度矩阵。

  • A dense core of incandescent helium is surrounded by a thin shell of hot fusing hydrogen .

    一个由白炽的氦形成的稠密的核外面包围着一 炽热熔化的氢 薄壳

  • We 're saying the probability of from the nucleus in some very thin shell that we describe by d r.

    某一非常 壳层dr内,一个原子的概率,你想一个壳层时。

  • The deformation of composite case was analyzed by means of the orthotropic thin shell theory . The strain and displacement expressions of the cylinder and the closure under internal pressure were obtained .

    用正交异性 薄壳理论分析了复合材料壳体的变形,得到了内压作用下圆筒和封头的应变和位移表达式。

  • Results from this study provide important basis for buckling experiments of thin shell structures .

    本文成果与方法为 薄壳结构屈曲试验奠定了基础。

  • Design of the Moulding Board and Concrete Pouring Technique for U-type Thin Shell Flume Without Symmetrical Lacing Wire Support

    U型 薄壳大渡槽无对拉筋支撑、模板设计及混凝土浇筑施工技术拼装式现浇混凝土墙体免拆模板技术

  • To build the unscaffold prefabricated reinforced concrete thin shell roof is an important aspect of shell structure development .

    无支撑装配式钢筋混凝土 薄壳是壳体结构发展中的一个重要方面。它为建筑工程继续推广壳体结构开辟了一条新的途径。

  • Design method of the vacuum die-casting mould for large-scale thin shell part

    大型 薄壁件真空压铸模具的设计方法 薄壁光整消失模 型铸造的 研究

  • The biosphere a thin shell that encapsulates the earth is made up of the atmosphere and lithosphere adjacent to the surface of the earth together with the hydrosphere .

    生物圈就像一 包裹着地球的 贝壳,它由大气圈、水圈以及地表附近的岩石圈组成。

  • Marine clam having a long narrow curved thin shell . The clam like all sea creatures gets its sodium and calcium from seawater .

    有细长的卷曲的 薄壳的海生蛤蜊。如同所有的海洋水族一样,蛤从海水里摄取钙质。

  • Finally a real case of modeling the optimal design of thin shell roof was analyzed .

    最后给出了一 薄壳屋盖造型优化设计的实例分析。

  • The analytic solutions of scattering field are derived using elastic thin shell theory and Fourier transform .

    采用弹性 薄壳理论和Fourier变换方法导出了散射声场的解析解。

  • It can therefore be considered as an elastic damped thin shell structure in dynamic analysis .

    在小变形情况下,主要表现出弹性,但粘性影响很 ,因此在进行动力分析时完全可以把人颅骨抽象成弹性阻尼象 薄壳结构。

  • Analysis of Influences of Loads in Different Directions in Thin Shell Structure of Mine

    水雷 薄壳结构设计中不同方向载荷的影响分析

  • Selection on Scheme of Constructing High above Ground For Large diameter and Ball typed Concrete Thin Shell

    大直径球形混凝土 薄壳高空施工方案比选

  • Static analysis of space thin shell structure is presented in this paper .

    本文针对 锥形 单管 这种空间 薄壳结构进行了静力分析。

  • The analytic solution of residual stress is given through constructing the displacement function satisfying all boundary conditions and the theory of the axisymmetry column thin shell .

    通过构造位移函数,利用边界条件和圆柱 薄壳理论,得出轧辊各处残余应力的解析解,在理论和工程实际应用中有很大的价值。

  • The computing formulae of the Young 's moduli of SWCNT are obtained by comparing the total molecular potential energy of a SWCNT with the strain energy of a corresponding cylindrical thin shell .

    文中,首先采用分子力学理论得出了受轴向载荷作用下单壁碳纳米管的总势能;然后通过总势能与相应 圆柱 的应变能比较,推导出了单壁碳纳米管杨氏模量的计算公式。

  • Marine gastropod mollusk having a very small thin shell .


  • Analysis on dynamics response of thin shell cylindrical structure in the water pressure blasting

    水压爆破圆柱 薄壳结构物的动力响应分析

  • Subharmonic Resonances and Stability of Conductive Thin Shell in Transverse Magnetic Field

    横向磁场中导电 壳体的亚谐波共振与稳定性

  • Sound transmission through submerged fluid filled elastic thin shell excited by incident acoustic waves in the interior domain was calculated using the coupled FEM and BEM method .

    利用耦合有限元与边界元方法计算了声波激励下浸没在无界流场中内部充满流体的弹性 薄壳声透射。

  • Obvious attenuation phenomena of responses in mid and high frequency areas over several hundred Hertz were found for a thin shell and a rubber isolator in simulation .

    仿真过程发现 薄壳 结构和橡胶隔振器在几百赫兹以上中高频段响应存在严重的衰减现象。

  • Nut with a wrinkled two-lobed seed and hard but relatively thin shell ; widely used in cooking .

    有着具皱的两瓣种子和硬的但是相对较 的果实的 坚果;经常用于烹饪。

  • Sanmen fresh crab is one kind of precious seafood with high nutrition from sanmen bay famous for its thin shell yellow and delicate flesh dilicious taste .

    三门青蟹产自美丽富饶的中国台州三门湾畔,是一种营养价值较高的名贵海产品,以“ 、黄、嫩、美”而驰名。

  • Research on the Destruction Mechanism to Preventing and Curing Technology in the Thin Shell Aqueduct of Armored Concrete

    钢筋混凝土 薄壳渡槽破坏机理与防治对策研究

  • While the larvae are still growing they are protected by a thin shell .
