thin on the ground

[θɪn ɑn ði ɡraʊnd][θin ɔn ðə ɡraund]


  • Today however the fog was wonderfully thin and the air was filtered through with golden sunlight that tinted everything on the ground with a joyful hue .

    今天,难得雾是这么 稀薄,空中融融地混合着金黄的阳光,把 一切,好像也照 欢笑的颜色。

  • Buyers of such assets have been thin on the ground with the exception of JPMorgan which has been vacuuming up clo portfolios over the past year .

    此类资产的买家 寥寥无几,只有摩根大通(jpmorgan)过去一年来不断吸纳。

  • Good managers are often thin on the ground .

    优秀的经理人常常 寥寥无几

  • Meanwhile says Ms Whitmore in the pandemic-panicked US kisses and handshakes might be rather thin on the ground this winter .

    惠特摩尔表示,在因流感陷入恐慌的美国,这个冬天亲吻和握手的现象可能会 寥寥无几

  • But decent affordable accommodation for new city residents is thin on the ground .

    但新城市居民能负担得起的像样住所,却 寥寥无几

  • Bringing a sprinkle of moonlight in the trees casting a layer of thin on the ground broken shadow ;

    皎洁的月光洒在树上,投 一层 细细 碎影

  • While the green shoots may be thin on the ground in developed markets the recovery in emerging market economies especially the Brics is more readily visible says Julian Thompson head of global emerging market equities at Threadneedle .

    Threadneedle全球新兴市场股市主管 朱利安汤普森(JulianThompson)表示:发达市场的复苏萌芽可能 寥寥无几,而新兴市场经济体(尤其是金砖四国)的复苏则更容易让人觉察到。

  • Adopting layers horizontal isotropic elasticity half-space ground model according to the Kirchhoff theory of Small deflection of thin slab through the analysis of ANSYS procedure analyze the raft board foundation on the elastic ground .

    采用层状横向各向同性弹性半空间地基模型,根据克希霍夫的 薄板小挠度理论,通过ANSYS有限元分析程序,分析弹性 地基 的筏板基础。

  • Previous studies of foreign pressconferences are made mainly from the perspective of Pragmatics Stylistics Interpreting Strategy Journalism Politics and so on but research on foreign pressconferences in the guidance of Appraisal Theory is thin on the ground .

    国内外对外交新闻发布会的研究主要集中于语用学、语体学、口译策略研究、 新闻学、政治学等领域,而以评价系统为理论框架 研究非常罕见。

  • And it is not easy persuading expatriate workers to take their families to places like Chongqing and chengdu where foreign companions and international schools are thin on the ground .

    要说服外派员工拖家带口住到重庆或是成都去可不容易,因为那儿的外国公司和国际学校 凤毛麟角

  • And while a few years ago case studies documenting social enterprises were thin on the ground these have been multiplying .

    几年前, 有关社会企业的个案研究 寥寥无几,如今,这种研究一直在不断增加。

  • The manager is always saying that they are seeking for new talent ; you can 't blame him if it 's thin on the ground .

    那位经理总是说他们一直在寻找新的人才,但如果新人才太 话,也不能责怪他。

  • Good new plays are still rather thin on the ground .

    新的优秀 剧本还是为数不

  • Rio has been trying to sell various non-core assets for more than a year but has found buyers thin on the ground .

    一年多来,力拓一直试图出售多种非核心资产,但找到的买家 寥寥无几

  • She says : Generally speaking sales skills are thin on the ground and there is a shortage of candidates with a multinational mindset .

    她表示:一般来说, 基层销售技能较为 薄弱,而且缺乏具备跨国企业头脑的人才。

  • Under the current long-standing regime information on who funds ' directors are has been thin on the ground .

    在长期存在的当前机制之下,有关基金董事身份的信息 寥寥无几