


  • Structure and Properties of CdS Nanocrystals Synthesized by Direct Thermolysis of Molecular Clusters

    CdS纳米晶的分子簇直接 热解法制备及其结构与性能

  • The thermolysis process of of PCS fiber with high molecule weight

    高分子量聚碳硅烷纤维的 分解 特性 研究

  • Study on thermolysis process of Daphnetin - Cu ( ⅱ ) complexes

    瑞香素与金属铜配合物的 分解 机理研究

  • Effects of DNP on Thermolysis and Combustion Characteristics of CMDB Propellant

    DNP对CMDB推进剂燃烧性能及 分解的影响

  • The dehydration reaction mechanism of Na2HPO4 · 12H2O phase change stored energy material was studied . The thermolysis reaction kinetics and some key data were obtained .

    为了解Na2HPO4.12H2O相变储能材料脱水反应的过程和机理,对 Na2HPO4.12H2O相变材料的脱水反应动力学进行了研究分析,得出了它们的 分解反应动力学方程和一些重要数据,为以后的研究提供一些依据。

  • Thermolysis Synthesis of Shape-Controlled Fe-Ni Alloy Nanoparticles and Magnetic Property

    液相 分解纳米铁镍合金的形貌可控合成及其磁学性能研究

  • Furthermore the change law and correlative theory of powder size and morphology were studied on the process thermolysis .

    此外,还研究了 沉淀物 分解过程中颗粒粒度与形貌的变化规律及相关机理。

  • On the basis of trial and theory this paper advances an effective preventive measure to solve the problem of producing black smoke during fuel oil thermolysis and polluting the atmosphere in the process of combustion .

    在试验与理论分析基础上,为解决燃烧过程中燃油 分解形成黑烟、污染大气,提出了一种行之有效的防止方法。

  • On Thermolysis of heavy oil in supercritical solvent

    超临界溶剂中重质油 热解 初探

  • The main gas products of decomposition were identified by DSC-FTIR coupling technique . The changes of the main function groups in condensed phase were measured by a in situ thermolysis cell / FTIR technique .

    用DSC-FTIR联用技术和 裂解原位池/FTIR分析了主要分解气相产物和凝聚相中主要官能团的变化。

  • Progress of catalytic decarboxylation of from highly sour crude oil is reviewed including hydrogenation thermolysis and chemical reaction and the application prospect of catalytic decarboxylation is introduced .

    摘要介绍了高酸原油催化加氢脱酸法、催化 热解脱酸 和催化化学反应脱酸法,展望了该工艺的应用前景。

  • Quantum Chemical Study of the Thermolysis of Chroman

    苯并二氢吡喃 分解 反应的量子化学研究

  • The f1-F1 curves of copolymerization and the structures as well as thermolysis properties of the bipolymers and terpolymers were investigated .

    实验对高分子树脂的结构、聚合特征f1-F1曲线以及 分解性能进行了研究。

  • It is shown that the rate process of thermolysis can be divided into two steps with the first step described by shrinking core model and the second step by one order reaction model .

    研究证明 分解过程可分为两个阶段, 前期可用缩芯模型描述,后期则以一级反应模型描述。

  • PCDDs and PCDFs in thermolysis waste of HCH were analyzed by HPLC and GC / MS.

    采用HPLC和GC/MS法对六六六 热解废渣中的PCDDs和PCDFs进行了测定。

  • Effect of Temperature Rising Rate on Thermolysis Reaction Kinetics of β - CD / 1-MCP

    升温速率对β-CD/1-MCP 分解反应动力学的影响

  • In the present paper the structure features synthesis method and thermolysis performance of CL-20 are reviewed . And the energetic performance of CL-20 used as solid rocket propellant oxidizer is calculated as well .

    综述了CL-20结构特征、合成方法及 分解性能,并对其作为固体推进剂氧化剂的能量特性进行了计算分析。

  • Preparation and thermolysis of the copolymer .

    共聚树脂的合成及 分解性能。

  • Study on thermolysis process of gadolinium nitrate hydrates

    硝酸钆水合物 分解研究

  • The synthesis of ceramic powders by means of solid / solid and gas / solid phase reactions sol / gel processing and ceramic precursor thermolysis under microwave irradiation is reviewed . Comparison of it with conventional synthesis with heating is made .

    综述了微波辐照下固固相反应、气固相反应、溶胶凝胶法、陶瓷前驱体 热解 合成陶瓷粉末的研究,并与传统加热法进行了比较。

  • The effects of calcination temperature carbonation temperature solution concentration CO 2 concentration additive and thermolysis temperature and so forth on spherical magnesium carbonate were studied .

    研究了煅烧温度、碳化温度、灰乳浓度、二氧化碳浓度、添加剂、 热解温度等对产品的影响。

  • Effect of Nonmetallic Thermal Conductive Materials on Thermolysis Property of HPLED

    非金属基导热材料对 HPLED散热性能影响

  • Influences of different thermolysis conditions on the grain size of nanometer zinc oxide were studied with SEM .

    借助透射电镜(SEM)研究了不同 分解条件对氧化锌粒径的影响规律。

  • Glass-transition temperature of the polymer is 130 ℃ and the thermolysis temperature is 244.6 ℃ as analyzed by TG-DSC .

    TG-DSC分析得到聚合物的玻璃化温度为130℃,热 分解出现在 244.6℃。

  • Study on Thermolysis of Dysprosium Nitrate hydrates

    硝酸镝水合物 分解 机理的研究

  • Mass and Energy Balance of the Thermolysis Separation Process of Compound Particles

    化合物 热解分离过程的质量和能量

  • The optimum conditions for synthesis of nanometer zinc oxide by thermolysis of zinc oxalate are 500 ℃ and 1 h.


  • The Molecular Structure and Thermolysis Mechanism of Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate

    季戊四醇四硝酸酯的分子结构和 热解机理

  • The reaction of thermolysis of dibenzyl and phenyl benzyl ether are first Order and can he explained by free radical mechanism . Experimental rate constants are well consistent with the results of thermochemical kinetics CalCulation .

    二苯乙烷和苯基苄基醚的 热解有一级反应特征,其反应机理为自由基过程,反应速度方程和速度常数的理论计算与实验结果完全一致;