


  • This technique with azeotrope vapour of benzyl alcohol / water as a medium for fixation of disperse dyes on polyester fabric is quite different from either steaming or thermosol dyeing method in both theory and practice .

    分散染料在聚酯织物上采用苯甲醇/水的共沸蒸汽作为固色介质的工艺,无论在理论上和实践上都是一种不同于 热溶和汽蒸等的 新固色方法,有 一定 优点

  • Conventional dyeing processes for polyester such as HTP and thermosol dyeing process are suitable for flame retardant finish using YHD .

    常规的涤纶染色方法和 工艺,例如高温高压法、 热熔法均适于用YHD对涤纶 进行阻燃整理。

  • An Application of Dicyandiamide to Disperse / Reactive Dyes One-bath Thermosol Dyeing Process of T / C fabrics

    双氰胺在涤棉混纺织物分散/活性染料同浴 热溶固色法轧染工艺中的应用

  • Uneven Dyeing Analysing and Tackling in Thermosol Dyeing of T / C Cambric

    涤棉细纺 热溶染色 匀染问题的分析及解决

  • The Preparation and Application of Low - temperature Thermosol Dyeing Assistant ZNL

    低温 热溶染色助剂ZNL的制备及应用研究

  • Monomers of decyldiamine sebacate for synthesizing the title thermosol have been developed by Shanghai Celluloid Factory with the satisfactions of consumers .

    上海 赛璐珞厂开发了合成该 用的癸二酸癸二胺单体,用户使用满意。

  • Contact heat thermosol unit

    接触式 热熔 染色装置

  • An Investigation on the Performance and Mechanism of Antimigrant for Thermosol Dyeing with Disperse Dyes

    分散染料 热溶染色防泳移剂性能及作用机理的研究

  • Relation between Heat Setting and Thermosol Dyeing of Polyester Fabric

    涤纶织物热定形 温度 热溶染色性能的关系

  • It has control opening and closing of the gun according to the pulse signal and can conduct tracking control of the thermosol through of thermosol through connecting with the production line .

    可根据脉冲信号控制枪体的开启与关闭,能与生产线信号连接对 热熔 机进行自动跟踪控制。

  • Aimed at the characteristics of fractal polyester fabric overflow dyeing process and thermosol dyeing process are carried out .

    文中针对分形涤纶织物的染整加工特点,探讨了溢流染色和 热溶染色工艺。

  • Contact heat thermosol unit Thermoplastic toe puff applying machine

    接触式 热熔 染色装置热熔胶 自动 头印置机

  • Low-temperature dyeing auxiliary CWL was developed in terms of compounding and synergistic technique in order to decrease the thermosol dyeing temperature of polyester fiber .

    为降低涤纶纤维的染色温度,利用复配增效技术研制了低温染色助剂 CWL

  • As a result the ecological auxiliary ZNL can greatly reduce the temperature of thermosol dyeing increase the levelness and penetration and improve rubbing fastness and less effect on fabric strength and color fastness to soaping .

    结果表明,环保型助剂ZNL可明显降低 分散染料 热溶 染色温度,提高织物的匀染性和透染性,改善织物的耐摩擦色牢度,且对织物强力和皂洗牢度影响较小。

  • The relations between the technologies of heat setting and thermosol dyeability is investigated .

    本文对 涤纶 热定形工艺和 热溶染色性能的关系进行了研究。

  • To dye the polyester stretch fabric with disperse dye by thermosol process .

    该文就 热熔 温度对涤纶弹性带弹性的 影响 用量做一讨论。