thick films

[电] 厚膜

  • Fabrication of YBCO superconducting thick films on MgO substrates by electrophoretic deposition

    用电泳法在MgO基底上制备YBCO超导 厚膜

  • PZT thick films are fabricated upon different seed layers considering the influence of the substrate characteristic to the thick film quality . The technology result is tested to confirm the function of the seed layer .

    考虑衬底特性对厚膜品质的影响,在不同的种子层上分别制备了PZT 厚膜,测试工艺结果,证实了种子层的作用。

  • Preparation of the Dielectric / glass Phase Composite Thick Films and Their Dielectric and Pyroelectric Properties

    介电相玻璃相 烧结多相复合 厚膜的制备及介电、热释电性能 研究

  • Effect of Glass Phase on High Temperature Stability of Thick Films in Tungsten System

    钨系 厚膜 材料中玻璃相对高温稳定性的影响

  • Progress in PZT Ferroelectric Thin or Thick Films and Preparation Technology

    PZT铁电薄、 厚膜及其制备技术研究进展

  • We discussed different growth temperature parameter versus the quality of thick films .

    并分析讨论了不同温度对 厚膜生长的 影响

  • Preparation and Pyroelectric Characterization of PZT Thick Films

    PZT 厚膜的制备及其热释电性能 研究

  • The bonding between chemical vapor deposition ( CVD ) thick films diamond and cemented carbide was performed by diffusion brazing under controlled temperature pressure and time . The filled intermediate layer materials are reactive metal Ti foil and Ag-Cu alloy foil .

    采用扩散焊与钎焊相结合的方法,用Ti箔和Ag-Cu箔共同做中间层材料,在一定的温度、压力和保温时间下,实现了气相沉积金刚石 厚膜与硬质合金间的牢固连接。

  • The XRD analysis indicates that the thick films annealed at 650 ℃ possess single-phase perovskite type structure .

    XRD测试结果表明,650℃热处理后的 厚膜为单一钙钛矿相。

  • Thick film process used to prepare carbon nanotube ( CNT ) cathode is studied . By investigation of CNT paste and sintering process we can obtain uniform flat CNT thick films with good field emission performance .

    研究了制备碳纳米管(CNT)场发射阴极的厚膜工艺,通过浆料配方和烧结工艺等方面的探索,在Si基底上制作了均匀、平整、场发射特性良好的CNT 厚膜

  • Lattice defect analysis of CVD diamond thick films

    CVD金刚石 厚膜晶格缺陷分析

  • Preparation of Large-sized High-quality Diamond Thick Films and Influence of Nitrogen Doping on the Growth of Diamond Films

    大尺寸高质量金刚石 厚膜制备及氮掺杂对金刚石膜生长的影响研究

  • Fabrication and investigation of Si - based PZT thick films

    硅基高度择优取向PZT 厚膜的制备及 性能研究

  • A system for measuring nonlinear dielectric permittivity of thick films and data processing method have been set up .

    建立起适合 材料测试的非线性介电测试系统和相应的数据处理方法;

  • Preparation and Application of Large Size CVD Diamond Thick Films

    大尺寸CVD金刚石 厚膜的制备及应用

  • We have fabricated the YBCO superconducting thick films on MgO ( 00l ) substrates using electrophoretic deposition .

    本文采用电泳方法在00l取向的MgO基底上制备高温超导YBCO 厚膜

  • Preparation of free-standing diamond thick films of large area and high quality using hot-filament CVD method

    热丝CVD法制备大面积高质量自支撑金刚石 厚膜

  • PZT thick films show excellent dielectric properties .

    介电性能 测试结果表明,PZT 厚膜具有优良的介电性能。

  • The effects of sintering temperature sintering time sintering pressure and the magnitude of orientation magnetic field on the properties of the barium ferrite thick films were studied .

    本文采用丝网印刷的方法 微波钡铁氧体 厚膜,研究了工艺条件如烧结温度、烧结时间、烧结压力以及取向磁场对钡铁氧体厚膜 结构和磁性能的影响。

  • The SEM micrograph shows that the thick films are uniform and crack - free .

    SEM观测显示 厚膜 表面均匀一致,无裂纹出现。

  • Surface morphology phosphorus content and the distribution and structures of the initial and thick films of electroless Ni P amorphous alloy have been studied systematically through SEM X ray diffraction analysis ( XRD ) and TEM .

    用扫描电镜、X射线衍射及透射电镜等方法系统研究了化学镀Ni-P非晶态合金的表面形貌、磷含量及其波动、镀层初期 厚膜的组织结构等。

  • The quasi-phase matching in the thin film PCN_6 was proved and relaxation retardation effect of photo-induced second order polarizability in thick films was interpreted .

    实验确证了在PCN6薄膜中实现了准相位匹配。对 厚膜中光诱导二阶非线性极化率的弛豫抑制效应作出解释。

  • Influence of substrate on the properties of superconducting thick films

    基片对超导 厚膜性能的影响

  • Diamond thin and thick films were prepared on clean copper substrates by a MWCVD method .

    用MWCVD方法在无预处理铜基体上获得了金刚石薄膜和 厚膜

  • Both ZnO nanometer powders and PLZT thick films were prepared by improved sol-gel process .

    ZnO纳米粉末和PLZT 厚膜采用改进的溶胶-凝胶法制备。

  • Fabrication of BST Thick Films Using a New Sol-gel Process

    新型sol-gel技术制备BST0&3型 厚膜

  • Research Progress in the Growth of GaN Thick Films on Heterogeneity Substrates by HVPE

    异质衬底上HVPE法生长GaN 厚膜的研究进展

  • As for the problem of thin thickness PZT powders were prepared by sol-gel method . Then the PZT thick films were prepared by 0-3 composite method with a slurry which is prepared by mixed with PZT powders and its ' sol .

    针对薄膜厚度太薄的问题,用sol-gel法制备超细PZT粉体,然后把制备的PZT粉体掺杂到溶胶中,对0-3型复合法制备PZT 厚膜进行了初步探讨。

  • Growth and Characterization of Polycrystalline Mercuric Iodide Thick Films

    多晶碘化汞 厚膜的生长及其性质 研究

  • Preparation and Characterization of Sodium-potassium Bismuth Titanate Lead Free Piezoelectric Thick Films

    钛酸铋钠钾无铅压电 厚膜的制备及表征