


  • Strength Analysis of Thick-walled Cylinder under Thermo-mechanical Coupling Based on FEM

    基于有限元方法的 圆筒在热力耦合作用下的强度分析

  • The plants'small size as well as the presence of thick-walled cells elsewhere in the stems suggests that wood evolved to efficiently transport water from the soil into the plant .

    化石中的植物较小,树干中其他部分也出现了具有较 细胞 的细胞,这暗示这木本的出现是植物为了更加有效地从土壤中汲取水分。

  • Distinct layers are often visible in thick-walled resting cells such as chlamydospores or zygotes of Phycomycetes .


  • Experiment and Production of Heavy Thick-walled Winding Barrel Casting for Crane with Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron

    大型 壁球墨铸铁起重机卷筒铸件的试验与生产

  • Brittle fracture sensitivity analysis on thick-walled metal parts of ( ultra ) super critical unit

    超(超)临界机组 金属部件脆性断裂敏感性分析

  • A state of dormancy or torpor during the summer . Cyst A thick-walled resting spore .

    夏眠在夏天处于睡眠状态休眠孢 具有休眠功能的孢子。

  • Plastic limit load of viscoplastic thick-walled cylinder and spherical shell subjected to internal pressure is investigated analytically using a strain gradient plasticity theory .

    基于应变梯度塑性理论,分析了内压作用下 圆筒和球壳的塑性极限荷载。

  • Type genus of Septobasidiaceae : smooth shelf fungi usually having a well-developed sometimes thick-walled hypobasidium .

    隔担耳属的模式属;通常具有发育良好的有时为 的下担子光滑隔板真菌。

  • The elastic-plastic stress and displacement fields of cylindrically orthotropic composite thick-walled tube under uniform radial pressure are studied .

    研究了在均匀径向压力作用下圆柱正交异性复合 圆筒的弹-塑性应力场和位移场。

  • The thick-walled seamless steel pipe pole is solid enough to resist hart hit .

    牢固可靠的 无缝钢管杆 ,抗强力冲击,无 铝管 杆之

  • A high resolution computed tomography of the chest showed multiple nodular infiltrations at the posterior segment of the right upper lobe with a thick-walled cavitary lesion .

    肺部高分辨率计算机断层发现在右上肺叶的后肺小叶有许多节结状浸润,且有 空洞状的病灶。

  • They used a thick-walled metal container that was buried in the ground .

    他们用一个 的金属容器埋在地下。

  • Analysis of single pulmonary tuberculous thick-walled cavity misdiagnosed as peripheral lung cancer cavity on CT

    肺结核单发 空洞CT误诊为周围型肺癌空洞原因分析

  • This paper analyses the real strain state of the thick-walled frame and discusses its rational design method .

    本文对 现行 框架 内力 计算 方法所存在的问题进行了研究,并探讨了合理的设计方法。

  • Plain bearings & Requirements on backings for thick-walled multilayer bearings

    GB/T14910-1994滑动轴承 多层轴承衬背技术要求

  • Autofrettage Damage Residual Stress of Thick-walled Cylinder


  • Fatigue experiment of thick-walled cylinders under 3500kg / cm2 superpressure and autofrettage

    3500公斤/厘米~2超高压 圆筒的疲劳试验与自紧

  • Thick-walled Steel Pipe Piles in Lieu of PHC Pipe Pile Technical and Engineering Applications


  • Judge of Transverse Crack of Thick-Walled Seam by Ultrasonic Testing Method


  • An analytical solution on magnetoelastodynamics problem which is subjected to the transversal magnetic field around an anisotropic thick-walled cylinder was presented .

    给出了在横向磁场作用下,各向异性 圆筒磁弹性动力学问题的解析解。

  • The ancient walled city of Jerico ; thick-walled cells .

    犹太人古老的有城墙的城市;厚厚的围墙的监狱 单间

  • Butt-jointed Seam Saddle Welding for Clad Plate of Low Content Alloy and Heat-Resistant Steel & Major Diameter Thick-walled Tube

    低合金耐热钢复合板与大直径 接管马鞍形对接焊

  • Cyst A thick-walled resting spore .

    休眠孢 具有休眠功能的孢子。

  • They are thick-walled are not easily detached from the mycelium .

    它们是 的,是不易从菌丝体上脱落的。

  • This grade enables high extrusion rates with thick-walled product .

    本级支持与 产品的高挤出速率。

  • Large mild crisp thick-walled capsicum peppers usually bell-shaped or somewhat oblong .

    大的、淡味的、脆的、 皮辣椒,通常呈钟形,或者有点长方形。

  • In a separate use or for the thick-walled tube welding heat-resistant steel should use low hydrogen electrodes .

    在单独使用或用于 管焊接时,应选用低氢耐热钢焊条。

  • Freshwater Tank : We think the best tanks are made of thick-walled high-density polyethylene but flexible tanks can work in an odd-shaped or inaccessible space .

    淡水箱:我们认为最好的水箱是用高密度聚乙烯做的并且很 ,但是可移动式的水箱能装在临时的地方或是很难够到的地方。

  • Narrow-gap Groove Design of Thick-walled Tubes by All-position TIG Hot Wire Welding

    热丝TIG全位置自动焊 管道窄间隙坡口的设计