thermal gradient

[ˈθɚməl ˈɡrediənt][ˈθə:məl ˈgreɪdi:ənt]


  • In the Southern depression the depression extension is large and thermal gradient value is higher .

    海拉尔盆地的 地温 梯度 分布受大的走滑断裂和凹陷拉张程度的控制,盆地南部凹陷拉 张量较大, 地温 梯度也较高。

  • The formula of characteristic coefficient for equivalent linearization is derived for two kinds of thermal gradient modes and general box girders with different depths of top and bottom flanges .

    针对两种非线性 温度 梯度模式及具有不同顶、底板厚度的一般箱梁桥,推导了等效线性化后的特征参数计算公式。

  • The BSR depth is compared with thickness of gas hydrates stability zone from thermal gradient data .

    似海底反射层的深度与1144站位,及平均 地温 梯度资料得出的稳定带厚度较吻合。

  • It is generally agreed that the welding distortion arises from the thermal ununiformity thermal gradient in the thickness direction localized incompatible plastic strain during welding and effect of residual stress after welding .

    一般认为,焊接过程中材料的不均匀受热、板厚方向的 梯度、材料的局部非协调塑性应变以及焊接残余应力的作用是产生各种焊接变形的根本原因。

  • This model can decrease the early damage of aluminum reduction cell and prolong the life of aluminum reduction cell by avoiding thermal gradient in the cathode resulting from the preheating and the start-up of aluminum reduction cell .

    此模型从数值上避免了由焙烧启动而带来的阴极内较大 温度 梯度,能有效地减少铝电解槽早期破损,提高铝电解槽的寿命。

  • Force on a droplet in another liquid subject to the gravity and thermal gradient

    液滴在重力场和 温度 梯度场中的液体里所受到的力

  • Gas hydrate is propitious to occur where frozen layer is thicker and thermal gradient is lower .

    在冻土层越厚·冻土层及冻土层之下沉积层的 地温 梯度越小的地区,最有利于水合物发育。

  • Through solving the differential equation a convenient method for computing the effect of thermal gradient on concrete curved box-girders is put forward by using an individual span with one degree of torsion indeterminacy as simple structure .

    将一次扭转超静定简支弯箱梁作为基本结构,通过求解微分方程的解析解,提出了一种较为简便的计算 温度 梯度对曲线梁影响的方法。

  • As to the effect of extremely high thermal gradient caused by laser processing the surface boundary conditions of surface convection and radiation is revised by using a coefficient .

    对于表面对流和辐射散热条件,采用修正系数的方法,考虑激光 冲击加热作用引起的极大 温度 梯度的影响。

  • The magnitude of the thermal gradient desired and the facts that affect the balance of bubble is studied through this model . These facts include thermal gradient and isotopic segregation effect .

    利用这个数学模型,估算了需要的外部 温度 梯度大小,讨论了影响气泡平衡的因素-温度梯度和同位素分离效应。

  • Numerical Simulation of Temperature Field in Thermal Gradient CVI Process for Carbon / Carbon Composites

    炭/炭复合材料 梯度CVI工艺中温度场的数值模拟

  • The maximum thermal gradient depth is consistent with the first peak backscatter strength depth so the thermocline position can be deduced by the backscatter strength .

    温度 梯度最大值的深度与后向散射强度第一个峰值的深度一致,故根据后向散射强度能推断出温跃层的位置。

  • Study on Fire Resistance of H-section Columns with Thermal Gradient Fireproof Measures of Steel Structure

    考虑 温度 梯度的H型钢压弯柱抗火分析及钢结构防火措施研究

  • The technological model of thermal gradient CVI was presented . Based on this model the temperature distribution within a cylindrical carbon felt was calculated and the method for controlling the deposition temperature in thermal gradient CVI was suggested .

    建立了热梯度法化学气相渗工艺(CVI)模型,计算了圆筒炭毡内的温度分布,给出 梯度法CVI工艺沉积温度的控制方法。

  • Morphological transitions during directional solidification under high thermal gradient

    Al-Cu合金高 梯度定向凝固过程中的形态转变

  • Influence of slit number and size on thermal gradient stress of purging plug during argon blowing

    吹氩期间狭缝数量和尺寸对透气砖 梯度应力的影响

  • Whilst the rapid cooling ensures good mechanical properties the thermal gradient can be large enough to produce high levels of residual stress .

    然而快速冷却虽然保证了合金良好的力学性能,但 温度 梯度会造成很高的残余应力,降低冷却速度会减小残余应力,但也降低了其力学性能。

  • The directional solidification under high thermal gradient as well as under lateral constraint in which a (γ + - γ′) eutectic-free zone and the floatation of TiC particles upwards are firstly found ;

    在大 温度 梯度下和在侧向约束条件下的定向凝固,首次发现存在一个无(γ+γ′)共晶区和TiC的上浮现象;

  • The results of the analysis indicate that the mechanical behavior of composite steel-frames in fire conditions is dominated by the effects of thermal loading thermal expansion and thermal gradient .

    得出了钢结构高温条件下热载荷、热膨胀、 梯度对整体结构机械性能具有显著影响的结论。

  • Under the combination effect of yield creep and thermal gradient best holding temperature and holding time exist .

    在材料屈服、蠕变和 温度 梯度共同作用下, 局部 处理存在最优的恒温温度和恒温时间。

  • Computing method of effect of thermal gradient on concrete curved box-girders

    温度 梯度对混凝土曲线箱梁影响的计算方法

  • The development of the traditional directional solidification technique has been reviewed briefly . It indicates that the traditional directional solidification techniques have the shortcomings with low thermal gradient .

    简要地回顾了传统定向凝固技术的发展,指出了其存在 温度 梯度低的弊端。

  • Test results measured by thermocouples in slabs indicate that temperature decreases gradually from the surface to the opposite side and thermal gradient decreases with the increase of distance from the surface .

    各试验板内的热电偶在火灾下的实测结果表明,温度由迎火面至背火面逐渐递减,由迎火面至背 面的 温度变化 梯度随离迎火面距离的增大而减小。

  • Results show that reducing the apparatus size and increasing the hot air flux can effectively increase immersed nozzle 's preheating temperature and improve the thermal gradient on the nozzle neck .

    结果表明,缩小烘烤箱的尺寸,加大热空气的流量,可以有效地提高水口的预热温度,改善水口颈部的 温度 梯度

  • With the carbon fiber integrated felts used as preforms two different types of carbon-carbon ( C / C ) composites namely rough laminar ( RL ) structure materials and smooth laminar ( SL ) structure materials were fabricated by thermal gradient CVI process .

    以炭纤维整体毡为预制体,采用 梯度CVI工艺制备了两种不同结构基体炭的C/C材料,即RL结构和SL结构材料。

  • Distribution altitudes of these zones change with latitude ( thermal gradient ) and longitude ( humidity / aridity gradient ) .

    这些植被带的垂直分布高度随纬度( 温度 梯度)和经度(干湿度梯度)的不同而变化。

  • Dams like other massive concrete structures exhibit significant cracking which allow water intrusion into or through the structures . These cracks are the result of a variety of phenomena including thermal gradient ice loading restrained concrete shrinkage and cycles of freezing and thawing .

    和其它大体积混凝土结构一样,混凝土大坝结构中有很多可以被水侵入和穿过的裂缝,造成这种结果的原因有很多,比如 梯度荷载、冰荷载、混凝土的干缩和冻融作用等。

  • These factors include magma composition convection diffusion thermal gradient oxygen fugacity temperature pressure the shape of magma chamber etc.

    影响韵律形成的因素很多,通常包括岩浆成分、对流作用、扩散作用、 梯度、氧逸度、温度和压力等。

  • A cryostat used to fabricate cryogenics target by the thermal gradient method is designed .

    同时研制和设计了一种 梯度法制备核聚变低温冷冻靶用的带光学窗口的异型低温恒温器。