thermal value

[ˈθɚməl ˈvælju][ˈθə:məl ˈvælju]


  • Reducing Mechanical Water Content and Improving Blast Furnace Gas Thermal Value

    降低机械水含量提高高炉煤气 热值

  • The necessity control and economic effect are described of the thermal value negative deviation control of mixed gas in Bao Steel which serves to guide and popularize the gas distribution and control system in the steelmaking plant .

    阐述了在宝钢厂内混合煤气 热值实行负偏差控制的必要性和具体的控制方法以及经济效益,它对钢厂的煤气调配与控制系统有一定的指导和推广意义。

  • The Intelligent PID Control for Thermal Value of Mixing Gas

    混合煤气 热值智能PID控制

  • The apparatus introduced in this paper can be used to measure and record the realtime environmental parameters and such physical information of individual protection equipment as the temperature thermal current and thermal insulating value .

    研制用于温度生理学试验中实时测量和记录环境参数、个人防护装备的温度、热流和 隔热 等多项物理信息的仪器。

  • In the Southern depression the depression extension is large and thermal gradient value is higher .

    海拉尔盆地的 地温梯度的分布受大的走滑断裂和凹陷拉张程度的控制,盆地南部凹陷拉张量较大, 地温 梯度也较高。

  • By means of the analysis of forces supplying on every roller in cylindrical roller bearing the feasible method to compute the thermal value under different loads and velocity is investigated .

    通过对圆柱滚子轴承各个滚子的受力分析,探讨了不同载荷和转速下发 热量的计算方法,得出了较为精确的轴承发 热量计算公式。

  • The paper resolved the thermal accumulation value can be shown accurately in the LED .

    过载保护,给出了一种快速有效、实时性好的算法,使得 积累 可以在LED显示器上比较准确地实时显示出来。

  • Thermal Value and Temperature Field in Cylindrical Roller Bearing Problems Incidental to Landfill Site and Relevant Countermeasures

    圆柱滚子轴承发 热量及温度场的研究填埋处理场易发的各种环境问题及其对策

  • Effect of Stacking and Fermenting on the Refuse Thermal Value in the Incineration Plant

    垃圾堆酵对焚烧厂垃圾 热值的影响

  • This paper introduces the production techniques of civil application of generator gas with lower thermal value .

    文章介绍了利用 低热 的发生炉煤气供民用的生产工艺。

  • The results indicate that by co-coking of coal and waste tire the H_2 and CH_4 contents in the coke gas increased and thermal value of the gas was increased by at lest 23 % ; the yield of tar and its quality were also improved ;

    结果表明,共炼焦可改善煤气组成,增加H2、CH4含量,至少提高煤气 热值23%,提高煤焦油收率和质量,并且废橡胶颗粒度明显影响焦炭质量。

  • Confirm Thermal Value of Domestic Refuse by Revised Physical Analogy

    采用修正的物理组成法确定生活垃圾 热值

  • Probe into the Channel of Increasing the Thermal Value of Industrial Gas

    工业煤气 热值提高的途径

  • Comparison of and Analysis on the New and Old Standards of the Measuring Methods for the Coal Thermal Value

    新旧标准中 塑料 弯曲 模量 计算方法比较煤的 发热 测定方法新旧标准比照分析

  • The cathode - governed VAD plasma is not in a local thermal equilibrium condition and the ion demonstrates high directed velocity in excess of its thermal value .

    由阴极过程主导的VAD等离子体并不满足局部 热力学平衡条件,其中的离子表现出非常强的流动

  • T / h Spreader-stoker-fired boiler is transformed by using the CFB technology to make it fire poor fuel which the thermal value is about 3000kcal / kg So that the enterprise can receive the better economic and social benefit .

    利用循环流化床燃烧技术对35t/h抛煤机锅炉进行技术改造,使用户能燃烧当 地热 为3000kcal/kg左右的劣质燃料,企业收到了很好的经济效益和社会效益。

  • The addition of calcium oxide also increases the yields of H_2 CO aliphatic hydrocarbons and the thermal value of gas .

    同时,氧化钙的加入增加了H2、CO以及脂肪烃类的产率,且明显地增加了气体的 热值

  • Under the presupposition of density being effectively increased net thermal value of fuels is near to 42 900 kJ / kg .

    在有效增加密度的前提下,燃料的净 热值将近42900kJ/kg。

  • Thermal Value Theory and Its Application to Energy-Saving for Continuous Heating Furnace


  • Development and Application of the Thermal Value Negative Deviation Control of Mixed Gas

    混合煤气 热值负偏差控制的开发与应用

  • The composition operational principle and the features of the measuring system for thermal value of gas are introduced . In this system the thermal value is adopted as one of the parameters of air / fuel ratio control .

    介绍煤气 热值测量系统的组成、工作原理及系统特点,利用热值参数参与空燃比控制。

  • The Measurement for Thermal Value of Gas in Heating Furnace and the Combustion Control System

    加热炉煤气 热值测量及燃烧控制系统

  • In heat flow calculation thickness-weighted mean thermal conductivity value of sedimentary rocks was used and thus reliable and high-quality heat flow values were obtained in SE China .

    在计算热流值时,根据该地区沉积岩的特点采用厚度加权平均 热导,从而使我国东南地区的实测热流值具有较高的质量和可靠性。

  • The parameter of the block is gained when its thermal resistance value is maximum by the guarded hot box and the numerical simulation .

    利用防护热箱法和数值模拟方法得到了砌块 绝缘 系数最大时的砌块的结构。

  • The Fundamental Research of Disposable Diapers Thermal Insulation Value

    纸尿布 保温 的基础研究

  • The organic matter represented for combustible substance in MSW was above 60 % and the low thermal value approached 4500kJ / kg .

    城市生活垃圾中代表可燃成分的有机物含量已达60%以上,低位 热值在4500kJ/kg左右。

  • It actually helps ; by adding air into the mattress you can increase the thermal value .

    实际上这是很有帮助的,在气垫里增加气体,你可以增加 温度

  • The temperature gradient and thermal flow value are computed .

    进行了温度梯度与 热流 计算;