thermal standards


  • China gradually valued the control and monitoring of pollutant discharge of the heat-engine plant the Environmental Protection Agency has repeatedly requested fixed Thermal Power Plant flue gas continuous measuring device must be installed on every Thermal Power Plant and provides a smoke pollution Emissions standards .

    国家逐渐加大了对 火电厂大气污染物排放及监测要求,国家环保局先后多次下文要求火电厂必须安装固定的烟气连续测定装置,并规定了烟气污染物排放 标准

  • Authors brief several thermal performance test standards and its purposes as well as its characteristics in this paper and analyze different performance results between test results and actual operations . The paper also points out the main causes of high coal consumption rates of the generating unit .

    扼要介绍了几种 热力试验的 标准、目的及特点,分析了各种性能试验结果与实际运行经济性的差别,指出了机组实际运行供电煤耗率普遍偏高的主要原因。

  • Indoor Thermal Comfort and Air-conditioning Environmental Standards of Residence in Summer Build Energy-Saving Building to Improve the Living Conditions of Resident

    夏季居住建筑室内 舒适及其空调环境 标准发展保温隔热节能建筑改善居住生活环境

  • Thermal power station is the main source of Sulphur-Dioxide Pollution . In order to meet emissions standards power plants exhaust gas must by desulfurization before it is discharged .

    火电厂尾气是SO2污染的主要污染源,必须经过脱硫才能达到排放 标准

  • Recent years our country greatly adopts dry ash storage field in the thermal power plant but there are few interrelated standards about operation and management .

    近年来, 火力发电厂贮灰场大量采用干贮灰场,但我国关于干贮灰场运行管理的规程 规范却很少。

  • Thermal comfort standards are the premise to analysis outdoor climate . How to set up the relationship between outdoor climate and indoor thermal comfort standards is the key to study on climatic adaptability of human beings .

    室内 舒适 标准的建立是分析室外气候条件的前提和保障,建立室外气候和室内舒适标准之间的关系是进行人体热舒适气候适应性研究的关键问题。

  • Finally I suggest that thermal power enterprises should compile comprehensive income statement establish hedge sector performance evaluation standards and enhance the control of risks in futures hedging and management in the process of application of hedge accounting .

    文章最后对 火力发电企业运用套期保值会计提出了编制全面收益表、建立套期保值部门业绩评价 标准、加强期货套期保值风险控制等几点建议。

  • The results show that properties of the precast blocks including strength thermal shock resistance and permanent linear change after heat treatment both at 110 ℃ for 24 h and at 1350 ℃ for 3 h can meet the required designing standards .

    检测结果表明:生产的预制件的强度、 抗热震性和1350℃3h烧后的永久线变化率等性能都满足设计 指标要求。

  • Thermal from power plant in the quantitative evaluation of the ecological damage caused to maintain ecosystem health standards and the reconstruction of damaged marine ecosystems provide a scientific basis to explore the thermal from power plant on the planktonic ecosystem structure and function of the damage mechanism .

    为定量评价电厂 排水造成的生态损失、维持生态系统的健康 水准和受损海洋生态系统的重建提供科学依据,探索电厂温排水对浮游生态系统结构和功能的损害机理。

  • Compared to conventional power generation gas power generation with high thermal efficiency investment small footprint and short construction period but no gas generation of cleaner production standards which makes gas turbine power clean production increased quite difficult .

    燃气发电相比于传统发电具有 效率高、投资省、占地少、建设周期短等优点,但是还没有燃气发电清洁生产 标准,这使燃气发电清洁生产审核增加了一定的难度。

  • Trichromatic LED commercial lighting products using the most advanced digital controls thermal management and lighting design product quality and performance are up the international standards .

    俪福LED室内照明产品采用最先进的数码控制、 散热管理以及照明灯具设计,产品质量和性能均达到国际 水平

  • The software for design and construction plans of the building elements according to actual conditions set of thermal parameters the energy analysis and calculation to help architects design buildings to determine whether the energy-saving buildings compliance with relevant national and local energy efficiency standards .

    该软件通过对设计施工图中的建筑构件,按实际情况设置 热工参数,进行节能分析计算,帮助建筑设计师判定设计的建筑物是否节能,是否符合国家和相关地方节能 标准 规定

  • Transport of Droplets with Contaminant in Air-Conditioned Room and Thermal Calculation of Buildings ; Indoor Thermal Comfort and Air-conditioning Environmental Standards of Residence in Summer

    空调室内污染液滴的扩散及室内热环境的研究夏季居住建筑室内 舒适及其空调环境 标准

  • Most of the self thermal insulation wall materials belong to the scope of the non-saturated porous media . On the one hand the relationship between its effective thermal conductivity and moisture content is not recognized enough in the relevant standards .

    大部分自保温墙材属于含湿非饱和多孔介质的范畴,对于其有效 导热系数与含水率之间的变化关系,相关 规范的认识不够。

  • To lengthen the life of casting pipe model in China a better building-up metal of higher thermal fatigue is elected through experiments whose life is up to the international standards .

    针对国内铸管模使用寿命低的问题,通过试验筛选出一种 耐热疲劳性能好的堆焊金属,修复国产铸管模,使其达到国外 铸管模的使用寿命。

  • The Research on Several Thermal Power Computation Standards of Power Plant Boilers

    关于电站锅炉几种 热力计算 标准的研究

  • In the existing office building energy-saving reconstructing programs it may only to one or two of outside wall and outside window and the roof ; or reconstruct the all but the thermal performance of a part could not meet the standards .

    在既有办公建筑节能改造时,可以选择只对外墙、外窗、屋顶中的一项或两项进行 节能改造。

  • Hot spring means thermal water or cold water or gas or geothermal ( steam ) which conforms to the standards .

    一温泉:符合 温泉 基准之温水、冷水、气体或地热(蒸气)。

  • This paper explains thermal comfort theoretical foundation with physics method and summaries the thermal comfort standards of every international community .

    本文阐述了物理学方法研究热舒适的理论基础,总结了各国际社会室内环境 舒适性 标准

  • The thermal comfort requirements of rural buildings are given after analyzing the difference between rural and urban buildings in terms of the surrounding environment the building envelope the living conditions standards and habits .

    通过分析村镇建筑所处环境、围护结构,村民生活条件、起居习惯和生活 标准等方面与城市的差异给出了村镇建筑的的 舒适性要求。

  • Discussion on the Index for Thermal Performance of Ground in Design Standards for Energy Efficiency of Civil Buildings

    建筑节能设计 标准中地面 热工性能指标商榷

  • A program rating thermal performances of solar collectors based on ASHRAE and SRCC standards

    一个根据ASHRAE和SRCC 标准标定集热器 性能的计算机程序

  • The line shrinkage density thermal conductivity of calcium silicate insulation materials made of various industry solid wastes in this paper reached national standards .

    本文利用各种工业固体废弃物制备的硅酸钙绝热材料其线收缩率、密度、 导热系数均达到国家 标准

  • The Comparison of Several New High Thermal Insulation Materials Performance and selection of insulation materials : questioning to some terms in related national standards

    几种新型 保暖絮材性能之比较保冷材料的性能和选择方法&评暖通空调新规范及其他国家 标准的有关规定

  • At present the domestic LT-MED and electricity co-generation unit water thermal costing no existing standards its water system heat cost calculation method .

    目前国内低温多效水电联产机组制水 热力成本计算没有现成的 标准,其制水热力成本计算的方法很多。