thermometric titration


  • Non-aqueous catalytic thermometric titration of weak basic organic drugs

    弱碱性有机药物的非水催化 温度 滴定

  • Thermometric titration and its application in Chemistry

    滴定 及其在化学中的应用

  • The Study of Hydrogen Bonding Reaction Between 2 and Pyridine by Thermometric Titration

    用量 滴定 研究2,4-二氯酚与吡啶的氢键络合反应

  • Thermometric titration of lincomycin hydrochloride and its preparation

    盐酸林可霉素原料药及制剂的 滴定

  • Catalytic thermometric titration and its application in reagent analysis

    催化 温度 滴定及其在试剂分析中的应用

  • Determination of kanamycin sulfate injection by thermometric titration

    滴定 测定硫酸卡那霉素注射液的含量

  • ⅱ . determination of weak acidic organic drugs by non-aqueous catalytic thermometric titration

    非水催化 温度 滴定药物 分析中的应用Ⅱ.弱酸性有机药物的含量测定

  • Determination of Sodium in Natural Brine of Salt Lakes by Digital Thermometric Titration

    数字式 温度 滴定 测定盐湖天然卤水中的钠

  • The acidity of NaY Na HY and HY zeolites was measured by thermometric titration .

    本文 用量 滴定法测定了NaY,NaHY和HY沸石的酸性。