thiol acid

[ˈθaɪˌɔl ˈæsɪd][ˈθaiəul ˈæsid]


  • Results The content of thiol groups in the chitosan-thioglycolic acid conjugates was 1034 μ mol · g ~ ( - 1 ) and the structure was elucidated .

    结果制备得到了 巯基含量为1034μmol.g-1的壳聚糖- 巯基 醋酸偶合物,阐明了该材料的结构特征。

  • The platinum loading of the self-assembled platinized electrode could be effectively controlled by changing the ratio of thiol to stearic acid .

    2通过改变共混溶液中 硫醇与硬脂 的比例,可以有效的控制电极的载铂量。

  • Thiol probe nucleic acid found that under the conditions that target nucleic acids and their PCR products are existent after combined with the thiol probe the amount of fluorescence of fluorescein maleimide can increase the amount of fluorescence of control and lotion did not significantly increase .

    硫醇探针检测发现在目的 核酸及目的核酸的PCR产物存在的条件下,与硫醇探针结合后,能增加荧光素马来酰亚胺的荧光量,而对照的荧光量没有明显的增加。

  • Application of Thiol in Organic Synthesis as Nucleophilic Reagent Interactions of Rare Earth-Amino Acid Complexes with Nucleic Acids


  • Research on the relation between the content of thiol group and in vitro adhesion of the chitosan-thioglycolic acid conjugates

    壳聚糖-巯基 醋酸偶合物的 巯基含量与体外黏附性关系研究

  • Synthesis of 2 - thiol - 3 - ( 4 - hydroxy - 3 - methoxy ) phenyl acrylic acid

    2- 巯基 -3- 4-羟基-3-甲氧基)苯基 丙烯酸的合成