this night

[ðɪs naɪt][ðis nait]


  • On this night the Weaver Star and the Cowherd Star meet in the skies above Japan .


  • Everywhere we go this night the shopping area of Patras is dominated by tub-thumping .

    这天 晚上无论我们走到哪里,帕特雷的购物区到处都是慷慨激昂的竞选演说。

  • Let me give you word of what the Lord has said to me this night .

    等我将耶和华 昨夜向我所说的话告诉你。

  • He will not outlive this night .

    他活不过 今宵

  • Not make this night about me .

    今天 晚上就别谈我了。

  • CLAUDIA : Why always on this night ?


  • We 'll look back on this night and it 'll be perfect .

    我们回想起 今晚,那将是完美的回忆。

  • Oh ! That is my tear is refused in this night by you .

    啊!那是我的眼泪,被你拒绝在 漆黑

  • This night is so intense .


  • And I and also will in this night color warm sleep silently silently asleep !

    而我,也将在 夜色 ,温暖里,悄悄的睡,悄悄的睡着!

  • This night has been so wonderful @ he thought .

    今晚 是太奇妙了,他想。

  • I will paint this day with laughter ; I will frame this night in song .

    我要用笑声点缀 今天,我要用歌声照亮 黑夜

  • ' Remember this night husband I said to him . ' Remember it well .

    “记住 今天 晚上,丈夫,”我对他说。“好好记住。

  • You must tell no one of this night .

    你不能把 今晚的事和任何人提起。

  • This night is about the two of you and your relationship .


  • He is ( so ) busy that he ( can 't ) come to your birthday party this night .

    他太忙了,以至于不能参加你 今晚的生日派对。

  • Will you come to talk to me this night ?


  • We 'll tell him that this night the zeriths have murdered his father .

    告诉他,那 赛利斯的人把他父亲谋杀的。

  • This night can be cold you come .


  • I will remember this night for the rest of my life !

    我今生将永远记住 今晚的美好时刻!

  • I will not sleep there when this night comes .

    今天 入夜后,我不在那儿睡。

  • I don 't want to ever lay eyes or hands on him again after this night .

    出了 今天 晚上 这样的事,我不想再看他一眼,或碰他一碰了。

  • Could I have this night to share this night together ?

    我可否拥有与 一起分享的 今晚

  • At this night they finally tell each other their feelings and B also learns A 's heart .

    这一页,两人终于互相吐露了心事,B也在 一夜了解了A的心。

  • In this night of nights a sudden thought of childhood memories .


  • I 'm not in love this time this night .

    好心情得我, 今晚并没有心上人。

  • I have too much homework to finish this night .


  • We can take them to this night fair next time .

    下次我们可以带他们来 这个 夜市