


  • The thermometry principle and application of infrared thermometer are analyzed and the comparison of the performance between pyrophotometer and infrared thermometer is made .

    摘要分析了红外测温仪的 测温原理和应用,比较了光学高温计和红外测温仪的性能。

  • The development of radiation thermometry and the thermal imager has been reviewed and the problems were analyzed from technique degree .

    综述国内外辐射 测温技术、 辐射 测温 仪器和红外热像仪,提出了 传统 辐射 测温存在的问题。

  • The measurement mechanism of CCD color video camera is analyzed and tri-color thermometry model is developed and analyzed .

    分析了彩色CCD摄像机测量机理,推导和分析了相应的三色 温度 测量模型。

  • Study of the application of RBF network to multi-spectral thermometry

    RBF网络在多光谱 测温中的应用研究

  • An untouched fiber-optic colorimetric thermometry is introduced in order to measure temperature of an object levitated by acoustic field when both the object and acoustic field are not affected .


  • Besides based on the application of infrared thermometry technology in routine tests some factors in terms of the theory features and significance of the technology are illustrated systematically .

    结合日常工作中对红外 测温技术的应用,对该技术的基础理论、特性、影响因素及意义进行了系统的阐述。

  • Filtering and temperature correction algorithm for smog interference in temperature measurement using CCD two-color thermometry

    CCD比色 测温中烟雾干扰的滤波与温度校正算法彩色信号比校正 放大器

  • The principle of thermocouple thermometry was used for temperature measurement and the pulse-echo technique for ultrasonic velocity .

    温度测量应用热电偶 测温原理,声速测量采用脉冲回波技术。

  • Taking Qinhuangdao-Beijing Oil Pipeline and Renqiu-Beijing Oil Pipeline as examples influence of thermometry system 's precision on fuel oil consumption of heater is analyzed .

    以秦京和任京输油管道为例,分析了 测温仪表系统精度对加热炉燃料油能耗的影响,指出提高 测温仪表精度是降低能耗的重要环节。

  • This paper introduces double ultrasound pulse transmitting and receiving circuits used in ultrasound thermometry .

    介绍了一种用于 热疗 中超声 测温的双超声脉冲发射接收电路。

  • Effects of the medium in radiation transmitting path on infrared thermometry have been analyzed .

    分析了幅射传递通道中的介质对红外 测温的影响。

  • This article narrates the research and application of colorimetric thermometry principle basing on optical fiber sensing technology .

    本文根据光纤传感技术叙述了对比色 测温原理的研究及应用。

  • The Design of Noninvasive Thermometry System Base on B-Mode Scanner and Experimentation Research

    基于B超的无损 测温系统与实验研究

  • The predominant methods used to foster good thermometry practices and usage via calibrations consultations interactions with instrumentation suppliers development of documentary standards and practices will be presented .

    介绍如何通过检定、咨询、与仪器厂商合作、建立各项标准和实践指导的文件等主要方法来促进良好的 温度 计量实践和应用。

  • This would benefit the PLIF thermometry in the popularization in industrial application .

    这对PLIF 测温 的工程应用推广是有益的。

  • Monitoring System for Power Cable Based on GPRS and Optical Fiber Thermometry Technology

    应用GPRS及光纤 测温技术的电力电缆监测系统

  • Cutaneous thermometry makes it possible to verify the course of an inflammatory process and the anti-inflammatory action of specific drug therapies .

    皮温 测定使对炎症发展过程和特定制剂的抗炎作用的监测成为可能。

  • Influencing factors on thermometry such as the structure of the sensor inner and outer layers thermal properties and boundary conditions are discussed .

    基于此模型对传感器内外层结构、物性参数和边界条件等影响传感器 温度 测量 各个因素进行分析。

  • The emissivity changes affect the temperature precision of noncontact radiation thermometry .

    发射率变化影响了非接触辐射 测温的测温精度,使 辐射 测温 难于工业推广 应用

  • The rule can improve the precision of the radiation thermometry .

    这一规律将为提高辐射 测温 测量精度 提供 极大 帮助

  • Spectro-balance thermometry method is a new approach for the noncontact measurement of temperature .

    调谱平衡测 法是一种新的非接触测温方法。

  • The colorimetric thermometry can obtain higher sensitivity from the reformation mentioned in this paper .

    比色 测温 本文所述改进后,可以获得更高的 测温灵敏度。

  • Influence of Circuit Performance on Selection of Working Wavelengths in Infrared Thermometry System

    红外 测温系统中电路性能对工作波长选择的影响

  • The theory of hyperthermia requirements to thermometry and the methods of thermometer are introduced .

    介绍了热疗 技术的原理,热疗技术对 测温的要求以及热疗 技术所采用的测温 技术

  • The MR thermometry is a wonderful non-invasive method .

    在无创 测温 各种方法中,最具有 吸引力的就是磁共振 测温

  • The platinum resistance thermometers are widely used as the precision measuring instrument in thermometry .

    精密铂电阻温度计是精密测温中广泛使用的 测温仪器。

  • There are three mathematical models of multi-spectral thermometry based on calibration factor brightness temperature and reference temperature respectively .

    多光谱 辐射 测温 的数学模型有基于检定常数的数学模型、基于亮度温度的数学模型和基于参考温度的数学模型。

  • The setup of knife-edge thermometry is designed and built to quantify the effect of the chromium beam collimation by laser cooling .

    设计搭建了刀口 测温实验装置,对激光多普勒冷却准直效果进行了定量评价。

  • Influence of Thermometry System 's Precision on Energy Consumption of Hot Oil Pipeline The Uncertainty Analysis of Digital Theraml Couple Temperature Instrument Calibrator

    测温 仪表精度对热油管道能耗的影响校验仪检定配热电偶数字温度二次仪表不确定度分析

  • Influence of Thermometry System 's Precision on Energy Consumption of Hot Oil Pipeline

    发动机 机油 温度表 测温 仪表精度对热油管道能耗的影响