
[ˈθɪðɚ, ˈðɪð-][ˈðɪðə(r)]



  • They were confounded because they had hoped ; they came thither and were ashamed .

    他们因失了盼望就抱愧,来到 那里便蒙羞。

  • Marius went thither and ate even more than on the preceding evening .


  • Tom went hither and thither to search for an answer .

    汤姆 到处寻找答案。

  • They fly hither and thither in my thought like blind birds beating the air with ineffectual wings .

    这样的念头在我的 中飞来飞去,就像失明的鸟儿 无助 在空中 扑打着翅膀。

  • They wandered hither and thither : finally they reached a kingdom ruled by an old king who had only one daughter but she was of great beauty .

    他们四处 游荡:最后他们来到了一个老国王只有一个女儿谁统治一个王国,但她非常漂亮。

  • Refugees run hither and thither in search of safety .

    难民们四处 逃奔,寻求安全之所。

  • He did not seek him ; he saw him ; his eyes went thither naturally as though they had known beforehand where that figure was .

    马德兰并不曾寻找他,却又一下就看见了他。他的眼睛 然而 地望 那里,仿佛他事先早知道了那人所在的地方。

  • He wandered hither and thither looking for a playmate .


  • In the dusk of the late September day they went thither by secret ways .

    在九月末的薄暮之中,她们 沿着隐秘的路径走到那里。

  • So there went up thither of the people about three thousand men : and they fled before the men of Ai .

    于是民中约有三千人上 那里 ,竟在艾城人面前逃跑了。

  • But Marius thought of the little barricade and went thither .

    马吕斯却想到了小街垒,并走去 了一

  • The road thither wound close by Wuthering Heights .

    那边的路 曲折蜿蜒,紧靠呼啸山庄。

  • Or without buying his freedom to abscond thither .

    或者不赎回自由,而 潜逃那里

  • Hence the man to whom it had belonged had come thither and had died there .

    那个男子一定是自己去 那里,而且就死在 那里了。

  • They have dragged themselves thither for shelter .

    他们费力地挪动 那边躲避。

  • So I have arranged a car service to transport you thither .

    所有我要安排一辆车送你们 过去

  • And over her grave the infamy that she must carry thither would be her only monument .

    而她必将带 坟墓 的那个耻辱,将是矗立在她坟上的唯一墓碑。

  • Upon a high and lofty mountain thou hast laid thy bed and hast gone up thither to offer victims .

    在巍峨高耸的山上,你安置了你的床榻,并且上 那里 奉献牺牲。

  • But there was one year when the sound of a flute penetrated thither .

    可是有一年,有个人的 笛声 进去了。

  • So you have brought him thither from the barricade ?

    您把他从 街垒 这儿 的吗?

  • He saw the men 's eyes turning hither and thither in quest of him .

    他看到那些人的眼睛 东张西望 搜索着他。

  • And if the woman will not be willing to follow thee then thou shalt be clear from this my oath : only bring not my son thither again .

    倘若女子不肯跟你来,我使你起的誓就与你无干了,只是不可带我的儿子 那里

  • He had committed a second by not remaining at the Luxembourg when M.Leblanc came thither alone .

    他犯了第二次错误:白先生单独 公园,他便不待下去。

  • If so this IS a big issue as your focus of intent must not be swayed hither and thither .

    如果这是一个大问题,因为你的焦点意图不可动摇 四出

  • Clare received directions how to find the house and hastened thither arriving with the milkman .

    克莱尔向他们问了怎样寻找那家公寓的 ,就 急急忙忙地去找 公寓找到那家 公寓的时候,送牛奶的也 那儿

  • He wandered hither and thither about the king 's lonely palace .

    他在国王冷清的宫殿里 四处徘徊。

  • Yet you are not evil when you go thither limping .

    而即使你 跛足而行,你 也称不上恶。