


  • Based on the characteristics of carbon isotope and components of gas in this field it is believed that the gas is unlikely a mixture of biogas and the lower thermogenesis natural gas .

    基于该气田天然气的组成和碳同位素特征认为,该气田的天然气也不可能是生物气与 下部 成因天然气混合的 产物

  • Combustion of oxygen ethanol was researched by thermodynamic theory . Thermogenesis and energy balance of every zone were analyzed when the flame is burning . It was proved that the flame of oxygen ethanol can be used as heat source of oxygen cutting by theory temperature calculation .

    按热力学理论讨论了氧乙醇的燃烧过程,分析火焰燃烧时各区域的 及其能量平衡,计算火焰理论温度,提出氧乙醇火焰可以作为金属氧气切割方法的热源。

  • Check out our innovative cutting-edge products with proven results : Isotonix family and Oxygen Plus Antioxidants fighting free radical damage and our thermogenesis line .

    检查我们创新,先锋产品以被证明的结果:等渗家庭和氧气加上抗氧剂与自由基战斗损坏,和我们的 单位的 世代线。

  • The results suggested that cold exposure could induce the recruitment of BAT cell and the expression of UCP gene resulting in the increase of adaptive thermogenesis in Brandt 's voles .

    结果表明,冷暴露能够诱导布氏田鼠BAT细胞增补和UCP基因表达,从而使适应性 增加。

  • The role of SNS in bone remodeling has been focused on bone growth bone resorption and bone mass aspects . The importance of SNS signaling in fat metabolism has been predominantly demonstrated in lipolysis and thermogenesis aspects .

    现有关于SNS相关信号对骨作用的研究主要集中于对骨密度、骨生长或骨吸收的影响;对脂肪代谢的研究主要在脂肪分解和 生热 作用两个方面。

  • University of Wyoming researchers found capsaicin may stimulate the body to burn energy and create heat ( a process known as thermogenesis ) – burning off calories in the process .

    美国怀俄明州大学的研究人员发现,辣椒素能够刺激身体消耗能量并产生热量(这个过程叫做 生热 作用),以此来燃烧卡路里。

  • Effect of Reproduction and Exercise on Brown Adipose Tissue Thermogenesis of Small Mammals

    繁殖和运动对小型兽类褐色脂肪组织 的影响

  • The sex difference of brandt 's voles in adaptive thermogenesis

    布氏田鼠适应性 的性别差异

  • A Comparison of Metabolic Thermogenesis and Digestive Tract Morphology between Bramblings and Tree Sparrows

    棕眉山岩鹨的代谢 特征的初步研究燕雀和麻雀代谢 及消化道形态特征比较

  • Mechanisms of adaptive thermogenesis in brandt 's voles ( microtus brandti ) during cold exposure

    布氏田鼠冷暴露中的适应性 机理

  • Thermogenesis in Cricetulus barabensis During Cold Acclimation and Re-warming

    冷驯化和复温过程中 黑线仓鼠 的变化

  • A research into the thermogenesis in mammals

    哺乳动物 的研究

  • Brown adipose tissue ( BAT ) is the major sites of cold-adaptive thermogenesis in small mammals and uncoupling protein ( UCP ) in inner membrane of BAT mitochondria is the key molecule regulating and limiting thermogenesis .

    褐色脂肪组织(BAT)是小型哺乳动物冷适应性产 的主要器官,其产热调控的核心因素是解偶联蛋白( UCP)。

  • Thermogenesis in Brown Adipose Tissue


  • It is well known that the energy balance in organic body can be caused by many factors . Uncoupling proteins ( UCPs ) regulating diet-induced adipose tissues and muscular thermogenesis are one of the important factors affecting the body energy balance .

    已知影响生物体内能量平衡的因素很多,由解偶联蛋白(UncouplingProteins,UCPs)调控能量诱发脂肪组织和肌肉组织的 生热 作用是影响机体能量平衡的重要因素之一。

  • Evaluation of the role of brown adipose tissue and liver of cold-adapted rats in non-shivering thermogenesis

    对冷适应大鼠棕色脂肪和肝脏在非寒颤 机制中作用的评价

  • Postnatal development of homeothermic ability and thermogenesis in the rat

    大鼠恒温能力和 的胎后发育

  • Resting metabolic rate ( RMR ) and non shivering thermogenesis ( NST ) showed an increase of 12 % and 85 % respectively .

    其静止代谢率(RMR)和非颤抖性 (NST)分别提高了12%和85%;

  • Several recent studies indicated that leptin could not only involve in the metabolism of fat but also in other physiological and pathological processes such as immune regulation thermogenesis ovarian function tumorigenesis metastasis proliferation and inflammatory cell reaction .

    近年来的研究发现,瘦素不仅参与脂肪代谢,还参与诸如免疫调节、 造血、卵巢功能、肿瘤发生、转移、细胞增殖及炎症反应等多种生理病理过程,并在 其中 发挥重要 作用

  • Action of Hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid Axis on Thermogenesis in Mongolian Gerbil ( Meriones unguiculatus ) Exposed to Cold

    下丘脑垂体甲状腺轴在冷暴露长爪 沙鼠 热中的作用

  • Salicylic acid is a phenolic derivative of phenylpropanoid metabolism involved in cell signal transduction in plant . It has direct involvement in plant growth thermogenesis flower induction uptake of ions and stress resistance .

    水杨酸(Salicylicacid,SA)是植物莽草酸代谢途径中的一种酚类衍生物,参与植物细胞信号传导,对植物的生长、开花、 、离子吸收、抗逆性等 生理 过程具有 调节 作用

  • Objective To observe the effect of digestive load from senna on the adaptive thermogenesis in hypothyroid rats .

    目的观察胃肠负荷对甲状腺机能低下大鼠适应性 的影响。

  • Variation of thermogenesis in plateau pika ( ochotona curzoniae ) during cold acclimation and de - cold acclimation

    低温驯化对苗木生理及核酸转录的影响高原鼠兔冷驯化和脱冷驯化中的 变化

  • Uncoupling proteins are proton transporters in mitochondrial inner membrane . It plays an important role in thermogenesis body weight regulation and energy metabolism .

    解耦联蛋白3(UCP3)是位于线粒体内膜的质子转运体,其在 适应性 、体重调节和能量代谢中发挥重要作用。


    褐色脂肪组织 热航天员的产热和散热问题

  • The uncoupling protein ( UCP ) played an important role in the adaptive thermogenesis of animals . And it also tightly associated with energy allocating and utilizing and human 's adiposity and NIDDM .

    与动物 适应密切相关的解偶联蛋白( UncouplingProtein,UCP)与动物对的能量的分配与利用,以及与人类肥胖症和非胰岛素依赖性糖尿病具有密切的关系。