thermodynamic function

[ˌθɚmodaɪˈnæmɪk ˈfʌŋkʃən][ˈθə:məudaiˈnæmik ˈfʌŋkʃən]


  • The study of thermodynamic function and stability of 1 D temperature field at muzzle

    膛口一维温度场的 热力学 函数及稳定性分析

  • Using the means of microcalorimetry from the view of thermokinetics we established thermokinetic model of mutual effect between antitumour drugs and DNA calculated mutual thermodynamic function .

    采用微量热方法,从热动力学角度,建立抗肿瘤药物与DNA作用的热动力学模型,计算系列相关的 热力学 函数

  • Determination of thermodynamic function change value by electromotive force method

    电动势法测定 热力学 函数变化值

  • On manufacture of the picture in thermodynamic function

    热力学 函数 关系图的研制

  • Thermodynamic function of transfer for the coordination reaction of 18-crown-6 with alkali ions in alcohol

    冠醚-碱金属离子配位反应从水到醇中的迁移 热力学 性质

  • Visual Basic 6.0 and a least squares straight line fit program are used to compile this software for the processing of the experimental data in measuring the thermodynamic function of nonelectrolyte solution by gas-liquid chromatography and a better result including date and figures can be achieved .

    用计算机编程对气-液色谱法测定非电解质溶液的 热力学 函数实验的数据进行处理,可完全消除作图过程中产生的误差,得出科学的计算结果。

  • New approximate thermodynamic function of anharmonic oscillator solids

    非谐振子固体新的近似 热力学 函数

  • Compare the calculated results with experimental results and document value and discuss the change regularity of thermodynamic function .

    将计算结果与实验结果、文献值进行比较,讨论 热力学 函数的变化规律。

  • Manual disposal of the experimental data of the thermodynamic function measured with electromotive force can hardly achieve a satisfactory result .

    手工方法处理电动势法测 热力学 函数的实验数据,很难得到满意的结果。

  • The McMillan-Mayer theory is employed to relate the excess thermodynamic function with a series of interaction parameters of solute in water so as to obtain the pair Gibbs free energy interaction parameters and salting constant .

    通过Mcmillan-Mayer理论将体系的过量 热力学 函数与溶液中溶质的相互作用参数相关联,获得氯化铯与糖在水溶液中相互作用的吉布斯自由能参数及盐效应常数。

  • And the reason is as we 'll see shortly it turns out that every single macroscopic thermodynamic function can be Derived by knowing just that .

    原因在于,我们待会就会看到,这个 和可以推导,任何一个体系的宏观 热力学量,得到结果之后。

  • The critical micelle concentration ( CMC ) aggregation number ( n ) formation constant ( K ) and thermodynamic function of micellization were determined . The hydro-dynamic radius of each droplet was also obtained by the laser light scattering experiment .

    求得临界胶束浓度、胶束形成常数K、聚集数n以及 热力学 函数,并用激光动态光散射仪测定胶团和微乳颗粒的流体力学半径。

  • Thermodynamic function calculation shows that the adsorption is a spontaneous and exothermic process . Enthalpy and entropy change of the adsorption of methy orange are - 8.80kJ · mol-1 and - 18.01J · mol-1 · K-1 Free energy of the adsorption increases with the increase of temperature .

    热力学 函数计算表明,自制吸附剂甲基橙的吸附是自发的放热过程,吸附热和熵变分别为-8.80KJ·mol-1和-18.01J·mol-1·K-1,吸附自由能随温度的升高而增加。

  • In this paper the deducing methods of the partial derivatives in thermodynamic function Were summarized and studied the author found simple and easily memorized method which could be applied well in the teaching .

    热力学 函数偏微商的推证方法进行了概述与探讨,找到了适合于教学的简单易记的推证法。

  • The Standard Thermodynamic Function of Transfer of Rubidium Tetraphenylborate from Water to Straight - chain n - Alkanols

    四苯硼酸铷由水至直链一元醇中的标准迁移 热力学 函数

  • What thermodynamic function is naturally a function of N V T ?

    什么 热力学量,是V,N和T的自然 函数

  • Characters of thermodynamic function of fluids near the critical point

    临界点附近流体 热力学 函数特性的研究

  • A Simplified Method of Deducing partial Derivatives of Thermodynamic Function

    推证 热力学 函数偏微商的简捷方法

  • Based on thermodynamic function of hot metal predesulphurizing reaction and desulphurizing reaction rate the conditions beneficial to hot metal predesulphurization was analyzed .

    根据铁水预脱硫反应的 热力学 函数和脱硫反应速率,分析了有利于铁水预脱硫的条件。

  • Owing to the interaction between adsorption hydrated Zn2 + and oxygen-containing function group on carbon surface the desorbing of water molecules and H + formation make the thermodynamic function S0 increasing .

    由于吸附水合Zn2+与炭表面含氧官能团之间相互作用,导致水分子的脱附及H+的产生,使其 热力学 函数ΔS0增加。

  • Studies on Thermodynamic Function and Structure Parameters of Tertiary Amine Salt - Alkane-Water Systems

    叔铵盐-烷烃-醇-水四元体系的 热力学 函数与结构研究

  • Computer-based Data Processing Method in Measuring the Thermodynamic Function of Nonelectrolyte Solution by Gas-Liquid Chromatography

    气-液色谱法测定非电解质溶液的 热力学 函数的数据处理方法

  • The given grouping features of thermodynamic state function profiles have certain signatures and indications of weather characteristics .


  • The relationship between excess thermodynamic function and binding to urease of four chloroacetanilide herbicides was studied using high-performance liquid chromatography and fluorescence spectrum .

    运用高效液相色谱法和荧光光谱法研究了四种酰胺类除草剂的 热力学 函数以及与脲酶的作用。

  • Study on the deducing methods of the partial derivatives in thermodynamic function

    热力学 函数偏微商推证法的探讨

  • The relationship between excess thermodynamic function and the binding constant K was suggested .

    分析表明过量 热力学 函数与结合常数K存在较好的相关性。

  • Discussion on the Determination of the Basic Thermodynamic Function by applying the Maxwell Relation

    应用麦克斯韦关系确定基本 热力学 函数的讨论

  • Study on Thermodynamic Function of Cephalosporins and Its Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship by High-performance Liquid Chromatography

    用高效液相色谱研究头孢菌素类药物 热力学 函数及其定量构效关系

  • Equations of excess thermodynamic function and activity coefficient based on cell model and athermal solution theory

    基于胞腔模型和无热溶液理论推导超额 热力学 函数和液相活度系数方程