thermodynamic functions

[化] 热力学函数

  • The thermodynamic functions relative to the reference temperature 298.15 K were derived based on the heat capacity measurements .

    根据 热力学关系和热容数据,计算出了该化合物相对于标准参考温度29815K的 热力学 函数

  • The thermodynamic functions of the reaction of glycine with pyridoxal were measured and discussed .

    测算和讨论了甘氨酸和吡哆醛结合反应的 热力学 函数

  • The partition function also called the sum over states It plays an important role in the evaluation of thermodynamic functions and in the derivation of distribution functions .

    配分函数,也称状态和函数。对于 热力学 函数的获得及在分布函数的导出中拌演着重要角色。

  • Problems and Pondering in EMF Methods for Measuring Thermodynamic Functions of Multiphase Reaction System

    电动势法测量多相反应体系 热力学 函数的问题与思考

  • A Study on the Thermodynamic Functions of Soil Water

    土壤水分 热力学 函数研究

  • Some thermodynamic functions in the dissolution process such as enthalpy and entropy were calculated and alcohol concentration had relatively greater effect on enthalpy than on entropy .

    计算了丙烯在甲醇、异丙醇、仲丁醇三种醇水溶液中溶解过程的 热力学 函数值,主要是溶解焓和溶解熵,醇溶液浓度的增加对溶解焓的影响大于溶解熵。

  • After a proper selection of free variables the exergy function of a system can serve as a characteristic function from which all other thermodynamic functions may be determined .

    在恰当的选择了自由变量之后,体系的火用函数可以作为特征函数,由此可求出所有其它 热力学 函数

  • The thermodynamic functions and the excess thermodynamic functions of the azeotrope relative to 298 . 15 K were derived based on the relationships of the thermodynamic functions and the function of the measured heat capacity with respect to the temperature .

    获得了其相应的相变焓和相变熵.计算了以298.15K为基准的该共沸混合物的 热力学 函数和超额热力学函数。

  • Fundamental equations of thermodynamic functions Thermodynamics is concerned with energy relationships .

    热力学 函数基本关系式热力学所讨论的是能的各种关系。

  • After that the formalism of statistical mechanics takes over and calculates partition functions and thermodynamic functions .

    从那以后,都是统计力学的内容,计算配分函数,和 热力学 函数

  • Density Functional Theory Studies of the Structure Vibrational Spectrum and Thermodynamic Functions of Maleimide

    马来酰亚胺的结构与振动光谱和 热力学 性质的密度泛函理论研究

  • The thermodynamic functions of the reactant product and transition state and the equilibrium constants rate constants and A factor of the isomerization have been given at normal pressure and at the temperature range from 200 ~ 2500K .

    给出了1.01325×10~5Pa及200~2500K温度下的反应物、产物和过渡态的 热力学 函数及该异构化的平衡常数、速率常数和A因子等一套较完整的热力学、动力学参数。

  • The Relationship Among Thermodynamic Functions in a Closed System and the Square Rule

    封闭体系 热力学 函数之间关系和四方形规则

  • The Maxwell relations between the thermodynamic functions were derived with the matrix analysis according to the characteristics of Jacobian determinant in present paper .

    本文根据雅可比行列式的性质,利用矩阵分析的 方法,得到 热力学中物理量之间的麦克斯韦关系,同时给出一种容易记忆的方法。

  • The paper has calculated both partition and thermodynamic functions of the perfect gas of monatomic molecule through seven classical ensemble distributions and obtained the same result . It has illustrated the thermodynamic equivalence of statistical distribution by practical examples .

    本文用七种经典系统分布计算了单原子理想气体的配分函数和 热力学 函数,得出相同结果.以实例说明了七种统计分布的热力学等价性。

  • In this paper piezoelectric and electrostrictive and thermoelectric and electrothermal effects of the nonlinear dielectrical crystals were discussed through necessary mathematical describe and thermodynamic functions .

    本文通过必要的数学表述及 热力学 函数定性讨论了介电晶体的压电效应与电致伸缩效应和热电效应与电热效应。

  • Thermodynamic functions of the entropy and enthalpy were calculated in the experimental temperature range . 4 . Hydrogels can be used as a drug carrier .

    计算了实验温度区间内的 变和熵变。4.水凝胶是一种引起广泛关注的载药方式。

  • According to the thermodynamic functions at different temperatures it can be identify the force type of complexes with human serum albumin .

    根据不同温度下的 热力学 函数,确定了配合物与人血清白蛋白的作用力类型。

  • The thermodynamic functions and heat capacity of solids in n-dimensional system are calculated accurately . When the temperature is extremely high or low the results are discussed .

    精确地计算了n维固体的 热力学 函数、热容,讨论了极端高、低温近似时的结果;

  • The Graphical Expression and Diagram Memory of the Common Thermodynamic Functions

    常见 热力学 函数关系的图形表达和简图记忆

  • A classification scheme of critical points according to the stability criteron and the continuity of thermodynamic functions is suggested .

    一般来说,多稳性的 级次越高, 相变和临界点的式样也越多。

  • In thermodynamic technology it is meaningful to determine the state function of thermodynamics from which many important thermodynamic functions can be derived and power and heat be calculated .

    热力学系统物态方程的确定在热力学技术中非常有意义,因为由物态方程可求出系统许多重要的 热力学 函数表达式,以及各种热力学过程中的功、热量。

  • The thermodynamic functions and their physical meaning in cryosorption process

    低温吸附过程中的 热力学 函数及其物理意义

  • The changes of thermodynamic functions heat capacities A factors and the rate constants were calculated at a range of temperature 200 ~ 2000K for the title reaction .

    本文用从头算方法计算了200~2000K温度范围内NH2NO2重排反应的 热力学 函数改变值,等容热容,反应的A因子和速度常数;

  • The thermodynamic functions of electrode reaction were calculated according to the relations between the thermodynamic functions and the electrode potential or the electrode temperature coefficient .

    根据电极反应热力学函数与电极电势和电极温度系数的关系计算求得电极反应的 热力学 函数

  • Phase Diagram and Thermodynamic Functions of Microemulsions

    十六烷基磺酸钠微乳液的相图和 热力学 函数的研究

  • For some thermodynamic functions such as total energy particle velocity the classical MD simulations agree well with experimental results .

    对于一些 热力学 函数,如总能和粒子速度,经典势模拟给出了很好的总趋势,基本特征和实验观测一致。

  • Evolving rules of some important thermodynamic functions such as entropy entropy production and entropy flow during the formation of the limit cycle oscillation and the conservative oscillation show that these functions can 't characterize features of dissipative structures .

    耗散分布函数和嫡流分布函数在极限环振荡和守恒振荡形成前后的变化规律,表明它们在表征耗散结构方面比其他 热力学 函数更具特征性和可比性。