thermometer calibration

[θɚˈmɑmɪtɚ ˌkæləˈbreʃən][θəˈmɔmitə ˌkæləˈbreɪʃən]


  • The experiment proved that the accuracy of measurement and the efficiency of thermometer calibration was improved .

    实验验证该系统提高了测量准确度及 温度计 检定的工作效率。

  • Calculating Analysis of the Influence of Blackbody 's Temperature Uniformity to Radiation Thermometer 's Calibration Results

    黑体空腔不等温性对辐射 温度计 校准结果影响的计算分析

  • To improve the measurement accuracy of the thermometer the calibration for different ambient temperature and the correction of ambient temperature compensation are presented .

    并在实验基础上提出了采用 分段 标定及对环境温度补偿结果进行修正的方法,提高了测量精度。

  • The Study of Low Thermometer Calibration System

    低温 温度计 标定系统研究

  • At last the uncertainty are evaluated for the infrared tympanic thermometer calibration .

    最后对实验结果进行了不确定度的 评定

  • Design and set up the first computer controlled equipment in China for pyrometer wavelength function measurement of all kinds of radiation thermometer . It is also the necessary of the One Point Calibration . 5 .

    研制了国内第一套PWF全自动微机控制测量装置,为单波长及多波长辐射 温度计的波长函数测定,以及一点 提供了可靠的手段。

  • The formation of infrared radiation human body thermometer and the method of calibration experiment are introduced .

    本文简要介绍了所研制的红外辐射 体温 的构成及 标定实验方法;

  • The entire temperature measurement system is under the control of the main program . The design and production of system for industrial field precision thermometer automatic calibration system is tested .

    整个温度测量系统在主程序控制下工作;对设计和制作完成的系统进行了工业现场精密 温度计自动 校准系统的试验,获得了试验数据,并对数据进行了分析。