this side up

[ðɪs saɪd ʌp][ðis said ʌp]


  • Fold this side of the bottom up like this .

    像这样把 一面的底端折 上去

  • This paper takes establishing equation about double side lapping through a planet mechanism as an example described how we set up the double side lapping trace equation by using the graphic transform ;

    本文首先以行星机构 双面研磨轨迹方程的建立过程为例,论述了如何运用图形变换的方法来 建立行星机构双面研磨的轨迹方程;

  • For this short time of the fulfillment of prophecy you are living side by side with those of the angelic kingdom right up to archangels and seraphim .

    短时间内预言的实现,你们与那些真实的大天使和 六翼天使 并肩生活着。

  • This algorithm used the value of fault voltage and fault current measured from one side of the line to estimate fault voltage of the other side of line . The ratio of estimated value to measured value makes up the protection criteria .

    算法利用线路 一侧电压、电流故障分量的测量值估算另一侧电压故障分量,以估算值与测量值的比值 构成保护判据。

  • See the second person he said : this spider really stupid why not from the dry side and climbed up to look around the place ? I will be as foolish as it should not . Thus he becomes wise up .

    第二个看到的人,他说道“ 蜘蛛真傻,他为什么不从干的 地方 去目的地啊,我再不会像他一样笨了”于是他变得聪明起来。

  • The scheme of this monitoring channel is low-cost and easy to install and it need not add any extra equipments on high-voltage side as well as set up a special modulation transformer in substation .

    本文设计的监测信道实现方案成本低廉而且安装方便,无须在 高压线路上添加设备,也无须在变电所 设置专门的调制变压器。

  • In this paper a new optimization method on containerization of Up Side Up cubic packages is given and software is made as to meet the requirements of containerization capacity and packages in proportion .

    提出了Up Side Up包装件箱型按比例混装的一种方法,且编制了软件,以满足按比例混装和提高集装能力的要求。

  • A : This report issued by the US side continues to play up the fallacy of the so-called China 's military threat . It is a gross distortion of facts and interference in China 's internal affairs .

    答: 美方发表的 这份报告,继续 渲染所谓“中国军事威胁论”,严重歪曲事实,干涉中国内政,中方坚决反对,并已向美方 提出严正交涉。

  • This paper on the side of supplier puts up a discriminate pricing strategy to incentive information sharing in supply chains .

    供应商的 角度出发,针对一个供应商和多个零售商 组成的分散式二级供应链,提出使用价格歧视策略来激励零售商参与信息共享。

  • But we humans we live on this side of scripture and we look up and we read the writings of God and so we need scripture to read things .

    但我们人类生活在经文的 一边,我们 抬头看,我们阅读上帝的著作,我们需要读经文。

  • Please carry the box with this side up .

    抬这个箱子的 时候这边

  • On the other cases you can find different care marks such as Handle with care Don 't drop Keep flat Use no hooks and This side up .

    在其它箱子上你可以发现不同的警告标志,例如“小心轻放”、“勿摔”、“必须平放”、“勿用手钩”、“ ”。

  • WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY : This is the most common sleeping position in the UK with three in four of us sleeping on our side with our legs drawn up towards our chest .

    专家意见: 这种俗称“胎儿睡姿”是在英国最普遍的睡姿,其中每4个人就有3个人使用这种 睡姿 睡觉

  • This article needle adds water sufficient fluid side box model has carried on the structure vibration characteristic and is stirred up the acoustic radiation characteristic finite element numerical analysis .

    针对水中充液 箱模型,进行了结构振动特性和受激声辐射特性的有限元数值分析。

  • The findings support the idea that a person 's genes ( and particularly this gene ) help to explain whether they nudge some vegetables to the side of their plate or gobble them up .

    研究结果证明了通过研究人的基因组(特别是 敏感型”受体基因),能够帮助我们解释为什么同样的蔬菜,有的人 狼吞虎咽而有的人却 敬而远之

  • This paper propose a new kind of Side Channel Cryptoanalysis by taking the advantage of the Cache behavior Cache hit and Cache miss while looking up arrays .

    提出了一种新的利用Cache在访问数组时表现 出来的命中和未命中的特性进行密码 旁路分析的技术。

  • This section describes additional client side configuration elements that you need to set up in order to get the ClientIdCallbackHandler and your application working properly .

    部分将描述其他 客户端配置元素,您需要对这些元素进行 设置才能使ClientIdCallbackHandler和应用程序正确运行。

  • The former Reds left-back signed for Fulham this summer from Italian side Roma and he won 't be the only ex-Liverpool star to come up against his old club next term .

    前利物浦左后卫 今年夏天从 意甲罗马转会富勒姆,他将不会是唯一下赛季要 面对老东家的前利物浦球星。

  • And the arches thereof were toward the outward court ; and palm trees were upon the posts thereof on this side and on that side : and the going up to it had eight steps .

    门洞 两旁的柱子都有雕刻的棕树。登八层台阶 到这门。

  • Items which must be kept in upright position on2 sides label This Side Up .

    对于必须正面放置的物品,“ 面朝 ”的标签应在两面显示。

  • This and the side effects mean many give up before completing the course .

    这种情况以及 作用意味着许多人在完成疗程之前就 放弃