thixotropic fluid


  • Poiseuille flow and flow in porous media of thixotropic fluid

    触变 流体的泊肖叶流动和渗流

  • The change of the viscosity of gel with time showed that the gel is a kind of thixotropic fluid .

    凝胶的粘度与时间的关系表明该凝胶体系为 触变 体系

  • In this paper using the Moore 's thixotropic fluid constitutive equations which was a non-elastic fluid model two representive flows in petroleum industry were discussed .

    笔者采用Moore 变性 流体本构方程(一种无弹性流体模型),对石油工业中两种典型的流动形式进行了研究。

  • The measurement and evaluation methods for thixotropic cement slurry are emphatically and overall analyzed and discussed in this paper and the raised model related to the thixotropy of cement slurry is also suitable for the thixotropy evaluation of other Bingham fluid and power law fluid with non gelling property .

    文章重点对 触变 水泥浆的测量和评价方法进行了全面分析和深入的讨论,提出的水泥浆触变性有关模型同样适用于其它非胶凝性宾厄姆 流体、幂律流体的触变性评定。

  • The Numerical Calculation of a Cylinder Rotating in Thixotropic Fluid

    无限 旋转圆柱体在有 时效 触变 牛顿 流体 运动的数值计算

  • The main contents and results are as followed : ( 1 ) The existing evaluation methods of thixotropic suspension were summarized and tests were conducted to verify the suitability of these methods to characterize the MR fluid .

    具体内容如下:(1)总结了悬浮液 变性具有的评价方法,并试验研究了各方法对磁流变 变性表征的适用性。

  • Since the crude oil in our country has the higher waxy content and has the outstanding thixotropic property the study on the flow of the thixotropic fluid was very important for the petroleum industry in our country .

    由于我国原油含蜡量较高,表现出显著的触变特性,因此,关于 触变 流体流动行为的研究,对于我国的石油工业具有重要的实际意义。