this time

[ðɪs taɪm][ðis taim]


  • By golly we can do something about it this time .


  • This time he 's gone too far .


  • He was married for the second time this time to a Belgian

    他第二次结婚, 是和一个比利时人。

  • It is the fresh fruit that tempts me at this time of year

    一年当中 这个 时节,新鲜水果最能吸引我了。

  • This time we really need to succeed or else people will start giving us funny looks


  • This time I failed my examination completely .


  • By this time he was thirty


  • This time it looks as if we 're really going to get somewhere .


  • He succeeded in the examination this time .

    这次考试 通过了。

  • This time my luck 's in .


  • Anne you need to listen to me this time

    安妮, 这次你得听我的

  • It 's so good to hear your voice after all this time .

    这么 没有联系,听到你的声音真是太好了。

  • It suited her perfectly this time .


  • By this time she was in her nineties and needed help more and more frequently .

    这个 时候她已经90多岁了,越来越频繁地需要帮助。

  • He repeated his answer this time in a clear firm tone of voice .

    他重复了一遍自己的回答, 这次声音清晰、语气坚定。

  • I hope this time they will not put my plan on the shelf .

    希望 他们不会把我的计划束之高阁。

  • Ordinarily it should be snowing at this time of the year .

    按说 这时候该下雪了。

  • This time their visit is brief .

    他们 这次的访问 时间很短。

  • We still can 't quite believe he 's here with us after all this time

    我们还是不太敢相信,过了 这么 ,他居然还和我们一起呆在这里。

  • This time he has made good .


  • Well he got pinched this time .


  • At this time she decided to become a Christian and was baptised


  • Usually at this time our thoughts are on Christmas

    通常在 这种 时候,我们的心思全放在了圣诞节上。

  • After all this time he still had new ideas and was game to try them

    过了 这么 ,他依然不乏新点子并敢于去尝试。

  • Are you really going to make a better job of it this time ?


  • Just think we should be home this time tomorrow

    想象一下,明天的 这个 时候我们就到家了。

  • He will study harder from this time on .


  • You 've hit it this time . He 's gone to town .


  • You have the laugh on me this time .


  • Aha you can 't slip away this time .

    哈哈, 这回你溜不掉了。