this that or the other

[ðɪs ðæt ɔr ði ˈʌðər][ðis ðæt ɔ: ðə ˈʌðə(r]

形形色色, 诸如此类

  • The advantage of this is that marketing or customer support has data to advise on the ideal configuration for a customer based on his performance and other requirements .

    这样做的好处 可以基于性能和需求来为市场部 或者客户支持部提供数据,以便让他们为客户提供理想的配置。

  • If we had a long running job such as this we might find that it interfered with our ability ( or the ability of other users ) to do other work on our system .

    如果运行过类似的作业,您会 发现我们将无法在系统上执行其他工作( 其他用户也是 如此)。

  • This is really more of a personal desire I think that Grails support or any of the other points I have listed would affect far more people .

    实际上更多的是一个个人意愿,我 认为 Grails的支持 我所罗列 其他各点将会影响更多的人。

  • But the organization of that page whether this word is inside that paragraph or in the other div is solely up to you .

    但页面组织,不管是 段落内 还是其他分区,都只由您单独决定。

  • This error indicates that a log file is missing or does not match the other log files .

    错误指示某个日志文件丢失 其他日志文件不匹配。

  • This new version contains a complete set of operations with the required changes so that a consumer would use either one or the other URL exclusively to access this Web service .

    新版本包含完整操作集,并具有所需的变更, 因此使用者将仅使用两 URL之 一来访问Web服务。

  • Though capabilities are usually argued to be the key sources of durable performance in the received literatures this study suggests that know-how or capacities can generate more durable advantages and dynamic performance only if the capabilities match the other resources of the firm .

    能力虽然是企业长期绩效的核心根源,但能力必须 企业 其他资源相互匹配,才能够促进资源的相互转化 才能获得持续竞争和动态绩效。

  • It 's proved in this year 's market that it 's better to judge the supporting position or resistence position in the market by the Cycle Lines than by Boolean Strip or other bull market indexes .

    今年的走势 证明 用周期线来判断大盘的支撑位 阻力位,远远强于用布林带或 其它牛市行情指标。

  • In this case it is easy to see that the farmer and the rancher can each benefit by specializing in what he or she does best and then trading with the other .

    这种情况下,很容易得见 农夫和牧场主可以在从专攻 自己的专长然后同 别人交易中获利。

  • This is the grand illusion in which you have engaged : that God cares one way or the other what you do .

    你们一直总有一个大幻象, 就是:神在意你们做 什么

  • In other words this means that the old memory model made promises only about the visibility of the variable being read or written and no promises about the visibility of writes to other variables .

    换句话说, 意味着老的内存模型只保证正在读 写的变量的可见性,不保证写入 其他变量 可见性。

  • This paper proves that the real and imaginary parts of the complex eigenvector of a reflection matrix given in the object space or in the image space coordinate system are orthogonal to each other and they are both orthogonal to the real eigenvector of the same reflection matrix .

    证明了通常在物空间坐标系 在像空间坐标系的基下写出的反射棱镜作用矩阵之复本征矢量的实部、虚部和实本征矢量正交 形成一组标准正交基。

  • This governor is useful for setting a unique power policy that is not preset or available from the other governors ; you can also use it to experiment with policies .

    调控器可用于设置唯一的电源策略(不可预设 可从 其他调控器获取);您还可以使用它来试验策略。

  • This paper argues that accountability means a relationship between two persons or organizations in which one acknowledges an obligation to perform some task of function and the other expects that the task or function will be performed .

    论文强调 教育绩效责任制是指两个人 组织之间的关系,一方承诺完成某项职能任务的职责, 一方则预期完成任务;

  • A new concept named targeting nerve analgesia is introduced in this article . Targeting nerve analgesia is a method that limits the therapeutic action or drug effect in the specified targeted innervation region during the process of pain treatment and does not affect other neural function .

    本文提出靶神经镇痛新概念,所谓靶神经镇痛是指在治疗过程中把治疗作用 药物效应限定在特定的靶神经支配区内,而不影响 其他神经的功能。

  • This shared design works in a way that if you have two or more systems actively doing work in the event that one of them fails the other system can continue working .

    这种共享设计是 这样工作的:如果有2个 更多的系统在工作,当其中一个系统出现故障时, 其他的系统可以继续工作。

  • This summary procedure shall also apply to cases where the amount of the claim totals more than RMB1000000 yuan provided that the parties agree or one party applies for and the other party agrees to it in writing .

    争议金额超过人民币100万元的案件 双方当事人同意的, 或者经一方当事人书面申请并 征得 一方当事人书面 同意的,亦适用 简易程序。

  • According to the stipulations of law this crime means that company or enterprise uses methods of hiding the property bearing the fictitious debt or shifting the property by other methods and it is false and harmful to interests of the creditor or other people seriously .

    根据法律的规定, 本罪 公司 企业通过隐匿财产、承担虚构的债务或者以 其他方法转移、处分财产,实施虚假破产,严重损害债权人或者其他人利益的行为。

  • This research was useful in offering some insight into the variables that influence the choice of one tertiary institution or the other in Ghana .

    研究在对影响进入加纳高等教育 其他机构的变量提供一些视角上是有积极意义

  • And then it discusses two problems not detailed in this study : one is that the cultural resources are valuable or abandoned the other issue is the folk religion is culture or superstition .

    接着探讨了 本文未展开细致研究的两个问题:一是文化资源到底是精华 还是糟粕的问题, 是民间信仰是文化还是迷信的问题。

  • Hagen said cautiously is winning this academy award so terribly important to an actor 's career or is it just he usual publicity crap that really doesn 't mean anything one way or the other ?

    黑根提醒他说:“ 对于一个演员的事业来说,获得学会奖真能起到大得惊人的作用吗 一方面来说,难道老一套的宣传硬是毫无意义吗?”

  • He is always raising a stink about this that or the other thing .

    他总是为了 这事事地 大吵大闹

  • They have investments in this or that or the other here there and everywhere . don 't put all your eggs in one basket . is all wrong .

    他们向 方面投资, 方面投资;在这里投资,在那里投资,到处都投资。“不要把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里”的说法大错特错。

  • The nice thing about this is that you can perfect your regular expressions using sed or Perl and you can still use them on systems where only one or the other is available .

    这样做的优点在于 您可以使用sed Perl完善正则表达式,并且在只包含其中某 系统中,您仍然可以它们。

  • Hundreds of thousands of people in this country who would like to make a lot of money are not making it because they are waiting for this that or the other to happen .

    在这个国度里,有成千上万的人想赚大钱却没有赚到 是因为他们总在等待 什么发生。

  • The challenge in this scenario is that management is trying to dictate both the release date and the content while the development team 's belief is that they can achieve one or the other .

    这种情况下,遇到的挑战 就是管理层试图指定发行日期和内容,而开发团队的观点是他们只能实现 其中之一。

  • They have investments in this or that or the other here there and everywhere .

    他们在 这里投一点资, 那里投 点资,这里那里的,到处都投资。

  • The researchers say this observation suggests that external information such as irregular light or the sound of other roosters can weaken a rooster 's Circadian rhythm .

    研究人员称, 这个发现 表明,例如不规律的光线 或者 其他公鸡 打鸣声等外部信息会降低一只公鸡昼夜节律的准确性。

  • This paper deep analyses the use situation of DT - model governors and after basically retaining old hydraulic pressure system puts forward a new plan that replaces or improves the electric-hydraulic translator and other parts .

    本文针对DT型调速器使用中存在的问题进行了深入的分析,在基本保留原液压系统的情况下,提出 电液转换器 部件进行更换 改进 方案。