


  • Starch prepared from the grains of corn ; used in cooking as a thickener .


  • Research on clean fracturing fluid and its application to shallow low-temperature oil reservoir NEW TYPES OF THICKENER USED UNDER THE CONDITION OF ACIDITY IN LOW TEMPERATURE LOW PERMEABILITY GAS RESERVOIR

    浅层低温油藏清洁型压裂液的研究与应用低温低渗气藏酸基新型压裂液 的研制

  • It is used as a thickener for gravy other sauces soups and stews .

    它用来 卤汁、其它酱汁(料)、羹汤和炖菜。

  • Beurre mani é should not be confused with roux which is also a thickener made of equal parts of butter and flour but which is cooked before use .

    奶油面糊不应与油面糊相混淆,尽管它也是用等量黄油和面粉制成的 ,但它是使用前才烹制的。

  • Preparation of Polyurethane as Paper Agent and Studies on Paper-Based Polyurethane Synthesis of Amphoteric Polyacrylamide Thickener by Two-Step Polymerization


  • A thickener comprises a tank body with a bottom provided with a sand discharge port and a top provided with a feed port ;

    一种 浓密 ,包括罐体,所述罐体的底部设置有放砂孔,其顶部设置有进料口;

  • Discussion on the Efficiency of Scraping Mud by Using the Straight Line Board and the Logarithmic Spiral Board on Thickener Mud Scraper


  • The washing water of coal preparation plant includes primarily three parts : water from concentrated machine thickener and lurry pond .

    选煤厂洗水主要包括三部分:压滤机滤液水, 高效浓缩机溢流水及煤泥沉淀池溢流水。

  • The results showed that the synthetically thickener which has good tackify performance is a good sour bath thickener .

    结果表明,合成的 具有良好的增粘性能,是一种优良的酸液稠化剂。

  • Corn starch is used as a thickener in stews .

    玉米淀粉在炖煮的菜肴中被用作 勾芡物。

  • Synthesis and application of thickener CP for pigment printing

    涂料印花 CP的合成及应用性能

  • Powdery starch from certain sago palms ; used in Asia as a food thickener and textile stiffener .

    一种来自某种西谷椰子的粉末状淀粉,在亚洲用作食物 和纺织品硬化

  • In the minerals to be separated after their containing large amounts of water subject to Thickener initial concentration then dryer drying can be dry minerals .

    在所要的矿物质被分离出来后,因其含有大量水分,须经 浓缩机的初步浓缩,再经烘干机烘干,即可得到干燥的矿物质。

  • Solution polymerization and two different inverse emulsion polymerizations have been carried out to synthesize hydrophobically associative polyacrylate thickener .

    采用溶液聚合法、反相乳液聚合法合成疏水缔合型聚丙烯酸盐 ,比较聚合工艺和产物性能。

  • Fat of animal and vegetable oils for the release agent problems are more due to air-containing products of more emulsifier and thickener surface concrete structure will be greatly affected .

    动植物油进行脂化的脱模剂出现的问题较多,其原因是产品中含有引气性比较大的乳化剂及 ,会给混凝土结构面层带来极大的影响。

  • Gum from an acacia tree ; used as a thickener ( especially in candies and pharmaceuticals ) .

    来自金合欢属树木的树胶,用作 (尤其用于制蜡烛和药品)。

  • This paste contains dye thickener water and other chemicals .

    印花浆含有染料, ,水和其它的化学品。

  • How much thickener is used ?


  • A gum used especially as a thickener or emulsifier .

    一种树胶,尤其用作 或乳化剂。

  • These are aqueous dispersions of detergent cellulosic thickener and preservative made in conformance with and approved for use in the indicated ASTM methods .

    该产品为含有清洁剂,纤维素 和防腐剂的水性分散体,符合指定的ASTM方法的使用标准。

  • If a thickener affects the solubility or volatility of a flavor compound its indirect influence on the nose or tongue could be very real .

    例如,当 影响风味物质的溶解度或挥发性时,它对嗅觉和味觉的间接影响也是十分明显的。

  • A Chinese company had identified the additive as glycerin a safe sweetener and thickener .


  • Gum tragacanth ( from several shrub species in the genus Astragalus ) is used as a coating and binding agent in pill manufacture as an emulsifier in processed foods and as a thickener in sauces .


  • GREASE : A lubricant of oil or oils thickened with a soap soaps or other thickener to a semi-solid or solid consistency .

    油脂:一种由油、或含皂基成分而稠化的油、或含其他 形成的半固体状或固体润滑物。

  • Polymeric thickener for latex can be prepared from waste polyacrylonitrile ( PAN ) via alkaline hydrolysis and chain extension .


  • Experiment was carried out on the static settling and thickening of sludge water from water works so as to provide basis and direction for the design of inclined plane thickener .

    对自来水厂排泥水分别进行了静沉和动态浓缩试验,以便为 高效斜板 浓缩 的设计和运行提供依据和指导。

  • Synthesis of Amphoteric Polyacrylamide Thickener by Two-Step Polymerization


  • Application of Thickener Driven by Peripheral Rollers in Dexing Copper Mine

    周边辊轮传动 浓缩机在德兴铜矿的应用实践

  • The Deviation Reasons Analysis of the Belt Sludge Thickener and the Design of the Corrective Device

    污泥 浓缩机 带跑偏原因分析及纠偏装置设计

  • Thickener sludge and sludge dewatering machine combined savings of sludge thickening tank the various dilute sludge is a highly adaptive .

    污泥 浓缩机与污泥脱水机相结合,可节省污泥浓缩池,对各种稀污泥有很强的适应性。