


vt.& vi.扼杀,压制勒死,使窒息使节流(用节汽阀等)调节


  • They know how to control restrict and if need be throttle access important to newspapers and absolutely vital to radio and television . And if you don 't play the game you 're toast .

    他们知道怎样控制、限制信息获取途径,而且如果需要, 还会将其完全 阻断,而 这些途径对报纸来说很重要,对广播、电视更是极其关键。如果你不遵守游戏规则,你就完蛋了。

  • Including control valve throttle valve and so on .

    包括调节阀、 节流 、减压阀等。

  • Applying the microcontroller and the ball screw pair a transient throttle control system for engine research is developed .

    应用单片机和滚珠丝杠副,研制了发动机瞬态工况试验研究用的 油门瞬态控制器。

  • The constitution and working principles of the automotive electronic throttle control system are introduced .

    介绍了汽车电子 节气 控制系统的组成及其工作原理。

  • If you like you can wait to install the throttle servo after the engine has been installed .

    如果您愿意,您可以等待安装 油门伺服发动机后安装了。

  • Install IAC motor to throttle body . Pneumatic valves regulate the pneumatic enforcement agencies and regulatory valves two .

    安装IAC马达至 节气阀体。气动调节阀由气动执行机构和调节阀两部组成。

  • Connect the air inlet hose to the throttle body and the air cleaner .

    将空气入口软管接至 节流阀体和空气滤清器。

  • He said the overvaluation of sterling was throttling industry .

    他认为英镑价值 过高 阻碍了工业发展。

  • He throttled her and hid her body .


  • Throttle positioner Pneumatic valves regulate the pneumatic enforcement agencies and regulatory valves two .

    气动调节 由气动执行机构和调节阀两部组成。

  • You have to push the throttle forward for more power .

    你得把 油门 往前推来加大马力。

  • He gently opened the throttle and the ship began to ease forward

    他轻轻松开 油门 ,轮船开始缓缓前行。

  • Changing throttle hole area has not influence on winding current electromagnetism valve lift .

    改变 节流孔面积对线圈电流、电磁阀升程没有影响;

  • Finally the nose wheel pushrod is attached and all hook-ups ( except throttle ) are complete .

    最后,前轮的两个附件和所有挂钩企业(除 油门)是完整的。

  • He lived his life at full throttle .

    他过着 激情 四射的生活。

  • He twisted the throttle control to max power .

    他把 节气 的开关拧到最大。

  • The design formula of throttle aperture of hydro-pneumatic spring was established according to the relationship between pressure and flux .

    利用 压力和流量之间关系,建立油气弹簧 节流缝隙设计公式。

  • The equation and conclusions can serve as references for accurately designing shock absorber throttle valves .

    得出的解析式和结论为减振装置 阻尼阀的精确设计提供了依据。

  • The determination of throttle coefficient of real gas in adiabatic throttle process is discussed in this paper .

    讨论了实际气体绝热 节流系数的计算,节流系数 可用计算法和作图法来确定。

  • Adding air pressure within the annular space between the housing and sleeve can throttle or close the valve .

    在阀体外壳和套管之间的环形空间内施加气压,即可 实现阀门的 节流和关闭功能。

  • The operation principle and throttle characteristics of the mechanical fuel supply regulator were presented and analyzed .

    介绍和分析了机械式供油调节器的基本工作原理及其 节流特性;

  • At this point provided the throttle position is sustained the vehicle will maintain the set speed .

    在这一点上,提供了 油门的立场是持续的,汽车会保持设定的速度。

  • The attacker then tried to throttle her with wire

    然后袭击者企图用电线 勒死她。

  • Hydraulic fluid power-Pressure-reducing valves sequence valves unloading valves throttle valves and check valves-Mounting surfaces .

    液压传动。减压阀、顺序阀、卸载阀、 节流阀和止回阀。装配面。

  • Followed it I select the model number throttle flap and appurtenance .

    接下来,进行了制冷系统 节流 机构和附属设备的选型。

  • A research method for the deflection of throttle slice under the local distribution of variable load is presented .

    提出了 减振 环形 节流 片受局部变载荷作用时挠曲变形量的一种研究方法。

  • Gasoline injection Throttle valve Sensor ;

    汽油喷射; 节气 ;传感器;

  • He stepped swiftly to the controls to throttle back the engine .

    他快步来到控制台 跟前减小油门

  • What is the difference expansion between turbine expander and valve throttle ?

    透平式膨胀机和 节流 之间的膨胀有什么不同。

  • The air filter is usually located in the air stream to your throttle valve assembly and intake manifold .

    空气滤清器通常位于空气流到你的 节流阀总成和进气歧管。