throw over

[θro ˈovɚ][θrəu ˈəuvə]


  • And throw it over your right shoulder .

    你的右肩上 过去

  • Throw your heart over the fence and the rest will follow .

    你的心 栅栏,其他的就会跟随。

  • What do I care for your big brother ? I 've got a brother that 's bigger than he is & and what 's more he can throw him over that fence too .

    “我可不怕你什么大哥哥,我有一个比你大哥还大的大哥哥而且我大哥哥能 的大哥哥 那堵篱笆围墙 过去。”

  • It is the logical blanket to throw over the entire Truth Movement .

    在逻辑 使整个真理运动 受挫

  • He added : ' Trying to throw it over the house I think !

    他还说道:我觉得 快递员当时肯定是想 包裹 过去

  • We are going to tie this letter to a brick and throw it over the railings .

    我们打算把这封信缚在砖上, 栏杆那边

  • Your files ! I 'm about to throw myself over the cliff and all you care about are your files !

    记录!我马上要 纵身 跳崖了,你却关心着你的记录!

  • This is the typical let 's throw it over the wall to the IT security team scenario .

    这就是让我们 安全性 了墙 那边的IT安全团队的典型情景。

  • For you I would throw over anybody duchess said Lord Henry with a bow .

    “为了你,我可以 赴汤蹈火,公爵夫人。”亨利勋爵鞠着躬回答。

  • Peel an apple making sure the peeling comes off in one long strand and then throw it over your shoulder .

    给一个苹果削皮,确保削下的皮成一条线,然后 身后

  • When I can not move and throw over grateful sight unexpectedly he says that he knows me : Only you have smiled at us .

    在我站着不动把感激的目光 过去的时候,他竟然说他认识我:“只有你向我们笑过。”

  • There is no curtain in the classroom so the students have to throw newspaper over their desks .

    教室里没有窗帘,所以学生们不得不 报纸 课桌上挡住阳光。

  • Put it in your bag and throw it over the side so no one will ever find it .

    把它放进你的手袋里 这边 出去,让谁也找不着。

  • We have had 30 years of unprecedented growth due to markets how could we just throw that over because the US is having some problems ?

    因为市场,我们经历了30年前所未有的增长,怎么可能因为美国出了些问题就 抛弃市场化呢?

  • My cat looked at me after I undressed and then proceeded to throw up all over the rug .

    猫在我脱光了衣服以后看了看我,然后就 小毯上 吐得到处都是。

  • After several unsuccessful attempts at climbing to the peak of that mountain the climber still refused to throw over his plan and finally he succeeded .

    这位爬山的人几次攀登那山的顶峰都没有成功,但他还是不愿 放弃计划,最后他成功了。

  • Our ball is on your side of the fence ; throw it over please . After school the children walk near the high wall . They talk about the beautiful garden inside .

    我们的球在你那边的围墙内,请 过来。放学后,孩子们从高高的围墙边走过,边走边谈论着围墙里边那美丽的花园。

  • Just for this evening I will let you splash in the bathtub and not get angry when you throw water over your sister 's head .

    只是今天晚上,我就会让你溅在浴缸里,而不是生气当你 水你姐姐的头部。

  • I could never have imagined what a dark shadow he would throw over the lives of people who were dear to me .

    而我怎么也想像不到后来他会 我的亲友们的生活 一层沉重的阴影。

  • If you spilled any you must immediately throw it over your left shoulder to strike the nasty spirits in the eye thus preventing sickness .

    如果你撒了盐,你必须迅速地 这些盐 你的左肩膀 上方往后 ,来击中你背后某个肮脏灵魂的眼睛,据说这样可以防止你患上疾病。

  • Many is ugly and the deceit in order to achieve own goal throw over love colored clothing to mooch .

    不少的丑陋及欺骗为了达到自己的目的 披着爱情的 彩衣招摇撞骗。

  • In adopting the culture study methods literary theory can not throw over the dimension of aesthetic judgment which is the most basic element for literature .

    文艺学在引入文化的维度时,千万不能 丢掉 对于文学更基本的东西&审美的维度。

  • Throw our ball over your fence please .

    我们的球 你的围墙。

  • Nevertheless you did throw me over said Jordan suddenly .

    不管怎样,是你 甩掉我的,乔丹忽然说。

  • The intention of the author was not to extol a reminiscent mood of the old South America but to hope the person in reality to throw over the burden come back from the recollection and to find a real life .

    福克纳的目的不是为了颂扬旧南方的怀旧情绪,而是希望每个人 丢掉 过去的沉重包袱,回到现实感中,用行动代替语言,找到真正的生活。

  • Nor did he shake a horseshoe or throw salt over his shoulder .

    他也没有摇摇马蹄铁或 肩膀上 盐来乞求好运气。

  • Hyperstatic analysis of throw - over method in lifting technology


  • But no along comes a pair a real aristocrats from Europe and straightway you throw over the half-breeds .

    可是不成,从欧洲来了两个货真价实的贵族,你马上让煮了 半熟的鸭子飞了。