throughout the day

[θruˈaʊt ði de][θru:ˈaʊt ðə dei]


  • Meditation is a great tool for accomplishing this task . It helps us increase our self-awareness throughout the day .

    冥想对完成这项任务非常有用,它能够帮助我们提升 全天自我意识。

  • His respiration grew fainter throughout the day .


  • The hot light fusion system can run every hour to two hours throughout the day .

    加热的光融合系统,可以 整个 白天每1小时或2小时运作一次。

  • Read : I love to read and do so continuously throughout the day .

    阅读:我喜欢阅读并且 整天连续这样做。

  • Students also kept records of when they yawned throughout the day .

    学生们还记录下 全天中他们何时打哈欠。

  • The temperature remained below freezing point throughout the day .


  • This process is repeated throughout the day .

    此过程 全天重复进行。

  • The momentum built throughout the day and spread across all sectors .

    上涨的动力持续了 遍及了所有板块。

  • They worked frantically throughout the day .

    他们发狂似地工作了 整天

  • Think about how you would use a tablet throughout the day .

    想想你 是如何使用平板电脑的。

  • Two final experiments tracked participants'moods and energy levels throughout the day using diary entries .

    两个最后的实验通过记日记 形式跟踪记录了受实者一 整天的情绪和能量水平。

  • We have an intensive programme where students work throughout the day .

    我们设置了密集的课程,学生 全天 上课

  • This new set should be seen three times throughout the day .

    卡片 也应该教三次。

  • We 'll update you on this news story throughout the day .

    我们将 全天向您报道这条新闻的 新动态。

  • You may leave the ashes on throughout the day or at least until the conclusion of this service .

    您可以让这些炉灰 你的额头上 整天,或者至少直到崇拜结束为止。

  • The gods smiled on us and we had brilliant sunshine throughout the day .

    神灵眷顾我们,我们 整天拥有了灿烂的阳光。

  • Nothing happened throughout the day and things went smoothly until the dusk .

    下来,没有什么事情发生,平 平安安地到了黄昏时分。

  • The rain came in fits and starts throughout the day .

    雨时断时续地下 整天了。

  • I also have a wonderful dog and I always take him for walks throughout the day .

    我还有一只很棒的狗,我经常带他去 散步

  • Several times throughout the day I spotted him just watching me during training .

    整个 ,我发现他只是在训练时看了我几次。

  • The weather had been unsettled throughout the day with alternate rain and sunshine .


  • People invaded the streets in victory processions almost throughout the day

    几乎 整天,大街上都挤满了欢庆胜利的游行队伍。

  • A : It 's normal for body weight to fluctuate widely throughout the day .

    回答:体重 中有大的波动是正常

  • I made sure to move my legs throughout the day to keep from getting stiff after sitting so long .

    坐了这么久之后,我一定要 整天活动活动我的腿,以免它们变得僵硬。

  • Everyone has recurring lazy spots throughout the day .

    每个人的 中都有重复循环的 懒惰 时间

  • Writing down your schedule will make you feel invigorated and excited throughout the day .

    写下你的计划会让你 整天 感到鼓舞和兴奋。

  • And she emphasizes the importance of moving throughout the day .

    她还强调了 中多活动的重要性。

  • This keeps the body busy for a longer period ensuring that energy is released throughout the day .

    这样会让身体在较长的一段时间内忙着消化食物,并能保证能量可以 全天得以释放。

  • Drink at least 2 litres of still mineral water throughout the day to aid detoxification .
