throw in

[θro ɪn][θrəu in]


  • We 're never going to persuade them so we might as well throw in the towel now .

    我们决不会说服他们,因此我们不妨现在就 认输

  • Throw in a couple of old ones if you want .

    如果你想要的话,也可以 几对老的。

  • You wanted a grenade to throw in the Kent camp ?

    你不是想往肯特家 个手榴弹么?

  • Then throw in the garlic and scallions and sprinkle the thyme over the chicken .

    然后 放入蒜和葱,并在鸡块上撒上百里香。

  • An underarm stroke or throw in cricket .

    板球 的低手击球或 投球

  • When I bought the shoes I asked the salesman to throw in some shoe polish .

    我买这双鞋时,要求售货员 额外 赠送鞋油。

  • I think for $ 8000 you throw in a kidney .

    八千块都可以再多 你一个肾了。

  • Most businesses do not throw in the towel .

    大多数企业没有 认输

  • You 're ready to throw in the towel and I 'm telling you .

    你准备 认输,我告诉你。

  • Or if things are really bad they may say they have to throw in the towel .

    或者,如果事情真的很糟糕,他们可能会说要 认输了。

  • He left his job in the National Theatre to throw in his lot with a small travelling theatre company .

    他辞掉了国家剧院的工作,加入了一个小的巡回演出剧团, 自己的命运和他们 一起

  • When you throw in the towel you admit defeat .

    当你 毛巾 ,你就是承认输了。

  • When it 's time to throw in the towel .

    什么时候是到该 认输啦。

  • Throw in the duck too !

    鸭子也 了!

  • Throw in a heap of pain and some heartbreak .


  • He has decided to throw in his lot with the far-right groups in parliament .

    他已决定与议会中的极右团体共 进退

  • Pay £ 4.80 for larger prints and they throw in a free photo album

    付4.8英镑 冲印更大尺寸的照片就会获赠一本相册。

  • And I 'll throw in the five grand Kevin owes .

    而且凯文欠我的 五千美金我也 不要了。

  • Occasionally Farling threw in a question .


  • To answer a question that has been posed several times you can use Shattering Throw in PvE .

    为了解答这个多次被提出的问题,我要说,你可以 PVE中使用破碎 投掷。护甲降低效果对BOSS是有效的。

  • Next time you go shopping throw in a few extra fruit and vegetables

    下次你去买 东西,多买点水果蔬菜。

  • You don 't throw in the towel at the first sign of trouble he says .

    “你不要 麻烦的第一个征兆出现时 毛巾,”他说。

  • I confess there was more than one moment in 1981 when I felt ready to throw in the towel .

    我坦率承认,在1981年,我不止一次感到要 认输了。

  • But get this : they are gonna throw in that couch you like .

    但是记住:他们准备 额外 奉送你喜欢的沙发。

  • If you buy ten bottles of cosmetics I 'll throw in another .

    如果你买十瓶化妆品,我将 额外 一瓶。

  • Throw in repeat break next and switch for a moderate amount of redundancy .

    为了适度的冗余, 另外提供repeat、breaknext和switch。

  • You can have the piano for 60 and I 'll throw in the stool as well .

    这架钢琴可以卖给你60英镑,琴凳我 奉送

  • A losing throw in this game .

    在此游戏 输掉的 一掷

  • I 'll throw in a Book cover .

    我会 附赠一个书套。