third party

[θə:d ˈpɑrti][θɜ:d ˈpɑ:ti]


  • In other words whether the third party should be bound to the contract 's arbitration dause ?

    换言之,该 是否应当受该合同中的仲裁条款的约束?

  • Therefore third party testing to LHAMA is not required .

    所以,没有要求进行对LHAMA的 测试。

  • We are currently working on revisions to our policies regarding the use and management of third party viewers .

    我们目前正在与我们的政策就使用和管理的 观众修改。

  • It can help to have an impartial third party look over your work

    让客观公正的 看一下你的成果会有助益。

  • Chile Japan Australia Viet Nam and the EC reserved their third party rights .

    智利、日本、澳大利亚、越南和欧共体保留他们的 权力。

  • Legal liability of auditor to client and third party

    审计人员对委托人和 的法律责任

  • Yes . another problem about divorce is the divorce case involving a third party . Have you noticed this ?

    是的。关于离婚的另一个问题是牵涉到第 的离婚案。你注意到这个问题了吗?

  • Chapter Four explores building the system of third party to international commercial arbitration .

    第四章主要研究了国际商事仲裁 制度的构建。

  • This is a public mailinglist for discussion of development of third party applications .

    这是一个讨论“ 应用程序”的公共邮件列表。

  • First there 's the usual risk of continued support and development for a third party framework .

    第一个常见的风险是需要为第 框架提供连续的支持和开发。

  • The Supplier maintains a Compulsory Third Party ( CTP ) Insurance Policy in each State of Australia .

    供应商保持了强制 版(CTP)保险政策在每个国家的澳大利亚。

  • Because SSL encrypts transmitted messages for confidentiality no malicious third party can steal the messages .

    由于SSL为实现保密性而对被传输的消息作了加密,因此没有一个恶意的 能窃取这些消息。

  • I have done this as it is the most common way that we all use third party controls .

    我这样做,因为它是最常用的方法,我们都使用 控件。

  • Third party whether and how to introduce arbitration establish this system in academia aroused a heated discussion .

    是否引入仲裁 ,以及如何建立这一制度,在学术界引起了热烈的探讨。

  • Of course this leaves the bootstrap issue of how you establish the trusted third party 's identity .

    当然,这又摆出了如何确立可信 的身份的自举问题。

  • We guarantee it would not do harm to security benefit of you or any third party .

    我们保证该文件不会损害你和任何 的安全利益。

  • Third party documents acceptable except invoice and draft .

    除发票和汇票外, 单据可接受。

  • You can instruct your bank to allow a third party to remove money from your account .

    你可以通知银行,允许第 从你的账户取款。

  • Our military ties threaten no third party .


  • Executing compulsory insurance to responsibility of motor-driven car a third party is a on international general rule .

    对机动车辆第 责任实行强制保险是国际上的一个普遍惯例。

  • On the surface many marriages seem to break up because of a third party .

    从表面上看,许多婚姻似乎是因为有了 才破裂的。

  • Enterprise systems are often designed to take advantage of third party products and libraries .

    企业系统经常被设计来利用 的产品和库。

  • Application Server provides the Web Trust Association framework that you configure for third party security servers .

    ApplicationServer提供了您为 安全服务器配置的Web信任关联架构。

  • The key to success is solid supplier management and third party reporting .

    取得成功的关键是可靠的供应商管理和 报告。

  • Our flexible Command and Control systems capture and interface to any type of sensor and most third party systems .

    我们灵活的指挥和控制系统和接口,以捕捉任何类型的传感器和大多数 系统。

  • All efforts of mediation by a third party were in vain at all .


  • The third section summarizes the main characteristics of the civil liability to the third party .

    第三节概括了注册会计师对第 的民事责任的主要特点。

  • Maintain proficiency in all designated third party products and services .

    熟练维护所有指定的 产品和服务。

  • The third party and the agent shall be held jointly liable .
