this side of

[ðɪs saɪd ʌv][ðis said ɔv]


  • Fold this side of the bottom up like this .

    像这样把 一面的底端折上去。

  • If I 'm on this side of the law I can live the low life and avoid jail .

    如果我 触犯法律,我会低调的生活来逃避监狱。

  • There was a cycle path running along this side of the wall right at its base

    在墙的 这边,沿着墙根有一条自行车道。

  • But the pointer to this side of happiness because it is the gold of life .

    但指针一定要向幸福 一侧 倾斜,因为它有生命的黄金。

  • All past bookings should also be reflected and recorded on this side of the file .

    所有的预定也应该被反映并记录在文件夹的 旁边

  • Education is a continuous process which does not stop short this side of the grave .

    教育在人的 一生 是不断 进行的过程。

  • This side of love is just a full stop juvenile .


  • You 'll find it somewhere this side of the reef .

    你会在暗礁 这边某个地方找到的。

  • Get on this side of the room everybody .

    大家都站到房间的 这边来。

  • The post-office is on this side of the street not very far away from here .

    邮局在街的 一边,离这儿不远。永远不分离了吗?

  • This is the best pizza I 've tasted this side of italy .

    除了在意大利, 是我吃到的最好的 比萨

  • What are you doing on this side of the school ?

    你跑到学校 一边来干什么?

  • I hate the view from this side of the tape .

    我讨厌从带子的 一端观察。

  • Parenting is the hardest yet most rewarding thing I will do this side of the grave .

    为人父母是我 一生中所要做的最难,但也是最值得的事。

  • They speak French on this side of the border and German on the other .

    他们在边界的 一边说法语,在那一边说德语。

  • Now we in the network of souls on this side of life are here for you .

    现在,我们在灵魂的联合层面工作着,在生命 ,在这里帮助着你。

  • What 's next for this side of the business ?


  • Why don 't we use this side of the stage ?

    为什么我们不用讲台的 这边呢?

  • No parking on this side of the street by order of the police .

    遵照警察的命令,没有一辆汽车停在街的 一侧

  • I believe this side of the battery is positive and this is negative .

    我想电池的 ,是正极这是负极。

  • I never feel comfortable on this side of town .

    我对镇上的 总感觉不舒服。

  • I can 't see . I hate this side of the bed . I can 't see the TV from here .

    我看不到了。我恨睡 这边,看不到电视。

  • They 've taken down the iron railings on this side of the school .

    他们已将学校 这边的铁栅栏拆掉了。

  • This side of platform 3 .

    3号站台的 一边

  • We have neglected all this side of life .

    我们忽视了生命的 一面

  • They have taken down the iron railing on this side of the park .

    他们已把停车处 一侧的铁栏杆除掉。

  • A second job could await him on this side of the channel .

    在英吉利海峡的 一边,第二份工作可能正等着他。

  • He crossed the bridge to this side of the river .

    过桥 时风吹掉 的帽子。

  • Are you working on this side of the city ?

    你在城市的 一边上班吗?

  • A race between the two is now unlikely to take place this side of the world championships .

    现在看来, 本届世界锦标赛之前两人之间不太可能展开 较量了。