



  • Where 's the tie-in with throwing away shoes ?

    扔鞋子会有什么 好处吗?

  • Even if the technology tie-in is weak the single sales and support channel helps .

    即使技术 捆绑仍然疲弱,但单一产品的销售和支持渠道起到了一定的帮助作用。

  • A breech-sight tie-in of the golf club comprises a keyswitch and a laser emitter with the breech-sight is located on a box .

    高尔夫推杆上的瞄准器 接头,瞄准器置于一盒体上,有一按键开关和一激光发射器。

  • Implementing tie-in sales or imposing other unreasonable trading conditions at the time of trading without any justifiable cause ;

    没有正当理由 搭售商品,或者在交易时附加其他不合理的交易条件;

  • Another TV tie-in this cute little doll comes with a magical bed – you put her in it and it rocks her to sleep then runs around the room !

    另一个电视节目的 衍生品。这个可爱的小玩偶配有一张神奇的床&把她放在床上,床便会摇摆让她入睡,然后在屋子里四处 移动

  • Use the tie-in between requirements and tests to report on test case to requirements coverage .

    使用需求和测试之间的 关系将测试案例报告给需求覆盖。

  • External water supply to field according to technical conditions for tie-in procedure .

    根据 管道 连接程序技术条件,至气田的外部供水。

  • The panel also featured Will Braden proprietor of the YouTube channel Henri le Chat Noir who makes money off of ad revenue and tie-in merchandise .

    座谈小组也以优酷HenrileChatNoir频道的所有者WillBraden为特色,他通过广告和 搭卖商品来获取收益。

  • If the insulation resistance is under the numerical value required or the tie-in of the cable loosen or break off the result will be noted .

    如有绝缘电阻低于绝缘要求,或电缆 接头松脱、断线,结果将被自动记录。

  • The steel pipe should not enter the junction box directly and it should be connected to the box with explosion proof tie-in .

    钢管不得直接进入接线盒,应通过防爆 接头连接。

  • Tassel fashionable fashionable circle skirt on marriage is also the tassel contracted profile stage of tie-in slim skirt swaying tassel graceful posture of the bride will decorate properly .

    流苏裙摆&风靡时尚圈的流苏也走上婚尚舞台,简约廓形 搭配纤细摇曳的流苏裙摆,将新娘婀娜的身姿修饰得恰到好处。

  • Harry Potter is a movie tie-in book .

    《哈利波特》这本书还 配有电影 发行

  • Using the same dress collocation of tie-in and different styles of dress shoes shoe joker sex .

    服装的搭配上运用相同款式的服装 搭配不同的鞋子,体现鞋子的百搭性。

  • Using this tie-in control also manages the power-generation needs to meet anticipated user demand for electricity .

    这种 配套控制可以管理发电需要,满足预期客户用电需求。

  • Buying plant nearly when insurance product is tie-in we should consider accident risk above all .

    在购买险种保险产品 搭配的时候,我们应该首先考虑意外险。

  • Tie-in - Connection drawn between two separate marketing programs or entities .

    搭配-两个独立的节目和实体的搭配推销 宣传

  • Also always leave enough tail in a tie-in or rappel knot to accommodate a backup knot ;

    最后,不论是打在身上的 绳结或是垂降所用的绳结,都要预留足够的绳尾,来打上另一个备份的绳结。

  • Attention is cool hot order is tie-in cast its .

    点菜时留意凉、热 搭配投其所好

  • Tie-in sale is not encouraged .

    不主张 搭卖

  • All tie-in welds where pressure testing are not possible .

    所有 接头焊缝无法进行压力试验。

  • Police say there could be a tie-in to the president 's murder .

    警方说 此案可能和杀总统案有关。

  • Use the buddy system . Always have your partner double check all critical knots and riggings such as tie-in knots rappel knots and rappel anchors .

    尤其在一些重要的绳结以及系统上(例如打在身上的 绳结、垂降所用的绳结、以及垂降站系统等等),最好都能够让你的同伴来做双重确认的动作。

  • There is a tie-in between smoking and cancer .

    吸烟与癌症有 一定 关联

  • Since this is also the fast-food target audience chains like McDonald 's jump at tie-in campaigns .

    正是从那时候起,这个群体是快餐业的目标群体,令象麦当劳连锁店在 推销战役中渴求的群体对象。

  • It brought to mind one of my favorite CCR songs and a suddenly-realized tie-in to the topic of my commentary .

    它让我想起了自己最喜欢的 CCR歌曲之一,以及在突然间认识到的与我的评论主题的联系。

  • Working closely with its clients the marketing company developed targeted tie-in promotion events .

    这家销售公司与客户密切合作,开发了有目标的 搭卖推销的活动。

  • China is Chinese delegate tie-in and as special as the furniture of brunet attune rich lasting appeal .

    瓷器是中国的代表, 深色调的家具 搭配非常富有韵味。

  • Resemble the sofa like lodge the carpet of tie-in shagginess and fruity small tea table having a unique style .

    像包箱一样的沙发, 搭配毛茸茸的地毯和圆润的小茶几,别具一格。