third republic

[θə:d rɪˈpʌblɪk][θɜ:d riˈpʌblik]

[法] 法兰西第三共和国

  • The third chapter mainly focuses around the measures taken by the government of the Republic of China in the face of the refugee problem which could be divided into four aspects .

    章主要围绕 民国政府面对流民问题所采取的措施展开论述,分为四个方面。

  • Third criticism appeared in the Republic of China .

    其三民国 时期的批评。

  • The educational reform in the Third Republic of France was an important part of the educational modernization .

    法兰西 共和 的教育改革是法国教育现代化的重要时期。

  • The supplier shall be responsible for the fact that in connection with his delivery no rights of third parties within the Federal Republic of Germany will be infringed .

    厂商应该对如下事实负责:厂商在交货过程中,不得侵犯德 联邦范围内 方的任何权利。

  • Into the Third Republic the co-existence of the three main parties the growing strength and insubordination of one party and all matters being centered on elections not only characterize party politics but also reflect the common aspects of political developments in African countries .

    进入第 共和 后,政党政治呈现出三党并立、一党坐大和一切围绕选举等特点,既是本身发展历程的结果,也反映出非洲国家政治发展的共性。

  • The third chapter is the collation of painting picture information in magazines starting from the characteristics of painting study of female images of the republic of China in the painting pictures .

    章是对杂志中绘画资料的集中梳理,结合绘画的特点,研究绘画作品中的 民国女性形象。

  • The third chapter After the Second World War the Federal Republic of Germany was successful in applying Freiburg school 's economic theories to social market economy it 's united market economy and the state intervention prompted the Federal Republic of Germany economy to soar .

    部分:战后联邦德国的社会市场经济是 弗莱堡学派经济理论的成功实践,它是市场经济与国家干预的结合,实现了战后联邦德国经济的腾飞。

  • The Third French Republic issued a decree in1873 designating officially the Elysee Palace as the residence of president of the French Republic .

    法兰西 共和 于1873年颁布法令,正式指定爱丽舍宫为法国总统府。

  • The beneficial contract for the third man is a breakthrough to the relative theory of contract which has its particular systematical value but the contract law of the People 's Republic of China has no such regulations .

    人利益合同是对合同相对性理论的一种突破,本身具有独特的制度价值,我 合同法对此却未作规定。

  • The accession of Adolf Hitler to power in Germany in January of 1933 posed a fatal threat to the Third Republic of France and caused the French great anxiety .

    1933年1月30日,希特勒就任 魏玛 共和 总理,标志着德国纳粹化的开始。德国国内形势的恶化引起了法国的严重不安。

  • The third chapter Fiction Values focuses on the relation between Lu 's fiction and the late Qing and the Republic times .

    章小说价值论,探讨了陆士谔小说与晚请 民国时代的关系。

  • The third chapter is the systematical analysis of social musical education laws during republic period which is mainly focused on its ' evolution legislation aim and overall characteristics .

    章, 民国时期社会音乐教育法规的系统分析。本章主要对社会音乐教育法规建设的历史沿革、立法目标、总体特征及实效性作系统分析。

  • The third chapter discusses the Mongolian textbooks editing team during the period of the republic of China and for editing textbooks editors embodies ideological analysis .

    章论述了 民国 时期蒙文教科书的编辑队伍并对编辑教科书时编辑者所体现的思想加以分析。

  • Now this is my third visit to the Republic of Korea as President .

    这是我作为总统对 大韩民国的 次访问。

  • The Third Republic was then re-established .


  • The third part introduces the administrative divisions of Xinjiang during the Republic of change including the unified Administrative Region of Xinjiang ( Altai ITAR-merge and the new plan ) and change the settings and political areas .

    部分主要介绍了 民国时期新疆行政区划建制的变革,包括新疆政区的统一(伊塔归并和阿尔泰划新)和政区建制的设置与变化。

  • Third it promoted the military power of Roman Republic .

    其三,促进了罗马 共和 军事力量的强大。

  • The third period is steadily developing period which is from Qing dynasty to the period of the republic of china .

    阶段,稳定发展阶段,清至 民国 时期,属于这一阶段。

  • My own lifetime spans one third of the history of the American Republic .

    我本人一生经历了美利坚 共和 历史 之一的岁月。

  • The third and the forth republic exercised the parliamentary system which attributed to the appearance of various parties the feeble and volatile party system .

    、四 共和实行议会制导致了法国多党林立、软弱多变的政党制度的出现。

  • The third upsurge in translation in the history of Chinese culture appeared during the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China .

    清末 民初是中国文化史上 次翻译高潮,这一时期翻译的特点是域外文学被大量翻译到中国。

  • The public aesthetic and objective support war reached . Finally the role and significance of the third National Art Exhibition of the Republic of China were analyzed from the prospects of realism art and the other .

    本次所得收入全部用作劳军,其大众美育以及支持抗战的目的显而易见。最后,对 民国 全国美展的作用和意义从现实主义美术等角度进行了分析。

  • There were thoughts and practices of the Third Road during the period of the Republic of China and they were highly interrelated with the influences exerted by the effects of Late Development .

    民国 时期产生了“第 条道路”的思想和实践,这与后发展效应的影响密切相关。