tick off

[tɪk ɔf][tik ɔf]


  • You quickly tick off the13 organizations that have sent you letters a three-page request summary that serves as the first step in the proposal submission process for the foundation .

    你快速 列出 13个曾给你寄过信件的组织,还有一份三页长的申请信概要&申请信是向该基金会申请拨款的第一步。

  • What is the difference between a tick and a lawyer ? A : the tick stops draining you and drops off after you 're dead .

    壁虱和律师有何差别?答:你死了以后 壁虱才会停止吸你的 ,掉 下来

  • You can turn tick marks on and off at the minor and micro level .

    可以在微观和宏观级别打开和 关闭 刻度标记。

  • Why did he tick little Peter off in such a way ?

    他为什么这样 训斥小彼得?

  • He ticked off my name on a piece of paper

    他在一张纸上我的名字旁 钩。

  • Only tick off one part of all the mill as follows .

    以下只 给出部分 规格 仅供 参考

  • In the next three days I cleared up my affairs ; then I went home got into bed and set my watch to tick off not the minutes but the months .

    接下来的三天我把手头的事务全部处理完毕。我回到家,躺到床上,然后把 手表 显示分钟 显示月份。

  • But after that it is difficult to tick off many achievements .

    但除此 之外,你就很难 列出 什么成就了。

  • Abdel felt free to tick him off for smoking too much

    阿卜杜勒 动辄 责骂他抽烟太凶。

  • It was a period which it would be so difficult to tick off in a phrase .

    那是一个很难用一句 概括的时代。

  • This paper introduce generalize and analyse the technology theory of the Data Warehouse 's development process the structure system of the Data Warehouse and the Data Mining after that this paper tick off two examples of Data Mining about the application of Internet environment .

    本篇论文具体对数据仓库的发展过程,数据仓库的体系结构,数据挖掘进行分析介绍,并对这些问题的技术理论进行了 概括,最后列举 将数据挖掘应用于网络环境的两个实例。

  • So I sat down to see how many points I could tick off on the various generic lists .

    所以,我坐了下来,看看这各种概括清单中提到的 愿望,我可以

  • Make a list of them and tick off the ones that you have done .

    把它们做成一个清单, 你已做的。

  • Please tick off what you like the best .

    你最喜欢的 东西

  • But having successfully reeled in Florida on Election Day he 's not likely to do anything to tick off its space-happy voters either .

    但是选举日那天在佛罗里达州获得压倒性胜利后,奥巴马也不太可能一脚把那些喜欢航天计划的投票人 踢开

  • She 's still ticked off at him for brushing her off and going out with you instead .

    他对她不理不 ,反倒和你一块儿出去,为此她还在生他的气呢。

  • Secondly a physical copy will provide the means for some well-needed catharsis allowing you to tick off the days as the exams approach .

    第二点,有了打印版,你可以在考试接近期间每天都 勾划 过去的日子,这也是一种非常需要的宣泄方式。

  • His mum ticked him off at home

    他妈妈在家 狠狠他一顿。

  • Traffic police ticked off a pensioner for jumping a red light .

    一个退休老人闯 红灯,被交警训了一

  • Here while you can say what you want ( as long as it 's in the right place and doesn 't tick off the wrong people ) and you can have as much freedom as you can afford .

    在这里你可以尽可能自由 说出你想要什么,你能买得起的邮票。

  • He tried to tick me off once ; and I lost my temper .

    有一次他想 叱责我,我发了脾气。

  • So if you feel like your stress level is high try to tick off some items on this list . A little effort now means a lot less stress later .

    因此,如果你感到精神压力很高,试着 完成以下事情。现在的一点点努力意味着今后减少许多的压力。

  • I just think it 's rude and it 's ticking me off

    我就是觉得这样太粗鲁,叫我很 生气

  • But if we gave that same list to people in a different culture they 'd tick off entirely different things .

    但如果我把同一张清单给生活在不同文化的人,他们打 选项可能完全不同。

  • The team of researchers also found those who are yet to tick off significant milestones are struggling to do because of financial pressures .

    研究小组还发现,由于经济压力,即将完成这些大事的人都在 苦苦挣扎。

  • Did he tick you off ?

  • Was that for real ? You tick me off moron ! Crazy nut ! Jerk !

    那是真的吗?你 责怪我,蠢蛋!疯了!怪人!

  • I had to tick him off for being late again .

    由于他又一次迟到,我 责备了他。

  • If I put it down in a list and got people to tick it off what you all thought there would be some differences .

    如果我 制成一张清单, 你们来 ,你们的 选项都会有所差异。