through rate

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  • But there is little evidence that Mr Greenspan and his colleagues - including Ben Bernanke the current Fed chairman - singled out housing as the vehicle through which rate cuts would stimulate the economy .

    但鲜有证据表明,格林斯潘及其同事(包括现任美联储主席本伯南克(benbernanke))曾刻意将房地产当作一种工具, 藉此降息刺激经济增长。

  • The signaling function of American monetary policy is completed through marketing interest rate and highly single monetary supplying channel .

    美国货币政策的信号作用 通过市场化的 利率和高度单一的货币供应渠道来完成,货币政策信号作用明显。

  • China is a supporter of free trade and has no intention to gain undue advantage through the exchange rate .

    一国的汇率是由一国的经济决定的,汇率的变动也是 经济的综合情况来 决定的。我们主张自由贸易,无意 利用人民币 汇率来维持贸易竞争优势。

  • They must relax controls over currencies too so that market-driven pressures clear through the exchange rate rather than FX accumulation .

    它们还必须放松对本币的管制,以求 通过 汇率而非外汇积累来消除由市场驱动的压力。

  • In order to obtain a better understanding of money policy transmission this paper assesses the effect of monetary policy on business fixed investment through interest rate and proposes a new framework for studying the effects of monetary policy on business fixed investment .

    为了更好的理解货币政策的传导机制,本文评价了货币政策 通过 利率对公司商业固定资产投资的效应,提出了一个研究货币政策对公司商业投资效应的新的框架。

  • Under the currency board system Hong Kong dollar exchange rate stability is maintained through an interest rate adjustment mechanism .

    在货币发行局制度下,港元汇率 通过 利率调节机制得以维持稳定。

  • Finally in the experiment research through comparing the rate of engine speed fluctuation and fuel consumption between the original and new system the thesis represents the better motive power and fuel economy feature of hydraulic excavator with new system .

    最后在实验研究中, 通过比较原有系统与新系统作业时发动机转速波动状况及整机作业的油耗 ,看出在新系统匹配下液压挖掘机具有较好的动力性与燃油经济性。

  • Then the article analyses the important action of the inter-bank bond rate . The conclusion is the open market operations affects the bond market through rate .

    然后通过分析银行间债券市场利率的重要意义及债券传导机制,得出公开市场业务 通过 利率对债券市场进行影响的结论。

  • The trouble starts when a virtual currency that isn 't backed by a trusted government becomes linked to a real one that is through an exchange rate .

    而虚拟货币的问题在于,当它们不是由政府信用在背后支持(币)就必然会钉上某种现实的法币, 从而演化出一个兑换 来。

  • Many online marketing practitioners love to increase the click through rate of banners ads with trick banners .

    许多网络行销人员喜欢 采用唬弄式广告来提升其横幅广告点选

  • According to two attribute features the performance is evaluated through detection rate and false alarm rate .

    主要针对两种不同的特征属性,对改进算法 检测 和误报率两方面进行评估。

  • The effect of recombinant human KGF-2 mutant can be analyzed through the survival rate living status and pathological tissue slice of small intestine .

    存活 、生存状态和小肠组织病理切片等方面分析重组人KGF-2突变体的防治效果。

  • The aim of our experiment is to observe the positive effect of Salvia Miltiorrhiza to liver regeneration of partially hepatectomized rats through the rate of DNA synthesis DNA content labelled nuclei mitosis and regenerating liver weight .

    实验观察丹参注射液 大鼠部份肝切除后肝脏DNA合成 、DNA含量,肝细胞标记核数、肝细胞核分裂相以及再生肝重变化的影响,探讨了丹参对肝再生的促进作用。

  • It is suitable for automobile inside decorations materials for example : polyester foam PVC leather textiles nonwoven of materials such as air through rate and air resistance test .

    皮革、纺织品、非织造布等材料的空气 透过 与空气阻力的测试。

  • The automobile which adopted the steering control algorithm can keep a constant steering characteristic ; and its stability is improved through yaw rate and lateral acceleration feedback control .

    利用所提出的前轮转向控制算法,可以使汽车具有不变的转向特性, 通过横摆角 速度和侧向加速度反馈控制,提高了汽车的稳定性。

  • Results show that the collecting efficiency for the welding fume increases by 3 % compared with ordinary fabric filtering especially for those fine particles . The break through rate of 2 μ m particles decreases by 47 % .

    现场测试表明,该技术对焊接烟尘的滤除效率提高了3%,尤其对微细粉尘效果显著,2μm粉尘 穿透 相对下降了47%。

  • Mike Mussa a former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund says through interest rate cuts the major economies have already demonstrated their capacity to act cooperatively .

    麦克.穆萨曾经在国际货币基金组织担任首席经济学家。他指出,世界主要经济体 通过协调行动削减 利率已经表明他们有能力相互合作。

  • Qualitative evaluation emphasizes the prediction of the cash flow of an enterprise in the future via regression analysis so that prediction can be made about the free cash flow of an enterprise . So evaluation of an enterprise can be ascertained through reasonable rate of depreciation .

    定量评估,重视企业未来现金流量的预测情况,利用回归分析等方法,预测出企业的自由现金流量, 使用合适的 折现 来确定企业的价值。

  • Test equipment for external cycle does not need and intelligentization administration may be made through power rate difference between peak and valley .

    省去了外部循环化验设备,可以 利用峰谷 电价差进行智能化管理;

  • The price of cyber-advertising is influenced by many factors which include the impression and page view rate click click through rate dimension size place servers ' fame etc.

    网络广告的价格受多种因素的影响,包括:印象和网页浏览率、点击次数与 点击 、网络广告的幅面大小与位置、网络广告服务商的知名度等。

  • Then finally the final step is to find what is the tangency line that goes through the riskless rate .

    在最后,最终的步骤是找出一条, 穿过无风险收益 的切线。

  • Corporate bonds are currently priced directly off Treasuries but equities leveraged buy-outs and even farmland are all indirectly affected through the discount rate used in their own valuations .

    当前,公司债券直接依据美国国债利率定价,而股票、杠杆式收购,甚至是农地投资, 因为估值时要使用 贴现 ,也都受到美国国债利率的间接影响。

  • Nowhere is this more important than in correcting global imbalances through appropriate exchange rate and macroeconomic policies to support growth .

    通过适宜的 汇率和宏观经济政策来修正全球失衡,支持经济增长时,这样做尤为重要。

  • Ultra high click through rate familiar quotations .

    超高的 点击 ,放肆的语录。

  • Presents the data structure of MPEG-4 Video Streams the scheme used to carry through rate control also provides error-control method in process of MPEG-4 Video transmission over the Internet .

    给出了MPEG-4视频码流在Internet上传输的码流结构,传输过程中采用的 码率控制方案,并给出了 进行差错控制的方法。

  • I destroy it through the backwards rate to make A.

    通过逆向 速率生成A来消耗它。

  • The relative erosion resistance and erosion mechanism was studied through measuring the rate of mass loss and SEM observation .

    通过测定试样冲蚀失重 及扫描显微镜显微分析方法,研究材料在含沙清水和含沙海水中的相对耐冲蚀性和冲蚀机制。

  • Have this selections move forward handicraft producing heat insulation film color stability through rate selectivity taking form nimbly the sunlight having the best controls a function .

    具有这种选进工艺生产形成的隔热膜色彩稳定、 透过 选择性灵活,具有最佳的阳光控制性能。

  • In recent years with the increased scale of China 's higher education enrollment the number of college graduates break through the growth rate of several percents and increase by leaps and bounds .

    跟着近些年来我国高等教育招生范围的不断攀升,大学毕业生的数量已经 突破 去百分之几的增加幅度,变为递入式的、跨越式的 增幅