throw down

[θro daʊn][θrəu daun]


  • Why want to meet you why want to let me like you pay since why throw down me again .

    为什么要遇到你,为什么要让我喜欢你,付出起为什么又 丢下我。

  • He thought it was time that he throw down the gage to his opponent .

    他认为向 对手挑战的时候

  • Throw down your guns and come on out with your hands up .


  • Seize and throw down an opponent player who usually carries the ball in American football .

    在橄榄球运动中将一名带球的对方球员擒住并 摔倒 的行为。

  • Then the cocoa-nuts would be ripe for picking and her cousins ( like all the natives Ata had a host of relatives ) would swarm up the trees and throw down the big ripe nuts .

    爱塔的表兄表弟、堂兄堂弟(象所有的土人一样,她的亲戚数也数不过来)成群结队地爬到树上去, 成熟的大椰子 下来

  • Are you gonna throw down some bed pans ?

    你要 床单不成?

  • I can decide the destiny but can 't be free I can not do it to throw down anyone to ignore canning not do it the affection of get away from the person canning not do it to leave resolutely .

    我可以决定命运,但不可以自由,我做不到 丢下任何人不管,做不到摆脱人的感情,做不到毅然离开。

  • The technical feature difficulties and throw down the gauntlet of every EMC research areas are presented in this paper based on Electromagnetic Compatibility ( EMC ) fundamentals .

    在简介电磁兼容学科的基础上,阐述了电磁兼容的各个研究领域的技术特点及 面对的困难和挑战。

  • The regional parliament threw down a new challenge to the central authorities by passing a law allowing private ownership of businesses

    地方议会通过了一项法律,允许企业私有,这向中央政权发起 新的挑战。

  • You have lost the battle throw down your arms and we will show mercy !

    你们打败了, 放下武器,我们就饶了你们!

  • No wall that enough love will not throw down ;

    没有爱 摧毁不了的 围墙

  • The time 's gonna come when I throw down the gauntlet and say it 's me or her .

    好像是时候该我 去找 挑战,问你“要我还是要她”

  • No matter before have had how many the honor now must throw down .

    不管以前自己有过多少的荣誉,现在必须 丢下

  • And ye shall make no league with the inhabitants of this land ; ye shall throw down their altars : but ye have not obeyed my voice : why have ye done this ?

    2你们也不可与这地的居民 立约,要 拆毁他们的祭坛。你们竟没有听从我的话。为何这样行呢。

  • A white bird came to the tree every time and whenever she expressed a wish the bird would throw down to her what she had wished for .

    不久,有一只小鸟来树上筑巢,她与小鸟交谈 起来。后来她想要什么,小鸟都 她带来。

  • To release or throw down in a large mass .

    倾倒大量放出或 三明治 啤酒

  • Owing to poor working conditions they decided to throw down their tools .

    因为恶劣的工作环境,他们决定 罢工

  • Government ministers have been responding to the challenge thrown down by their former colleague .

    政府部长们一直在应对从前的同事的 公然挑战。

  • The captain told one of the men to go aloft and throw down a rope .

    于是船长让其中的一个人在大船上 一根绳子下去连接小船。

  • For god 's sake Tom smith throw down your arms .

    看上帝的分上,汤姆?史密斯, 马上 放下枪械 投降

  • Like a writer being criticized for his first work Hung-chien was so furious that he was all set to throw down his pen burn the draft and not write anything more .

    他像初次发表作品的文人给人批评了一顿,气 笔焚稿,不肯再写。

  • Move out throw down your weapon and walk towards me slowly .

    出来, 放下武器慢慢走过来。

  • No one bothered you : you were a hunter a dreamer your own boss away from it all for a few hours on any day that the weather did not throw down its rain .

    没人打扰你:你是猎人、梦想家,是自己的老板,在不 下雨的日子里,你可以有几个小时的时间 摆脱所有的烦恼。

  • I can still get down some stuff and throw down a decent line I think .

    我还有能力 漂漂亮亮 几次,我想。

  • The people need a strong leader to help them to throw down their unjust rulers .

    人民需要一个强有力的领导帮助他们 推翻非正义的统治者。

  • If you want to throw down fine .

    你要想 这样的话,

  • He told me to throw down my sword my pistol and some other things .

    他要我 放下我的剑、手枪和其它东西。

  • When you throw down and kill one a really sweet line .

    了一次 漂亮的以后。

  • The sixth shall throw down the walls of Ireland and transmute its forests into a level plain .

    第六位会 爱尔兰的城墙 推倒,把森林变成平原。