think to oneself

[θɪŋk tu wʌnˈsɛlf][θiŋk tu: wʌnˈself]


  • I think it 's great to have to stretch oneself .

    认为 不得不 奋力工作是件大 好事

  • Do you think it 's important to train oneself persistently ?

    认为 坚持不懈的锻炼很重要吗?

  • I think he will learn that its impossible to finish something all by oneself .

    他会了解,只靠 自己一个人是不可能 事情做完的。

  • It is easy to think to oneself that one 's emotions used to be more vivid than they are and one 's mind keener .

    人总是暗自思量, 觉得 自己的情感失去了旧日的热烈,心智也不如从前那般灵敏。

  • One of those sins I think that needs to be purged is clearly the sin of eagerness or over-anticipation the drive to move ahead of oneself and the drive to get ahead of others .

    认为有一种罪孽 需要净化,显然是欲望的罪孽,或过度预言的罪孽,想要超越 自己,超越其他人,正如我们看到弥尔顿与术士们的竞争。

  • Whether a newspaper does have the core competitive ability the key needs to think whether this newspaper can satisfy the oneself core audiences ' information need moreover whether can maintain the audiences to the oneself newspaper brand loyalty .

    一份报纸是否拥有核心竞争力,关键要 这张报纸是否能够满足自己核心受众的信息需求,而且是否能够保持受众 自己报纸的品牌忠诚度。

  • The question wants oneself to think learn to solve the difficult problem by oneself you will find what a wonderful thing is it to find the answer .

    问题要自己 思考学会 自己解决难题,你会发现,找到答案是件多么美妙的事情。

  • On another hand the republicanism think that citizen virtue and political participation is not only good to the negative liberty of citizen oneself but also have important meaning to maintain a strong free nation . Thus realize the harmonious of citizens and the country in theory .

    另一方面,共和主义也 认为公民美德和政治参与,不仅有助 公民 自身消极自由的实现,同时对强大自由国家的维持也有着重要的意义,从而在理论上实现了国家与公民的和谐。

  • Has a look them in to think how feeling any while expressed also to play to the role which relaxed to oneself .

    看看他们在 些什么在抒发怎么样的感慨同时也起到了对 自己放松的作用。

  • Usually think now of life oneself satisfaction ? The answer be not willing to settle felt too boring but this isn 't oneself ever want of comfort and ease !

    常常 现在的生活自己满意吗?答案不肯定,觉得太无趣了吧,可是这不就是 自己曾经想要的安逸嘛!

  • God first thinks the world in thinking himself : to think oneself is to beget oneself to think the world is to create the world .

    上帝先考虑的是世界而不是自己: 考虑自己只是造就 自己,考虑世界则是创造世界。

  • How delivers this little darling to go home the giraffe wants to think had thought easy to do method she lets the small magpie sit on oneself .

    怎么送这个小宝宝回家呢,长颈鹿想啊 ,想到了一个好办法,她让小喜鹊坐在 自己头上。

  • Always think oneself is very strong but when the vulnerable to temporarily just discover oneself cannot dodge .

    以为自己很坚强,但当脆弱来临时,才发现 自己根本无法闪躲。

  • This not is think chasing him limits in the frame frame but wants to let him develop an own natural gift adequately thus and really perfect oneself .

    这并非是 把他限制在条条框框之中,而是 让他充分地发挥自己的天赋才能,从而真正地完善 自己

  • The writer think the character which promote form master emphasize to want from the thought liberation and promote oneself scholarship cultivated manners and management level ;

    笔者 认为提升班主任的素质,着重要从思想解放,提升 自身学识素养和管理水平;

  • To think exaltation reading comprehension ability want to be malicious to grasp a basic achievement first commit to memory a list a phrase extension oneself of vocabulary quantity .

    提高阅读理解能力,首先 狠抓基本功,熟记单词,扩大 自己的词汇量。

  • We are so conditioned by organized religion to think there is truth in it that we have come to believe that by calling oneself a Hindu one is somebody or one will find God .

    我们受到宗教的如此局限,因而我们相信称呼 我们 印度 ,我们就是获得了某种地位,就能够发现上帝。

  • Wisdom person reply : This is wisdom person with laic difference if you also think you are become wisdom person answer this question with respect to oneself !

    智者回答道:这就是智者与凡人的差别了,假如你 也想自己成为智者,就 自己回答这个问题吧!

  • A : I think the job of an interpreter is to convey messages as faithfully and neutrally as possible and not to attract attention to oneself .

    认为口译员的工作就是传递信息,而不是突出 自己