


  • Possible to conceive or imagine . Is white blackness thinkable ?

    可考虑的或 想像的。白的黑色是 想像的吗?

  • Other ways to whittle down banks are thinkable .

    另外一些削减银行的办法是 值得 考虑的。

  • It is possible to change the business rules on a daily basis which is not thinkable for a business process definition or a reusable service .

    它允许每天更改业务规则,而这对于业务流程定义或可重复服务是无法 想象的。

  • The innovation will be opened out from three basic aspects : concept strategy and operation form providing workable consultable and thinkable constructive scheme idea and thoughts for county - level TV & Radio Universities .

    这场变革将在观念、策略、操作形态三个基本层面上展开,为县市区电大提出了可实践、参照或 思索的建设性方案、意见和思路。

  • Unemployment has reached a level that would not have been thinkable ten years ago .

    失业问题已达到 严重地步,在十年前是 难以 想像的。

  • War between big powers would once again become thinkable .

    大国之间的战争将重新成为 可能

  • Is white blackness thinkable ?

    白的黑色是 想像的吗?

  • What is thinkable is also possible .


  • He had done everything thinkable to put things right .

    他已尽 可能 纠正错误

  • Plans that were not even thinkable . He is more interesting than I expected .

    简直无法 想像的计划他比我想像的还风趣。

  • Such an idea was scarcely thinkable ten years ago .

    十年前,这样的想法几乎是 难以 想像的。

  • It was thinkable that the razor blade might arrive concealed in his food if he were ever fed .

    即使 他送吃的来,不 想象 里面会藏着 刀片