thionyl chloride

[ˈθaɪəˌnɪl ˈklɔrˌaɪd][ˈθaiənil ˈklɔ:raid]


  • Actually our third but the second one we 're going to talk about in terms of formal charge which is thionyl chloride .

    实际上是第三个,但它是第二个,形式电荷的 例子,也就是 硫酰氯

  • Preparation and Application of Thionyl Chloride

    氯化 的制备及应用

  • Phosphorus pentachloride was replaced by thionyl chloride and N N-dimethyl formamide as chlorinating reagent in chlorination . The effect of reaction temperature and solvent on the yield of Z-isomer and E-isomer was investigated .

    氯代时以用 硫酰氯和N,N-二甲基甲酰胺的混合物代替五氯化磷作氯化剂,并考察了温度和溶剂对氯代产物中Z-异构体和E-异构体收率的影响。

  • One lithium / thionyl chloride battery will be used over eight years .

    通过 休眠 电的 方式 降低仪器 耗电 ,使用一支高容量锂/ 硫酰氯电池供电可以连续使用8年以上。

  • In situ FT-IR Spectroscopic Study of Electrochemical Reduction of Thionyl Chloride on Pt Electrode


  • The reaction of n n - bis ( 2 - hydroxyethyl ) - P - toluenesulfonamide with thionyl chloride

    N,N-二(2-羟乙基)对甲苯磺酰胺与 氯化 的反应

  • METHODS Ibuprofen piconol was prepared from Ibuprofen by reaction with thionyl chloride and then condensed with 2-pyridinemethanol .

    方法以布洛芬为起始原料,与 氯化 反应制成 酰氯后与2-吡啶甲醇缩合,制得布洛芬吡甲酯。

  • The Electrochemical Catalysis Behavior of Metal-Porphyrins for Thionyl Chloride Reduction

    金属卟啉配合物对 硫酰氯还原反应的电催化行为

  • Eight chiral a-bromo-carboxylic esters were synthesized by using thionyl chloride as a solvent and a reagent two of them are new compounds .


  • Research Status of Calcium Thionyl Chloride Cells

    国外/ 硫酰氯电池研究概况

  • A new technology of continuous preparing phosphorus oxychloride and thionyl chloride

    连续 联合制备 氯化 和三氯氧磷新工艺

  • The domestic production demand import and export of thionyl chloride are analyzed .

    分析了 氯化 国内生产、需求、进出口情况。

  • The 6-position hydroxyl group in sucrose was protected by the reaction of sucrose with triethyl orthoacetate . Sucralose was prepared by chlorinated sucrose 6-acetate with thionyl chloride / pyridine .

    采用蔗糖与原乙酸三乙酯的反应保护蔗糖6-位羟基, 硫酰氯/吡啶选择性氯化蔗糖6-乙酸酯制备三氯蔗糖。

  • The N of indole-3-propionic acid is protected by pivaloyl chloride and then thionyl chloride and aluminum chloride for acylation cyclization . 2 .

    用特戊酰氯对吲哚-3-丙酸上的N进行保护,然后用 氯化 和三氯化铝进行酰化反应关环。

  • In this paper two polyester liquid crystal ( butanediol ester liquid crystal and diethylene glycol ester liquid crystal ) were synthesized with methyl p-hydroxybenzoate 1 diethylene glycol terephthalic acid and thionyl chloride as materials through three steps .

    本文以对羟基苯甲酸甲酯、1丁二醇、一缩二乙二醇、对苯二甲酸与 氯化 为原料通过三步合成了丁二醇酯液晶与一缩二乙二醇酯液晶。

  • Production Application and Market Analysis of Thionyl Chloride at Home

    氯化 的生产应用及市场分析

  • Combined - production of Thionyl Chloride and Phosphorus Oxychloride

    联合法生产 氯化 和三氯氧磷

  • So again we should be able to check all of our formal charges and make sure they add up to0 which they do and that makes sense because we have a neutral atom in terms of thionyl chloride .

    因此同样地,我们可以检验一下,我们所有的形式电荷是否正确,确保它们加起来等于零,而它们确实是这样,这是合理的,因为 硫酰氯是一个中性原子。

  • So why don 't you tell me what the formal charge should be on the sulfur atom of thionyl chloride ?

    那么请大家来告诉我 硫酰氯中,的硫原子应该有多少形式电荷?

  • The progress of synthesis methods purification technologies of thionyl chloride and treatment of tail gas in its production at home and abroad is introduced and development situations of these technologies are reviewed .

    简要叙述了国内外 氯化 合成方法、提纯技术和尾气处理方面的技术进展情况, 年代 顺序介绍了各种技术的开发情况,并进行了简单评价。

  • Ethyl lactate was chlorinated by thionyl chloride and pyridine .

    以乳酸乙酯为原料,在吡啶作用下与 进行 代。

  • The function modification of carbon nanotubes has been obtained by mixed acid and thionyl chloride treatment spectral analysis present a contrast between treated CNTs and untreated ones .

    分别采用混酸和 氯化 处理,实现了对碳纳米管不同的官能化修饰,并对处理前后的碳纳米管进行了光谱分析。

  • So which atom would you expect to be in the center of a Lewis structure for thionyl chloride ?

    那么,大家认为那个原子应该在, 硫酰氯的路易斯结构的中心 位置呢?

  • Applications of thionyl chloride in pharmaceutical and pesticide sectors and application developments in organic synthesis reaction and ring formation reaction are introduced .

    介绍了 无机 精细 化工 产品 氯化 在医药、农药等工业领域的应用及其在有机合成反应、成环( 闭环)反应中的应用开发现状;

  • It is indicated that the overall technologies of thionyl chloride production should be improved in our country .

    提出我国尚需提高 氯化 生产 装置的整体科技水平。

  • This article Describes several productive methods application and market of thionyl chloride . The corresponding development suggestions are also put forward .

    介绍了 氯化 生产工艺、应用与市场,并对 氯化 今后的发展提出建议。

  • And the last example that we 're going to talk about is thionyl chloride so it 's s o c l2.This is another good step forward because now we actually have four different atoms in our molecule .

    我们要讨论的最后一个例子,是 氯化 ,就是硫,氧,氯,二,这又是一个进步,因为我们的分子中现在有四个不同的原子了。

  • Intermediate of ionic liquid with carbonyl group was synthesized with thionyl chloride N-ethyl imidazolium and chloroacetic acid and then reacted with cellulose to prepare ionization cellulose ester whose solubility was also examined .

    以N-乙基咪唑、氯乙酸和 氯化 为原料,合成带有酰氯基团的离子液体中间体,再与棉纤维酰氯酯化制备了离子化纤维素酯,并考察其溶解性能。

  • Ethyl succinyl chloride was synthesized with monoethyl succinate and thionyl chloride as raw materials .

    以丁二酸单乙酯和 氯化 为原料合成丁二酸单乙酯酰氯。

  • The behaviors of powder microelectrodes for irreversible reduction of oxygen and thionyl chloride were studied .

    在完全不可逆电极反应体系(氧和 硫酰氯还原)中研究了粉末微电极的行为。