


  • No produce in time thinness inbreeding and inferior cow and sheep have a large proportion in stock group it can 't correspond with the needs of society and with the benefits of input and output .

    不能适时出栏的、 差的、近亲繁殖的 个子牛和 疙瘩羊在畜群中占的比重很大,与社会需求和投入产出效益不相适应。

  • Increased prone to sickness and an inclination to extreme thinness or stoutness .

    易患病且偏向于极度 瘦弱或肥胖。

  • Perhaps he 's blaming their marketing and not the thinness of his characters .

    也许他 责怪市场,而不是他的内涵。

  • One way you can create this mental image of thinness is to find a photo of a person who has the kind of body you would like to have cut off the head and put your photo there instead .

    想象自己有好 身段的一个办法就是,如果某人的身材是你所希望拥有的,找到这个人的照片,把头剪掉,然后换上自己的。

  • The rate of thinness was 0 in sandwich method group and 24.2 % in underlay method ;

    夹层法组 鼓膜 菲薄率为0,内植法组 鼓膜 菲薄率为242%;

  • TFT-LCD TV has begun to occupy a large portion of the TV display market due to features including thinness light weight compactness and free setting .

    薄膜晶体管液晶电视(TFT-LCDTV)因为具有 、轻、紧凑和可随意放置的特点,已经占据了大部分电视机市场。

  • The transformers develop into the light weight thinness small size high power .

    变压器向着重量轻、 厚度 、体积小、功率大发展, 平面变压器进入高速发展 阶段

  • His Ci usually expresses a strong feeling that scholars arent appreciated by their king a sorrowful sense on grieving for autumn and shows the thinness and coldness cultural feature .

    作为第一位 专业的市民作家的柳永,他 善于 营构 凄冷哀婉的氛围,其词多抒发浓郁的 游子不遇情怀、悲秋感伤情绪,从而呈现出 冷的文化特征。

  • Our latest products can compete with the best of them in thinness battery life the quality of the screen and user experience .

    我们最新的产品在 厚度、待机时间、屏幕分辨率和用户体验方面都能和最优秀的产品一较高下。

  • Under the influence of seclusion the song lyrics have features of clear wildness sparse openness and empty thinness .

    生于宋代 特定 社会文化 土壤的隐逸精神的影响下,宋词形成了清旷、疏放、空 一脉 审美风貌。

  • Thinness can be pure vainglory .


  • The effects are felt not only in the thinness of the cream in industry senior management but also in the quality of leadership and mentoring in universities .

    这些影响不仅仅体现在行业高级管理 人才 缺乏,还 体现在大学的领导与 辅导质量方面。

  • She had no bust and her hips were as flat as little beau 's and as she had neither the pride nor the good sense to sew ruffles in the bosom of her Basque or pads on the back of her corsets her thinness was very obvious .

    她的 前胸不丰满,臀部和小腹一样平,再说她既不爱好也想不起来在衣服前襟上加个褶边,或在后腰上用点衬,因此越发显得瘦骨嶙峋。

  • A generation ago fat babies were considered healthy and buxom actresses were popular but society has since come to worship thinness ( Robert A.Hamilton )

    “在上一代,肥胖婴儿被认为是健康的,丰满的女演员受欢迎,但自那以后, 瘦削已变得更加为人们所称道了”(罗伯特 A。汉密尔顿)

  • High resistance values are a consequence of the thinness of the film .

    通过膜 厚度可得到高电阻值。

  • After 100 years develop of the popular 2D display technology it has made great success of thinness scale luminance contrast and response speed .

    而目前最为流行的平面显示技术在发展了一百年左右之后,技术也 日趋 成熟,在 轻薄 、屏幕大小、亮度、对比度和响应速度方面取得了非常大的成果。

  • The thinness of the cord carpet .

    灯心 绒布地毯

  • The online survey also found a link between perceptions of thinness among women and a country 's quality of life .

    此外,这项线上调查还发现,一国对于女性 纤瘦 外型的看法和这个国家的生活品质存在关系。

  • A client 's thinness bears a direct relationship to its cost because less capable systems are less expensive to produce .

    客户机的“ 胖瘦 程度与它的成本有直接关系,因为功能较弱的系统在成本方面要低一些。

  • The clinical symptoms were characterized by anaemia jaundice and thinness .

    在临床上表现出贫血、黄疸、 消瘦等明显特征。

  • The FB Series Component type has pursued flatness and thinness .

    在FB系列组件类型奉行平坦度和 薄型 12GF

  • Markets can overcome thinness the paper says ; they can also overcome illegality .

    文章指出,市场可以战胜不 景气,也可以克服非法性。

  • The main symptom of anorexia is a relentless pursuit of thinness by starving yourself .

    厌食的主要症状是饿自已以不断 消瘦

  • We must beware however of attributing this thinness exclusively to boston .

    虽如此,我们也不能把这种 贫乏完全归罪于波士顿。

  • The thinness of the wire was a great problem .


  • The incredible thinness of MacBook Air is the result of numerous size-and weight-shaving innovations .

    Macbook Aair难以置信的薄度是无数次尺寸和重量修整创新的成果。

  • There is a certain thinness in the air that I am not sure if I love or I hate .

    气氛有些 异样,我不敢肯定说我是喜欢这样,还是讨厌这样。

  • A combined analysis of the wrinkle resistance of costume fabrics is made taking wool fabric as an example . The effects of the fiber microstructure 、 fiber length and thinness on distortion-reversion properties are analyzed by quantitative analysis .

    提出服装面料耐皱外观的综合分析,以毛织物为实例,用定量分析的方法,分析了构成织物的纱线中的纤维微观结构及纤维长度、 细度对织物变形回复性能的影响。

  • Because of its thinness the mouth and eyes looked disproportionately large and the eyes seemed filled with a murderous unappeasable hatred of somebody or something .

    由于 瘦削,眼睛和嘴巴就大得不成比例,眼睛里似乎有一种对什么人或什么东西都怀有刻骨仇恨的恶狠狠神情。

  • It looked white thickness on borderline and thinness on central surface stretch to intima of IVC .

    隔膜呈白色,边缘 厚,中央 ,表面与 IVC内膜相连。