

  • Ecological Characters and Application of Thiobacillus Denitrificans

    脱氮 杆菌的生态特性及其应用

  • As a consequence this method was used to isolate the Sulfate-reducing bacteria and Thiobacillus denitrificans and pure strains of them were successfully obtained .

    并将之成功地运用于硫酸盐还原细菌(严格厌氧)和脱氮 杆菌(兼性厌氧)菌株的分离纯化。

  • The utilization of nitrogen and energy sources by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was investigated and the removal of sulfur from coal pyrite exposed to the air for different time was studied .

    对不同氮源、能源的利用,研究了空气中氧化不同时间的 煤系黄铁矿的脱硫情况。

  • This paper describes a new desulphurization process with Thiobacillus ferrooxidant .

    介绍一种 氧化亚铁 杆菌脱除SO2的新工艺。

  • In order to improve the leaching recovery of Tongkuangyu low-grade copper ores on the basis of acid leaching the bio-leaching process of the ores with thiobacillus ferrooxidana is studied .

    氧化亚铁 杆菌对铜矿峪矿低品位铜矿石进行生物氧化浸矿试验,从而在酸浸基础上进一步提高铜浸出率。

  • The thiobacillus ferrooxidants modified carbon powder microelectrode is prepared and using it the electrochemical mechanisms of the Fe 2 + oxidation are studied and the relatively dynamic parameters are measured .

    f菌修饰碳粉粉末微电极,应用细菌修饰粉末微电极系统研究了Fe2+在 T.f菌存在时氧化的电化学反应机理,并测定了相应的电极过程动力学参数。

  • The control of oxidation of pyrite inoculated with thiobacillus ferrooxidans under the conditions of the wetted and the dried by organic salt coating at30 ℃ was conducted .

    于30℃时研究了有机盐包膜对湿润和干燥条件下经接 氧化亚铁 杆菌的黄铁矿氧化的控制作用。

  • Polarization curve results indicated that the presence of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans resulted in higher corrosion potential of the electrode and obviously accelerated the corrosion current density .

    极化曲线测试结果表明,细菌的存在使浸泡20天后 A3钢电极的自腐蚀电位升高,腐蚀电流密度增大。

  • Bacterial leaching of copper-bearing pyrite is studied by use of thiobacillus ferrooxidans .

    采用 氧化亚铁 杆菌对含铜硫铁矿进行生物氧化研究。

  • Characteristics of Thiobacillus denitrificans and the effect on the growth of SRB

    脱氮 杆菌生长特性及其对SRB生长的影响

  • Activity of Thiobacillus in Recycle Chromium in Tannery Sludge by Biological Method

    生物法回收制革污泥中铬时 杆菌活性的研究

  • It was found that there were sulfate reducing bacteria ( SRB ) and iron bacteria ( IB ) and a little Thiobacillus in these samples .

    结果表明,这些样品中都含有硫酸盐还原菌(sulfatereducingbacteria,SRB)、铁细菌(IronBacteria,IB)及少量 杆菌

  • Isolation and culture of Thiobacillus denitrificans derived from different environments and their capacities of removing nitrate

    不同环境中脱氮 杆菌的分离、培养及其去除硝酸盐的研究

  • Furthermore if it is substantiated that element sulphur exists in organic sulphur of coal chemoautotrophic Thiobacillus will be used to remove the fraction of organic sulphur in coal .

    此外,如研究证实元素硫为超高硫煤中有机相硫的一部分,化能自养型 杆菌也将能用于脱除煤中该部分有机硫。

  • Design and Assessment of Species-specific Primer and Probe for Thiobacillus denitrificans

    脱氮 杆菌特异引物/探针的设计和评价

  • Thiobacillus ferrooxidans has an extraordinary impact on economy and society of industry and environment .

    氧化亚铁 杆菌在工业和环保领域具有重要的经济和社会意义。

  • Acidophilic thiobacillus for biological chromium removal was a simple high efficient and economical process which realized a new technology for innocuous treatment of tannery sludge .

    利用嗜酸性 杆菌除铬是一种简单、高效、经济地实现了制革污泥无害化的新兴技术。

  • Study on Flue Gas Desulfurization with Thiobacillus Ferrooxidans ; Isolation Identification and Characteristics of a High-efficiency Bacterial Strain for Desulfurization and Ammonia Nitrogen Removal

    氧化亚铁 杆菌脱除烟气中SO2的研究高效脱硫脱氨氮菌株的分离、鉴定及特性研究

  • The effects of energy conditions concentration of cells inoculated nitrogen-nutrients and acid-washing pretreatment of coal on desulfurization of coal using the bacterium thiobacillus ferrooxidants were studied .

    对能源条件、细菌接种量、氮素营养和酸预 浸洗煤样等影响微生物煤脱硫的因素进行了研究。

  • The Research Development of Biological Characteristics and Application of Thiobacillus Denitrificans

    脱氮 杆菌的生物学特性及应用研究进展

  • The effects of temperature and pH on oxidation of Fe 2 + were investigated by applying self-collected thiobacillus ferrooxidans ( Tf ) instead of hydrogen peroxide as oxidant to oxidize and absorb Fe 2 + in tailing water .

    采用自行采集的 氧化亚铁 杆菌(Tf)应用于地浸矿山代替双氧水作氧化剂氧化吸附尾液中的Fe2+,研究了温度、pH值对其氧化Fe2+的影响。

  • Bioleaching of heavy metals from thickened wastewater sludge with different substrates was studied with indigenous Thiobacillus isolated from native sludge and enriched by selected mediums .

    通过 接种经驯化分离和富集培养的污泥 固有 杆菌,在不同底物条件下对浓缩污泥中的重金属进行生物淋滤处理,并对污泥中重金属的 滤除 酸化过程进行探讨。

  • First we study the fostering separation and characteristic of Thiobacillus ferroxidans .

    首先研究了 菌体的培养、分离及其特性。

  • In addition the distinction between sulfuric acid corrosion and thiobacillus corrosion is explained .

    介绍了 混凝土硫酸 杆菌腐蚀与 化学 硫酸腐蚀的区别。

  • Through the solid-liquid separation to achieve the purpose of removing heavy metals sludge bioleaching mainly used Thiobacillus to oxidize the sludge of insoluble metal sulfides to metal sulfate stripping directly or indirectly .

    污泥生物淋滤法主要利用 杆菌 将污泥中难溶性金属硫化物直接或间接氧化成金属硫酸盐溶出,通过固液分离达到去除重金属的目的。

  • The results showed that aerobic strain was classified as Thiobacillus and anaerobic strain as Desulfotomaculum .

    实验结果表明:好氧菌为 杆菌 ,厌氧菌为脱硫肠杆菌属。

  • Because there is a higher concentration of sulfur in three samples so we also detected thiobacillus .

    由于三个样品中都还有较高浓度的硫,因此也检测出了 杆菌

  • The research of thiobacillus corrosion on concrete can be roughly divided into two groups : bacteria simulation tests and exposure tests in situ .

    针对混凝土 硫酸 杆菌腐蚀的研究方法分为细菌模拟测试和现场暴露测试。

  • The microwave radiation mutation of the thiobacillus ferrooxidans called T.

    研究微波辐照诱变 氧化铁 杆菌T。