think nothing of

[θɪŋk ˈnʌθɪŋ ʌv][θiŋk ˈnʌθiŋ ɔv]


  • Most of us think nothing of sitting in front of an office computer all day our fingers dancing across a substandard keyboard that we would never think of replacing for a better one .

    我们大多数 对于 整天坐在电脑前办公已经习以为常,我们日常用的键盘很可能质量不佳,但我们却从没想过要换个更好的。

  • Cocker spaniel were originally bred as hunting dogs who would think nothing of gobbling up a tiny bird as a tasty snack .

    可卡犬最初是被培育成猎犬,这种品种的犬从不会 吞食一 小鸟当做美餐当一回事。

  • When you do not know that another is deprived then it is easier to hoard and think nothing of it .

    当你并不知道另一个人正遭受剥夺时,那么就很容易自我囤积而 在意

  • Think nothing of it . I know that you didn 't mean it .

    别去 了。我知道你不是故意的。

  • I think nothing of this man .

    这个人我是 瞧不起的。

  • She could think of nothing but of Mr. Wickham and of what he had told her all the way home ; but there was not time for her even to mention his name as they went for neither Lydia nor Mr. Collins were once silent .

    她在回家的路上 一心想到韦翰先生,想到他跟她说过的那些话,可是一路上丽迪雅和柯林斯先生全没有住过嘴,因此她连提到他名字的机会也没有。

  • Maybe my photos lack the magnificence delicate make-up and gorgeous dresses of studios but I think nothing is comparable to the beauty of human emotions in a real life scenario he said .

    “也许我的照片缺乏在工作室里完成细腻的化妆及华丽的衣服,但我 觉得 没有 什么比得上在真实的生活场景的人类情感的美丽,”他说。

  • He remembered her as a girl before her marriage when she would dance with the best all night after a hard day 's work at the laundry and think nothing of leaving the dance to go to another day 's hard work .

    他还记得她做姑娘的时候。那时她还没有结婚,在洗衣店系了一天还要跟最好的小伙子通宵跳舞, 根本 把跳完舞还要上班子一整天重活放在心上。

  • Of course not ! Think nothing of it .

    当然不介意,这 什么

  • Just think we 're nothing but masses of molecules .

    ,我们 不过是一堆堆的分子。

  • I think nothing of running ten miles .

    认为跑上10英里 不了 什么

  • And I think you 're nothing short of amazing .

    当然你不会有 任何 关于这点的 其他 看法

  • He thought I would think nothing of it .

    我会 在意

  • Well ! thought Alice to herself after such a fall as this I shall think nothing of tumbling down stairs !

    好啊,爱丽丝想,经过了这次锻炼,我从楼梯上滚下来就不 回事

  • People who think nothing of entering passwords balk at the idea of having their eyeballs scanned .

    那些 输入口令不当作 一码事的人会排斥对其眼球进行扫描的想法。

  • At first glance you might think these pictures are of people dozing at home in their beds or on their sofas and think nothing of it .

    乍看之下,你可能以为照片里的这些人是在家里的床上或沙发上打瞌睡, 什么大不了。

  • Let those who think nothing of wasting time remember this .

    那些 浪费时间 在意的人该记住这一点。

  • I think nothing of that . I 'll date her out . I feel she likes me too .

    不管 ,我要和她约会,我觉得她也喜欢我。

  • They think nothing of laying out $ 5 for a wheatgrass muff much less $ 500 for some alternative rejuvenation at the day-spa-but don 't talk about raising their taxes .

    他们 觉得花5美元买一副草编手套 什么,而花500美元去享受一次日间时尚水疗这样的另类休闲就更不在话下了&但千万别跟他们说增税的事儿。

  • Romeo could think of nothing but Rosaline niece of the head of the Capulets for he was deeply in love .

    一心只 想着 卡布利特家族大家长的侄女罗莎琳,因为他深爱着她。

  • Hong Kong is the canary in the coal mine for those who think that nothing will challenge the reserve status of the US dollar for many years says one senior Fed official .

    而且,据一位美联储高级官员表示,对于那些 认为未来多年 没有 什么能够挑战美元储备货币地位的人来说,香港还是未来汇率走势的预警器。

  • I heard him say that but I decided to think nothing of it .

    我听他说了那 ,但我 在意

  • They don 't know that people in some places think nothing of staring at others on the street .

    他们不知道有些地方的人 并不 觉得在街上盯着他人看有 什么 不妥

  • I think nothing pretty much gets in the way of my tennis .


  • He said I should think nothing of it .

    他说我 应该 在意

  • I think nothing of that old table .

    认为那张旧桌子 毫无 价值

  • He made an effort to think of nothing but the problem of keeping the jeep on a straight course .

    他竭力控制自己 思索,集中精力让吉普沿笔直方向行驶。

  • To think of his having heard nothing of the matter !

    想想 ,他 这件 一无所闻