


  • The method was suitable for the determination of thimerosal residues in foods of animal origin .

    该法适用于动物源性食品中 残留量的测定。

  • The results showed that 54.57 % of cases had positivity reactions . Positive rates were 54.12 % and 55 . 19 % respectively in 1992 and 1993 . The most common allergen were aromatic mixture followed by thimerosal nickel sulphate colophony paraphenylenediamine etc.

    1992年及1993年斑试阳性率分为别为54.12%及55.19%。筛选系列抗原均以芳香混合物、 、硫酸镍、松香、对苯二胺阳性率为最高。

  • But thimerosal was removed from most vaccines in1999 and autism rates are still rising .

    但是, 在1999年就从疫苗中除去了, ,孤独症率仍在上升。

  • I was shocked by him because after disinfection there would be little amount of thimerosal left if drinking the water immediately that was not healthy .

    饮水 消毒完毕后, 可想而知还有可能残留微量的消毒液,这样马上饮用是十分不健康的。

  • Since the1930s Thimerosal has been widely used as a preservative in a number of biologics and drug products .

    自1930年以来,在许多生物制品和药品中使用 作为防腐剂。

  • The Safety Issue of Biological Products Containing Thimerosal

    含硫 成分生物制品的安全问题

  • Objective To establish a quantitative analysis of ethylparaben and thimerosal in Chloramphenical Eye Drops by HPLC .

    目的建立测定氯霉素滴眼液中常用抑菌剂羟苯乙酯、 的HPLC含量测定方法。