third reich


  • They share with all the leaders of the Third Reich responsibility for the most malignant the most calculated the most devastating crimes in the history of all mankind .

    他们和 帝国的领导者是 同谋,对人类有史以来最邪恶、有预谋的、最具破坏性的恶行有不可 推卸的责任。

  • The Third Reich survived the death of its founder by seven days .


  • Naturally tailors and tailoring factories also made civilian clothing and these seven books include pictures and details of all the latest Third Reich fashions and patterns for how to make them .

    当然,裁缝和裁缝工厂也平民服装,而这7个图书包括图片和图案细节所有最新的 帝国的时装和如何使它们。

  • Third Reich would win .

    德意志 帝国会赢。

  • The last days of the Third Reich had come .

    帝国 末日已经来到。

  • But without Adolf Hitler there almost certainly would never have been a Third Reich .

    然而如果没有阿道夫·希特勒,那就几乎可以肯定不会有第 帝国

  • The price was high . These musicians were charged after the Third Reich collapsed .

    这种代价是严重的,在 帝国 梦想破灭之后,他们都受到 法庭起诉。

  • The ever-invincible Third Reich .

    曾经所向披靡的 帝国

  • The Third Reich ie Germany under the Nazi regime ( 1933-1945 )


  • The official emblem of the Nazi Party and the German Third Reich .

    纳粹党和德意志第 帝国的正式徽章。

  • These men together with their deceased or fugitive colleagues are the embodiment of what passed for justice during the Third Reich .

    这些被告,和他们死掉或逃亡同事都是 帝国的正义的化身。

  • The Third Reich is not your enemy .


  • Executed for saying things against the third reich .

    被捕是因为说了 不忠 帝国的话。

  • These diehard Nazis went all out to serve their Third Reich .

    这些死心塌地的纳粹分子为他们的 帝国 效命

  • But the Third Reich had passed into history .

    但是第 帝国 成了历史陈迹。

  • The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich ; A History of Nazi Germany

    帝国 兴亡:纳粹德国史

  • They belong to the Third Reich and to the Fuehrer and if these two cease to exist there can be no further place for them .

    他们是属于第 帝国和元首的,如果 帝国和元首不存在了,他们也就没有别的地方容身了。

  • But in the spring of 1945 the Third Reich simply ceased to exist .

    但是1945年春天, 帝国 完全不存在了。

  • Bloodlands has aroused fierce criticism from those who believe that the Soviet Union for all its flaws cannot be compared to the Third Reich which pioneered ethnic genocide .

    “血染之地”已经激起了一些人的激烈批评,这些人认为苏联即使有千般缺点,也比不上 帝国的罪恶,后者是种族屠杀的先锋。

  • Did it not know the intentions of the third reich ?

    难道他们不知道 帝国 决心

  • He would personally take over the defense of the capital of the Third Reich .

    他要亲自负责保卫 帝国首都。

  • They decided to establish a plan for continuing the dream of the Third Reich despite the war .

    他们决定建立一个计划,来继续对 帝国的梦想。

  • Tomorrow I will visit Buchenwald which was part of a network of camps where Jews were enslaved tortured shot and gassed to death by the Third Reich .

    明天我将访问布赫瓦尔德集中营,它是犹太人被 帝国奴役、折磨、射杀和关毒气室屠杀的众多集中营里的一个。

  • You can have the qualifications to call himself a student at Peking university . ( applause . ) I in the north to read the first book is rise and fall of the Third Reich and read three times .

    你才能够有资格把自己叫做北大的学生。(掌声)所以我在北大读的第一本书就是《 帝国 兴亡》,而且读了三遍。

  • Of having been officers of the finest corps of the third reich .

    因为我们是 帝国 最后的军官。

  • They embraced the ideologies of the Third Reich as educated adults when they most of all should have valued justice .

    作为成年人,他们在应该珍视正义的时候,拥抱了 帝国的意识形态。